Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 259 Lan Qi comes to the Imperial Capital

The imperial capital Herrom.

The light of the building complex supported the deep twilight of this fortress city-state of the Protos Empire.

This giant city seems isolated from the world. From a distance, the towering and solid barrier seems to be integrated with the sky and the ground. The edge architectural style made of hard stone and cold metal makes this city full of the precipitation of the times. feel.

At the magic train station on the edge of the city, even at ten o'clock at night, there are still many passengers coming and going on the concourse level, shuttling through the wide passage between the platform and the concourse.

In the distance, a train entered the station, and the sharp screams caused by the friction between the wheels and the rails echoed on the empty track. The lights in the carriage shone through the windows onto the platform in the moonlight.

This is a classically decorated train with many traces of modern transformation. Its surface is covered with subtle runes, which gradually shine as it approaches the station, echoing the protective barrier of the station.

inside the carriage.

"Have you finally arrived in the imperial capital?"

Zestila and Lanqi waited briefly at the door.

Even before the doors open, you can hear the music echoing on the platform level.

"It's so annoying again..."

Zestila frowned slightly and murmured.

Lan Qi could hear clearly even standing nearby.

As if it is the background sound of the city of Herrom, in order to present the rich history of Herrom and the noble lineage of the powerful people, the main theme uses a large-scale symphony, including majestic brass instruments and religious string instruments. It is solemn and mysterious at the same time calm and lonely, perhaps because of the geographical location and climate in the north. There are fierce and tense passages in the key changes. The organ and the treble part of the ever-increasing scale reveal a sense of urgency that the war will never end. .

The melody becomes faster when it goes down, and slows down when it goes up again. The brass horn and trombone are superimposed. The treble part is the weakest when the bass part is the strongest. After the back and forth cycle, the brain is deceived. It forms an illusion that the pitch is rising infinitely, without knowing when it will fall.

Only hope and relief cannot be heard.

It's like the heavy history of the Demonic Holy War has been engraved in the bone marrow, and there are no soft melodies and harmonious harmonies from beginning to end.

Even now, it essentially contains a repulsive attitude towards demons.

"I kind of understand why you find this music annoying."

Lan Qi stared out of the car door glass, thoughtfully.


Zestila said nothing.

She knew that Lan Qi was a magician scholar, so he might have some experience in the production of artistic magic props, musical magic, and the like.

The musical dissonance made her slightly uncomfortable, but this was not the root cause. Humans who grew up in the peaceful Southern Continent would not be able to empathize with it.

Until it gradually came to a stop, the door slowly opened, a light transparent mist floated out of the interior of the car, and the residual heat released by the stabilizing regulator gradually dissipated.

In the music that filled the station, Lan Qi followed Zestila as he stepped out of the car door. A transparent mirror screen first came into view. It captured the expressions of passengers who had just arrived in the imperial capital, retained them for a few seconds, and then disappeared. .

"It is the station's tradition to record and detect the identity of every passenger arriving in the imperial capital."

Zestila said from the side, telling him not to worry.

If there is camouflage magic on the body, the prototype will be reflected just now, and then immediately arrested by the police of the Imperial City.

"What's this down there?"

The two walked on the platform paved with gray stone. The road was lit up from time to time, giving off a blue sheen, causing small ripples to spread under their feet, as if they were stepping on the sea.

Lan Qi understood that this was not an offensive technique, so he stepped on it.

"If you don't have legal documents from the empire, it will be difficult to move around here."

Zestila explained.

Although she usually wouldn't communicate with anyone unless necessary, she was used to patiently answering Lan Qi's questions.

Because this ignorant and fragile young man needs her.

After passing a series of complex security checks and checkpoints, the two walked through the station and arrived at the fortress boundary of the imperial capital.

On the skyline of Helrom, brightly lit skyscrapers, ancient churches and floating architectural structures from another dimension coexist. The night sky is not only dark blue, but also occasionally shows golden fireflies, as if reflecting the city. of mirror.

This is a city full of magical miracles. Due to the catastrophic accident caused by the Holy War a hundred years ago, Herom left many changes beyond the physical level and even spread to culture, society and law.

In Helrom City, humans and all kinds of hybrids live together, full of uncertainties. You may see floating sky gardens in the gaps between high-rise buildings, or run out of control on underground magic energy tracks. The escaped alchemy beast, the store has everything from ancient formula potions to advanced magic tools.

Although some areas of the city-state where those with great power and empire are known as absolute order exist, chaos, crime, and violence often occur far away from where they are.

"Stay with me and hostile looks will become your daily routine."

Zestila said to Lanqi as she walked on the road to Protos Royal Academy.

The school is not far from the station and can be reached on foot.

"By the way, when we get to school, will there be people who will come to make trouble for you?"

In fact, Lan Qi has discovered that people's eyes are a bit dazzling along the way, not only the residents, but also the guards. There are almost no good intentions. Zestila looks too much like a pure-blood demon.

"for example?"

"For example, you are reading a book by yourself in school, and suddenly a young marquis appears and mocks you."

Lan Qi combined reality and gave an example of Ikerita Feng.

"Then I'll slap him in the face."

Zestila looked up at Lanqi as a matter of course and replied.

"Good boy."

Lan Qi approved.

In terms of the culture of the demon world, this is already quite etiquette.

Since she wants to be a demon, she shouldn't be judged by human standards. Lan Qi has always been a teacher who respects the individuality of students.

"But that shouldn't happen. The guy who really wants your life in this school will hardly talk to you. He might even try to become your reliable ally first."

Zestila said.

Although she didn't expect Lan Qi to approve of her, the nobles Lan Qi mentioned were too handsome.

"for example?"

Lan Qi also needed Zestila to give an example.

"For example, at the end of this month's major exam for preparatory students and at the beginning of next month's Shadow World challenge, most of those who want to be on my team have bad intentions."

Zestila replied indifferently.

"Zestila, how do you know about other people's attitudes?"

Lan Qi didn't think Zestila had a persecution delusion, and her words were very certain.

"I can feel hostility and kindness to a certain extent. You are very special, just like a blank sheet of paper."

She looked at Lan Qi again and said.

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