
A sound louder than thunder came from someone's stomach.

I didn't eat dinner, and ran around the campus like a headless chicken. In the middle of the night, my stomach inevitably protested.

Shangguanyi was completely stunned, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Died three times a day!

If I hadn't tasted the taste of being infinitely close to death, I'm afraid I couldn't bear it, so I found a piece of noodle thread and hanged myself in the southeast branch.

Zhong Yuan sighed.

In the middle of the night, a guy who had been beaten by him ran to knock on the door hungry, knelt down while crying, expressing that he wanted to become stronger...

It would be too cruel to directly kick down and then close the door.

In desperation, Zhong Yuan could only say, "Come in."

Shangguan Yi was shocked all over, and his heart was full of mixed feelings!

He really didn't drive me away!

Who can compare with this kind of mind and this tolerance!

Although the powerful power is convincing, the powerful charm can make people follow without hesitation.

Shangguanyi felt this irresistible charm from Zhong Yuan.

If Zhong Yuan forms a team in the future, he will definitely join without hesitation and will not go anywhere!

"Why are you still standing there?"

Zhong Yuan turned his head and saw him kneeling blankly, so he couldn't help but urge him.

Shangguan Yi shuddered, got up from the ground, and followed into the door.

"You wait here for a while. I'll go get some food." Zhong Yuan said, walking towards the stairs.

Feng Qing often came over to hang out, and the refrigerator was always stuffed to the brim. There should be a lot of things to fill his stomach.

Shangguanyi took the opportunity to wipe away his tears, and looked curiously at the warehouse transformed into a dormitory.

The first floor is the training ground, and the accommodation should be on the second floor.

There were many downed flying saucers scattered on the ground.

Before knocking on the door, Zhong Yuan seemed to be practicing the flying saucer machine.

Unexpectedly, he still has this ability.

Shangguanyi quickly sorted out his emotions.

Not long after, Zhong Yuan went downstairs and saw someone standing stiffly, and threw the juice and snacks away.

"Fill your stomach before you talk."

The voice was still cold, but Shangguanyi felt very warm in his ears.

He hurriedly caught the thing, tore open the package, and devoured it hungrily.

Zhong Yuan turned off the flying saucer, and asked calmly, "Why do you think I will help you?"

Shangguan agreed to settle the dinner in twos and said in a low voice, "Miss Lan said, you are easy to talk to."

Zhong Yuan turned cold, and said, "Think that if you name my sister, I will help you regardless of the past?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! It's me who sits and looks at the sky. I don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

Shangguan Yi lowered his head and said in panic, "I am arrogant and crazy. I am complacent when I have won some honors these years. In fact, I am so weak that I can't even beat Miss Lan."

Zhong Yuan was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean? You fought with my sister?"

Shangguanyi was depressed, and said, "Miss Lan recently had a special training with Feng Qing, and today they called me to train together."

Zhong Yuan frowned, and murmured, "I know, they have something to hide from me. It turns out that Lanlan is in special training, so she didn't tell me..."

No matter how smart Feng Qing was, Shangguan Yi actually ran to inform Zhong Yuan.

Secret special training has also been exposed.

Zhong Yuan snorted coldly, "Then, did you lose to Lan Lan?"

Shangguan said bitterly, "Yes. Ms. Lan is a genius, she beat me with one move. I don't even have the chance to fight back. I lost more than ten times in a row..."

The corners of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Although it was a sacrifice of the ability gained in 20 years of life, Zhong Lan won Shangguan's favor at a young age. As a big brother, he was always happy in his heart.

"You lost to my sister, so you want me to give you special training?"

Shangguanyi said painfully, "If this continues, I won't even have the qualifications to stand in front of you! I don't want to do this! I want to become stronger!"

"I don't want to be thrown further and further away by you. In the end, I don't even deserve to be a dog!"

It sounds like a heartfelt statement.

After getting in touch for a while, Zhong Yuan could see that this guy had a high self-esteem.

Kneeling at the door of the cafeteria during the day is just reluctantly fulfilling the agreement. But just now, when he knelt on both knees, he really put aside his self-esteem and sincerely asked for advice.

Zhong Yuan's heart moved, and he said lightly, "How many times have you given my sister special training?"

Shangguanyi said in embarrassment, "Today is the first time."

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Being beaten so badly, there will definitely be no next time. What do I need you for?"

Shangguan Yi said eagerly, "I can endure hardships, as long as I can't die in practice, I will practice to death! Please! I will listen to you!"

The oath that as long as you don't die in practice, you will practice to death made Zhong Yuan feel a little moved.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Okay, I have a condition."

Shangguan Yi was ecstatic, "Don't mention one, I promise you a hundred and a thousand!"

"It's not that much."

Zhong Yuan said with a sullen face, "It's very simple. Every time my sister asks you for special training, you have to record it live and show it to me afterwards. Well, you can't let her know."

Shangguan was at a loss.

What's the meaning?

Zhong Yuan didn't know about his sister's special training?

Strange, he is so strong, why didn't he train his sister himself?

Shangguanyi asked cautiously, "Are you afraid that Feng Qing will teach Ms. Lan badly? I think he is doing his best."

"Less talk. Anyway, do as I say."

This time, she will not miss any growth track of Zhong Lan again.

Zhong Yuan took two steps, and said again, "In exchange, I will try my best to help you improve your combat power, lest you can't keep up with my sister's strength."

"I understand! I promise to complete the task!"

The deal is done.

Shangguan rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "Zhong Yuan, can we start training now?"

Zhong Yuan didn't expect him to be so impatient, he said speechlessly, "Now? Are you not going to sleep?"

Shangguan Yi was a little embarrassed, and said, "I've been sleeping at home for two days, and my body is almost rusting!"

Then, he hurriedly said, "If it's inconvenient for you, then another day!"

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "I don't care. However, your condition is not good today, so don't use your ability. Try to attack me with ordinary moves first."

At the beginning, people who could not practice well in this training field have become masters of fighting and can guide apprentices.

If Feng Fengmo knew about it, he would be very pleased.

What Shangguan Yi lacked was the experience of fighting against masters.

It is not enough to practice hard alone. Only by practicing against someone with a higher tier than yourself can you realize where your shortcomings are.

The two figures clashed fists and kicks on the training ground, and you came and went.

two hours later,

Shangguanyi's movements became sluggish, while Zhong Yuan was still alive and well.


Who is in the special training?

Zhong Yuan felt that he was making progress.

At the beginning, he deliberately controlled the fighting master's ability, and his movements would inevitably stop abruptly, so as not to kill Shangguanyi.

Later, it became more and more smooth, and it was already possible to master the speed of not killing him.

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