Don’t Heal the Others

Chapter 28: Level 8

“The currency exchange system has no clear opening time, but according to reliable internal news, it is synchronized after more than 50% of the players transferred to the whole district.”

The old mysterious smile, an internal message, let many players put their hearts down.

Obviously, the name of the first analyst of online games is not blown out.

"That is to say, half of the players with a level above 10, the currency exchange system will be opened?" asked the player.

"No." However, Lao Xu is shaking his head. "In fact, players will have a trial mission when they reach level 10, and they can only be transferred after a trial copy."

“Trial copy? Is it the copy system mentioned in the full service announcement?”

"Yes, the trial copy of China has been opened, but only after 10th level can pick up the task, it should be the accidental discovery of the entrance." Lao Xu explained.

"The difficulty of the trial copy should not be too big. After all, all players have to pass it before they can change jobs. If the difficulty is too big, it will not block countless players in the novice village!" The players with the strength are not very confident.

"Wrong! The opposite is true! The difficulty of trying a copy is not as difficult as an ordinary 10-level copy. It is definitely a big test for novice players!" However, Lao Xu denied his words.

"Ah? The difficulty is so big? But what about the pass? Is it necessary to stay in the novice village and can't change jobs?"

The old imaginary sentence makes countless players feel guilty, no one has thought that the 10th level can not be transferred, but also through a trial copy, and the difficulty of this trial copy is actually very big! Many ordinary players are panicked.

"I also said before, "Myth" represents the revolution of the era of online games. It is a real virtual world. In this world, we are immersed in it, no longer operate with two hands like traditional online games, but treat the real world like In that way, it is necessary to learn to use the whole body to play the game, and the trial copy exists for this purpose. It is the first level of the virtual world of "Myth" to give our players the purpose of letting us learn this virtual world. The way of the game." Lao Xuan helpless explanation.

"When that's said, the players with advanced motor nerves in the real world are not more advantageous in this virtual world?" There is a player who is keenly aware of this.

"Yes, players with advanced motor nerves have innate advantages, can adapt to this virtual world faster, and the initial attributes are higher than ordinary players, but this is only a virtual game world, and it is not difficult for ordinary players to catch up. The game experience is still valid in this world."

"Wait, that said, the change in the era of online games, does it mean that the Hall of Fame representing the big-level player rankings has to change?" Suddenly players have proposed.

"Yes, the Hall of Fame represents only the old times rankings. Nowadays, the age of online games overlaps. Even if it is a big **** player, if it can't adapt to this new virtual online game era, it will be eliminated." Lao Xu said such a When the players in Huaxia District were enough to shake, they concluded, "All in all, only by adapting to this virtual world as soon as possible can we stand at the peak earlier, and the trial copy is the first test, but everyone does not need to be too Worried, there are tens of thousands of players in each novice village. There are always high play and great gods, or elite players of major trade unions. I believe that the trial copy of the Raiders is not difficult, and the trial copy can be teamed up by 5 people. Powerful players can team up to pass, and players who are not confident can also mix with the masters, and then they will not be able to spend money, please bring them, haha."

"Yeah, we can mix with the big guy!"

“Is there a big union to collect people? When I try to take a copy of the trial, I will do it!”

"5321 Novice Village hired a master! Ask for strength, can take me a copy of the trial!"

Many players have been relieved a lot, talking and laughing, and all the responses from the team are sent out, and the advanced players are obviously different from the average player.

"Is the function of the old virtual, honor value and reputation value system researched? Is it just a ranking just like before? It should not be that simple."

The problems that ordinary players care about end, and then the level of attention from major trade unions and high play.

"At present, only the reputation value system is related to npc. For example, only when the reputation value reaches a certain requirement, you can receive special tasks, or trade special items at npc. I estimate that I want to develop in major cities and purchase lots. In the case of shops, there is a demand for reputation, so the major trade unions can already prepare them.” The old virtual is also somewhat uncertain. “And the honor value is related to the entire national theater. The specific role I have not figured out now. After all, there is only Huaxia District on the honor list of the theater, and there is only one player on the prestige list. The information is too limited. The only certainty is that the Huaxia District won the honor of the theater twice, which is from the current prestige list. Player."

"Is that mysterious player who has hidden the name? Do you know his identity?"

"I don't know, I am different from the novice village. I only know that he is a male pastor player in No. 9191 Novice Village. I can't guess for the time being."

"Priest? Is it the 14th milk riding **** of the Hall of Fame?"

"Not sure, if I saw him, I might still recognize it, but now I don't have enough intelligence, I can't do anything about it."

