Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 665 Mr. Lanqi, you are arrested

When the mad Lissancy suddenly stopped her screams, seemed to return to normal and fell down on the cold street, the surrounding air became silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a low murmur broke out in the street.

People exchanged puzzled looks.

"What happened just now?"

"Is she cursed? Can she ever return to normal?"

Such questions spread among the crowd, all trying to understand this sudden change.

At the same time, the execution troops who were just about to intervene to deal with the crazy cursed demons also hesitated.

The weapons in their hands were not completely put down, and they communicated with their eyes. Finally, everyone's eyes were focused on the executioner, Master Chief Nigel, waiting for him to make a decision.

At this moment, the whole street fell into a strange silence, everyone was waiting for instructions or explanations.

The executioner, Sergeant Major Nigel, stood in the cold wind blowing through the long street at night. His eyes turned from Lissance lying on the ground, to the gathered crowd, to Lanci and Talia, with complex and difficult expressions on his face. fathom.

In his mind, hesitation and struggle were like two currents pulling against each other.

On the one hand, as an officer under the Duke of the Senate, he has the responsibility to protect the people and maintain order, but on the other hand, the sudden change of the situation makes it difficult for him to judge the true state of Lisandry - has she really returned to normal? ?

Or is this just a brief pause in the mad state?

Nigel's inner struggle is not without purpose.

Women and children can make mistakes, but he cannot.

The Curse of the Great Wizard Parroni——

Currently, the only person known to be able to lift the spell is the caster.

Now the Senate has been trying its best to track down the curse caster and the key clues to the recent demonic madness and turmoil.

Nigel's intuition and logic told him that these two people could not be the spell casters.

If word spreads that these two people can break the curse, the two of them may get into even bigger trouble.

Although in Nigel's eyes, these two foreigners had no prejudice or malice towards the demons.

But other people or demons who have not witnessed this turmoil may not necessarily think so.

Nigel's eyes stayed on Ranchi.

For him, this young man who suddenly appeared was not only an unknown variable, but also a glimmer of light in solving the curse case of the great wizard Parroni.

Nigel tried to find answers in Ranchi's expression and behavior.

However, facing Lan Qi's expression that could not be easily interpreted, Nigel, the executioner, was filled with uncertainty.

"Do I need to come with you, Mr. Chief?"

After waiting for a long time, Lan Qi looked into the eyes of the executioner and asked tentatively.

He really doesn't want to go to jail.

He hopes to solve problems that can be solved through negotiation, instead of being indecisive like Talia, who is decisive and quick, and takes action first.

At least now it seemed that the Master Chief was willing to communicate with him.

"I have no right to arrest you two. You can leave. I will deal with the aftermath here."

Nigel looked at Ranchi with sharp eyes and replied.

Lan Qi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her. She is an important witness, but I can't guarantee how the Senate will rule on this incident."

Nigel glanced at Lisanthy on the ground and added.

If he brought these two people back, he didn't know what the other executioners would think, and it might endanger them.

The most important thing now is to decide decisively on the plan and minimize the chaos as quickly as possible.

After all, their executioners are not very visible to the light.

"I trust you."

Lan Qi nodded.

This Master Chief seems to be the upright type.

And Thalia also judged that he was not lying.

Nigel threw a card with his fingertips, and Lan Qi steadily raised his hand to catch it.


Ranchi looked at the card. It was the business card and work address of Nigel, the executioner.

It means you can come here to find him.

The executioner Nigel and his men left the square as if they had disappeared out of thin air, and the unconscious Lissandra was also taken away.

It didn't take long for this street, which had become the focus of attention due to the unexpected accident from the sky, to regain order.

"Is it a flash mob performance?"

"It doesn't look like it. It seemed like he was a real executioner just now."

"But isn't it possible to be saved by the curse of the great wizard Parroni? How is it possible to recover?"

The people around were talking a lot.

But most people began to disperse after exchanging a few guesses and comments about the sudden incident.

The noise caused by the suspected intervention of the non-commissioned officers just now attracted the attention of the Parrieux police.

In the darkness of the night, Officer Parrieux, wearing his uniform and police badge, launched an investigation and aftermath nearby.

Some people smiled dubiously, privately guessing whether this was a well-planned event. Although they still had doubts in their hearts, there was no point in staying any longer. They could just watch the news tomorrow.

As the pedestrians dispersed, the street soon returned to the tranquility of night.

