Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 539 Rocky McCarthy is calling

Luncheons between the Pollant royal family and the Prime Minister were not a regular ritual in the Empire, but they were one of the informal forms of meeting in the constitutional democracy of the Pollant Empire.

Private lunches provided an informal setting where the emperor and prime minister could discuss imperial matters and policy issues in a more relaxed atmosphere.

In the constitutional system of the Pollant Empire, the current emperor, Queen Kesia, plays an important ceremonial role, while the actual administrative power is mainly concentrated in the hands of the prime minister and his parliament.

Despite this, Empress Ceshia retained a deep interest and influence in state affairs.

It was part of the political tradition of the Pollant Empire that the Prime Minister report regularly to the Emperor on government affairs.

The royal capital of Pollant, Salem Palace.

Originally built as a large city-state residence for a certain duke, it was later acquired by the royal family and gradually expanded into the current palace.

Lan Qi's steps echoed in the palace.

He walked forward slowly and slowly under the steward's guidance.

Today the building is not only the residence of the monarchs of the Polante Empire, but also a symbol of the Polante national identity and royal tradition.

After Ranchi left the Capitol, he was sent by his secretary to the Salem Palace to meet with the Queen.

It's lunch time now.

Soon, he came to a gorgeous restaurant, filled with the light fragrance of classical furniture. The tall windows brought soft natural light, reflecting on the royal tablecloths and silverware.

"Sir Wilford, please sit down."

After Queen Kesia noticed Lan Qi, she stretched out her hand to indicate to him.

Her posture seemed dignified, noble and cold.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Keshia."

Lan Qi sat on the other side of the long table and looked up.

There is a kind of humility in the behavior of the young queen opposite. Her long, satin-like brown hair is braided in complex knots and inlaid with shining gems and pearls. Her eyes are bright and the bright blue looks witty and bright. Be insightful.

But she seemed slightly nervous and cautious.

There was silence between the two people for a long time.

It's like waiting for the waiter to deliver today's lunch, and also like thinking.

Except for the appointment ceremony of the Prime Minister, the two of them had little interaction before.

Today is the first lunch between them.

In theory, such lunches or similar private meetings provide a platform for the Queen and the Prime Minister to exchange views. On this occasion, the Prime Minister can introduce to the Emperor the policy direction of the House of Representatives, the development of major domestic and international events, and the possible challenges that may be faced. Challenges and decision-making considerations are also an important channel for the emperor to understand government affairs operations and national conditions, so usually the prime minister should speak first.

In addition, this kind of meeting also helps to maintain the personal relationship between the emperor and the prime minister and maintain smooth communication between the chamber and the royal family. Although Queen Kesia does not directly participate in political decision-making, as a symbol of the country and a symbol of unity, A good relationship with the ruling Prime Minister is of great significance to the stability of the country and the trust of the people.

The problem is that Queen Kesia still has a hard time agreeing with the selection of Wilford as prime minister.

In her eyes, Wilford is an unpredictable man with a shady past, a wavering attitude, and many people around her call him a madman.

But except for him, no one dares to take on such an important task at this time.

"By the way, Your Majesty Keshia, are you hungry now?"

Lan Qi suddenly asked.

This question stunned Queen Kesia.

The cat boss in Lan Qi's shadow was also stunned.

Do you treat all girls as Tata?

Hey, this is the Queen, why don't you change the topic of conversation when chatting with her?

"Mr. Wilford, aren't you hungry yet?"

Queen Kesia thought about the other party's motives for a while and asked back.

"No, I'm looking forward to having lunch with Her Majesty the Queen as soon as possible. The morning's work has already made me dizzy from exhaustion."

Lan Qi shook his head and showed a tired smile.

"I just think that Your Majesty doesn't like chatting while eating. If I don't chat with you now, we may be silent throughout the entire lunch."

Sometimes asking a question that has nothing to do with the important matter at hand can lighten the atmosphere and divert the other person's attention.

Especially useful for a certain woman.


Queen Keshia nodded.

She is indeed not the type who likes to talk while eating, and Wilford seems to be used to it. If you agree on this in advance, there will be no embarrassment when both parties eat quietly later.

"Actually, I think Your Majesty should know quite a lot about the situation of the Paulante Empire. I will not repeat a lot of boring information that you already know. If you have anything curious, please feel free to ask me. , I will answer everything I know."

Lan Qi saw that the Queen's posture became slightly more comfortable and continued to speak slowly.


Queen Keshia nodded silently and looked at the other party,

"Sir Wilford, if not as an ally, but as a friend, you are more approachable than I thought."

The lunch, which was originally expected to be more like an arduous ordeal, became much more relaxed. She could either say nothing or just talk about the topics she wanted to talk about.

Finally she had a moment to carefully observe the black-haired, green-eyed man sitting opposite.

However, what she didn't expect was that the man she feared seemed to be equally in awe of her.

Although he wore a neat suit and maintained respect and courtesy on the outside, his eyes still showed humility and sincerity. It was obvious that he attached great importance to this private meeting.

"If possible, I hope I never have to use my talents. The best Paulant Empire is the Paulant Empire that doesn't need me."

Lan Qi said frankly.

"Do you know? The conservatives now regret electing you as the new prime minister because of your speech this morning."

Keshia could see that unlike most of the empire's dignitaries, he had a sense of responsibility but no ambition. This may be why he was hated and ostracized by some people.

Of course, many people have also expected this. Once Wilford helps them overcome the difficulties of the empire, they will not be obsessed with the power in their hands and will soon remove him.

"But expressing my true thoughts is imperative."

Lan Qi replied firmly.

"You should not mislead the public."

Queen Keshia originally did not plan to change the subject in this meeting, which might cause them to break up, but now she feels that Wilford is not a man without courage, and there are some things that she should talk to him more openly. .

She was referring to the fact that Lan Qi did not disclose to the public that the Horning Empire had officially attacked the northern border of the neighboring Kingdom of Bliss last night. Instead, he said that once the Horning Empire began to threaten them, the Paulante Empire would use all its strength. Counterattack, the claws of the Horning Empire will never be allowed to penetrate into the land that their ancestors of the Pollant Empire have protected for generations.

"But this can inspire people's hearts and arouse everyone's will to resist. We cannot surrender without fighting."

Lan Qi lowered his tone by half and said to Queen Kesia.


Queen Kesia, who originally planned to continue questioning him, felt as if her words were stuck in her throat.

She saw that Sir Wilford was clearly saying the toughest words, but he was acting like a child who had admitted his mistake. This made Queen Kessia feel heartbroken, this unspeakable humility of being alone and supporting the beam.

If I still blame him now, it will obviously make it more difficult for him.

After thinking about it carefully, what he said did make sense, but he basically insisted on being prepared to resist vigorously.

"Sorry, Sir Wilford, I didn't consider your situation."

She looked at Lan Qi's tired eyes, feeling guilty.

Cat boss: "???"

In just a few minutes, it could no longer see Keshia's initial wariness towards Lan Qi.

In turn, the other party began to want to get closer to him.

Without Hyperion, he began to express himself freely. He might not have recovered half of his peak skills in the Northern Continent!

Third update today, there are two more chapters to come

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