"You are too modest in the old virtual, you can burst out so much information, you are already very bad!"

"Yes, it is the first analyst of online games!"


"Hey! You kill the resurrection priest of the 10th ordinary boss, and through trials, get a trial certificate."

Xiao Feng sat down on the ground, as if he was dead, he didn't want to move with a finger.

He killed the resurrection priests and spent a full 2 ​​hours! It is 3 times the time to kill the Resurrection Paladin!

Even if there is no physical exhaustion in the game world, but the mental exhaustion makes Xiao Feng almost collapsed, to know that he has been walking, and dare not have the slightest negligence.

Xiao Feng is able to see it. If the Resurrection Paladin is to test the defensive ability of a team, that is, the Shield Warfare and the Priest, as long as it can resist the damage of the Resurrection Paladin, the difficulty of killing is basically zero.

The resurrection priest, the test is the output ability, not only requires a strong output, but also requires the player responsible for output to keep moving, because the resurrection priests have been throwing skills.

Therefore, the test of this trial copy will be clear, one test defense lineup, one test output lineup.

As a pastor, Xiao Feng lacks output ability. It only takes 2 hours to attack the resurrection priests by ordinary attacks. This shows that the reincarnation ability of the resurrection priests is too abnormal. Xiao Feng For the first time, I felt a sense of guilt for the pastor profession.

There is one more proof of trials in the backpack, but it can overlap, only occupying a grid, so that Xiao Feng can't understand it. How can he prove that he can play a lot?

However, if you don't understand Xiao Feng, you will be too lazy to pay attention to it. Turn over and go to the place where the resurrection priests died, and pick up the fallen things.

The same is 3 pieces of equipment, 2 pieces of green one piece of blue, and that blue dress is actually a scepter!

Mantra scepter

Quality: Rare

Equipment type: two-hand blunt

Equipment level: 10

Equipment needs: pastor, mages occupation


Magic attack power: 11-15

Intelligence 8

Spirit 9

Hit rate 2%

The property is OK, Xiao Feng hand in the backpack, two pieces of green are the same cloth shoes, Xiao Feng took a look and also closed up, and then continue to find something on the ground.

However, it is a pity that the Resurrection priests did not explode anything except these three pieces of equipment, which made Xiao Feng somewhat disappointed. He thought that he could explode the skill book. He should be able to learn the skill book of the priest boss.

And the key to the seal (right) did not fall out. He estimated that it was blasted by the Resurrection priest, but there was no way for him to come out, so the seal of the Paladin's explosion (left) was useless. I can say it first.

Both bosses have been resolved. Xiao Feng took the time and spent three hours here. He also quickly ended the challenge and quit the copy.

"Hey! You challenged the trial copy to the bottom of the hole and succeeded, gaining an experience value of 21,000 points."

"Hey! Your level has been upgraded to level 7, and you get 1 free attribute point to assign."

"Hey! Your level has been upgraded to level 8, and you get 1 free attribute point to assign."

"Hey! You are ranked first in the China Rankings, are you hiding your name?"

"Hey! Since your game name doesn't conform to the specs, the system has been automatically hidden for you."

At the moment of leaving the copy, the two upgraded white lights rose from the Xiao Feng body, and a series of system prompts came one after another.

The level of customs clearance experience brought by the 10-level copy is huge, which directly makes Xiao Feng rise to level 2, and the experience level of level 8 is also half full.

Xiao Feng Lehehe, not worthy of three hours of hard work, the harvest is still very satisfied, and then immediately turned back to the novice village.

He remembered the testimonials in the backpack and didn't know if he could change his job, so he couldn't wait to go back and try.

"The brave adventurer, the main city is located in the turbulent land of the land of God. If you want to go to the main city, you still have to have enough strength, and then come back after the 10th level."

However, it is a pity that the village head of the novice village decisively refused Xiao Feng, let Xiao Feng be speechless, and then turned to the resurrection point to go to the priest to hand in the task.

"What? The paladin and the priesthood were actually reborn by the evil forces?"

After listening to Xiao Feng’s description of the underground cave, the old priest immediately walked up and down in uneasiness.

"Pious past trainee pastor, are you willing to go to the taboo land to purify the undead of the great paladins?"

"Hey! Do you accept the trial mission to purify the undead? Go to the trial copy to kill the Resurrection Paladin or the Resurrection priest, bring the trial certificate back, suggesting that the mission can only be completed after level 10."

Yes, jump directly to the trial task, Xiao Feng reluctantly accept the task, although there is a trial certificate in his backpack, but the level is not enough to pay the task, it seems that only upgraded.

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