The night sky in the capital of Paris is still deep and beautiful, and the buildings exude a warm light, illuminating every corner of the city.

After all the turmoil subsided, Lanci and Talia also embarked on their journey again, heading north along the street.

Their checked luggage will still be sent to Parrieux Nord Station, and now they have to get their luggage back from the airship.

At night, the flower capital Parrieux is filled with different sounds and colors. Every time you walk through a block, it seems to be telling a different story.

Although the incident just now added some unexpected twists and turns to their night, Professor Borao said that if they want to increase their understanding, they can regard any accident as an integral part of their journey.

"It seems the problem has been solved."

Lan Qi murmured after regaining his freedom.

Fortunately, the torturers did not deal with them harshly.

When the two of them work together, there is a beauty in how error codes somehow work.

In any case, they don't have to sit down today.

On a night in Parrieux, every incident could make the headlines in the next day's newspapers.


Thalia said flatly.

As Lanqi and Talia went deep into the night of Huadu Parrieu, when they came to the main avenue and their view opened up, they were immediately attracted by the unique and beautiful scenery of this city.

Even at night, the fairy-tale fragrance and mist of flowers come to your face.

Parrieux looks even more mysterious and charming in the night, and every streetlight seems to tell an ancient and romantic story.

The streets are filled with the city's unique artistic atmosphere and lifestyle. Old-fashioned street lamps cast a soft yellow light, illuminating the cobbled streets. The long pedestrian paths are full of traces of history.

"Tata, on the airship, I wanted you to help me block the executioner's attack and show your strength. Then he would be afraid of me. Instead of solving the problem through force, he would start to lean toward me. Solve the problem through negotiation.”

Lan Qi explained to her beside him.

Although it is useless to talk to her at this time.

But treat it as a review.

The two of them can't make any mistakes next time.

Moreover, if the two of them want to work together to create good cards, it is also important to understand how to cooperate with each other tacitly.

"I thought you had failed in negotiations and were ready for a quick resolution."

Thalia turned her head and looked at him as she walked.

Only now did she realize how complicated Lan Qi's thoughts were.


Lan Qi choked up.

"By the way, who is Sigrid?"

Thalia asked suddenly.

She had read Lan Qi's thoughts before.

He felt that Hyperion and Sigrid, who had worked together before, were teammates who had a tacit understanding.

She knew Hyperion and she did have a tacit understanding with Lan Qi.

But she had never heard of Sigrid.

"A popular type of older woman."

Lan Qi replied seriously.


Thalia didn't know why.

I always feel that Lan Qi’s words are a bit metaphorical.

But she couldn't find what was wrong.

"Are there any unpopular types?"

she asked.

"you guess."

Lanci smiled briefly in response.

Thalia captured Lanqi on the spot.

No matter what, capture this guy first! !

Lan Qi didn't even react.

"This is already the fourth time you've pushed me to the ground!"

Lan Qi shouted unwillingly.

And this is the fastest capture ever.

How has he ever been wronged like this!


Boss Cat jumped aside and looked at Lan Qi.

Arrested again, Teacher Da Lan.

If you are captured again, Tata will achieve the achievement of "capturing Lanqi seven times".

"What's the use of remembering it."

Thalia leaned down with a little teasing in her eyes and asked softly behind his ear,

"Resist if you can? Can you do that?"

The more Lan Qi struggled, the more she found Lan Qi like this very funny, and she even couldn't help but breathe softly into his ear to mock him.

Because of the previous commotion here, the local police officer from the Huaduparieu Police Station has arrived.

The police officer noticed them as they passed by.

Thalia immediately let go of Lanci.

The two stood at attention slightly awkwardly in front of the police officer.

The police officer may want to ask the witness for details about the recent disturbance.

"Are you two a couple?"

the police officer asked.

"How is that possible?"

Both Lanqi and Talia rejected it immediately.

"Then it wasn't flirting just now, was it?"

The officer raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"of course not!"

Both of them shouted loudly.

The police officer smiled upon hearing this.

"Do you two know that Huadu Parieu is the capital of civilization? I haven't seen men and women fighting in public for many years. Let's go there."

Immediately afterwards, a pair of rose gold handcuffs of the same style were placed on the astonished Lanqi and Talia's wrists.

"Yours sincerely, Hyperion."

"I was arrested as soon as I arrived in Huadu."

"But I swear I really didn't mean to cause trouble."

"Whenever I think of the end of a story, I think of the beginning."

"On the day I was arrested, I had not thought that this farce had just begun."

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