Don't call me evil god

Chapter 96 The Beginning of Destiny

At this moment, thousands of Nowen believers in the lower city of Green Harbor seemed to have pressed the pause button at the same time.

Because this time, the scope of Nowen's oracle is all mortals who have established faith in him!

Laborers working with their heads down in the workshop;

Clerks hawking in street shops;

Stonemasons busy piling bricks;

Apprentices who bow their heads and are scolded by their masters;

Coolies carrying goods on the dock;

And professionals who have just distributed the spoils.

People of different ages, genders, and professions all stopped their actions and read this sudden oracle!

[The stars ushered in their long-awaited return, and the whispers of prophecy shuttled through the kingdom of God, like the whispers of the gods of the old days. The wheel of destiny turned again, and the altar of creation was about to be awakened by the ancient existence! ]

[The great god of knowledge has seen the truth of all things in the world. This is a legend belonging to mortals, a call of mission! 】

【Go to the legendary Creation Altar and kick off a new era! 】

【Main quest objective: Find the Creation Altar】

【Main quest completion reward: Title "The Revealer of the Destiny Era"】

After reading the complete oracle, 99% of the believers had only two words to say:


The oracle information directly transmitted into the mind, even if illiterate, can understand the meaning, but... every sentence can be understood, but the final meaning expressed makes everyone very confused.

The task given by the God of Knowledge should be that the believers need to find something or a place called the Creation Altar.

But no one has a clue!

This is not like the activity of cleaning up the Blood Fang Gang, which has clear indicators. As long as the members of the Blood Fang Gang are eliminated or their crimes are prevented, rewards can be obtained. The ultimate goal is to nip the outbreak of the evil god threat in the bud.

The task requirements this time are just six lonely words:

"Find the Creation Altar".

No hints, no clues, no guidance.

Even Pete, who always claimed to have the best interpretation of the oracle of the God of Knowledge, had no clear idea.

The believers who had just distributed the spoils looked at each other in bewilderment.

"The Altar of Creation? Has anyone heard of it?"

"No!" Everyone shook their heads like rattles.

Brandon, who was sturdy, stood there straight, thinking hard for a long time, and suddenly said excitedly: "I heard from the bards that a legendary adventurer once went alone for 7 days and 7 nights to the depths of the Twilight Wasteland and destroyed an evil god altar."

"The Altar of Creation - could it be another name for an evil god altar?"

"Should we ask the bards? Aren't they knowledgeable?"

Pate adjusted the headband he had just put on, smiled bitterly and rolled his eyes: "Are you sure the stories those bards told in the tavern are true!"

"I remember hearing a drunk bard tell a story about the cardinal of the Church of the God of Light and two little boys."

"Do you think this can be true?"

Rena, who was listening to Pete attentively, and Miranda, who was not far away, both opened their eyes wide.

They didn't understand, but were shocked!

It is worth mentioning that the headband that Pete wore was the one that Brandon had picked up after the conflict with the ogre Doom at the Rolling Bolt Workshop.

When the loot was auctioned, Brandon felt that if Pete had not brought people to support them, they might not be able to deal with Evan and his men, so he decided that this headband of wisdom was also a common loot for everyone.

The divine arts gave a score of 317, which was the most valuable of all the loot.

Pete could not afford so many points for the time being, so he rented it and paid a high price of 100 knowledge points to obtain the right to use the headband of wisdom during this period.

"In short, the truth of what the bard said cannot be confirmed at all. What if they tell you that the Altar of Creation is in the Northern Kingdom at the northernmost end of the continent, do you still plan to run directly from the southernmost end of the continent to the northernmost end?"

After complaining about Brandon, Pete proposed a fairly reliable idea.

"That's right. Gale and I will go to the upper city to exchange gold coins for change."

"Let's go back to the library of Carron College and look for clues about the Creation Altar."

"But I think the hope is slim. Judging from the oracle of the Lord, this thing may not be found by us in a short time."

Miranda also raised her hand and enthusiastically provided ideas:

"I will go back to the upper city with you."

"There are also books and materials in the church. I will see if there are any relevant clues."

"Or should I ask Mr. Bahamut?"

Under Gale's temptation, Miranda finally tried to recite the prayer and established her faith in Norwen. Therefore, she has now joined the team that was temporarily formed to eliminate the Blood Fang Gang.

Pet glanced at Miranda with complicated eyes.

What's wrong with this girl?

Pete's first impression of Miranda was that of a young Crusader priest who hated evil and was kind-hearted;

Why now, as he got to know her better, he felt that this silly kid seemed a bit naive?

After the conversation outside the Crimson Mercenary Base, Pete could see that Bahamut must be someone extraordinary, and he was elusive. Only he took the initiative to find others, and no one else could find him.

How could Miranda still hope to go to Bahamut for clues?

Whether they are willing to show up or not is still a question!

"Forget it, you...if you have a way, just try it. It's a good thing if you can get clues. It doesn't matter if you can't find anything." Pett couldn't bear to dampen the other party's enthusiasm.

Although the [main mission] conveyed in the oracle seems to be very important, everyone has no clue now, and it is possible that they have spent a lot of time and energy but made no substantial progress.

"Our most important task right now is to eliminate the Blood Fang Gang."

After killing three boss-level members in a row, the outbreak progress of the evil god threat has been reduced back to 35%, which is considered a very safe number.

However, more than half of the duration of this "limited event" has passed today, with only the last 7 days left.

After getting to know Miranda, Peter had figured out why the God of Knowledge had given the so-called time limit in the first place.

This also made him couldn't help but sigh:

"As expected of the legendary god who knows the truth about the operation of all things, he can predict things to such an extent."

This duration may not be a countdown to warn them of the evil god's threat, but a reminder that if the problem cannot be solved within the remaining time, Miranda will report the Bloodfang Gang's contamination by the evil god to the Crusaders. They have no part in this matter!

Thanks to: Xiao Sijun, Qian An Yuebei, and a folded-eared cat for their support of 100 starting coins! Thank you to the three big guys. I wish them all the best to get rich every day and never die!

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