Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 12 Ability Upgrade, Weakness Of Death Immunity

"Did you make it?"

Zhong Yuan suddenly felt that he had four more abilities.

"It's really lucky, I got it all done at once. I knew that my little sister is a genius, and I won't be far behind."

If Liu Wen knew that Zhong Yuan had successfully absorbed the four abilities of Frost Snow Snake in one go, his eyes would surely fall out.

The more precious the ability, the harder it is to absorb.

Especially for death immunity, the success rate is less than 00003!

Most people absorbed the two abilities of super perception and ice formation. However, the success rate is also less than 10.

As a valuable healing ability, regeneration has a success rate of around 2.

Therefore, Liu Wen can help people increase the success rate by 20, which is really against the sky!

Of course, it is impossible to increase the success rate of death saving throws that much!

After absorbing the Frost Snow Snake Crystal, Zhong Yuan couldn't wait to experiment.

The first is super perception.

People who have absorbed this ability will randomly enhance any kind of induction power of themselves.

Zhong Yuan was really lucky, he got the heat-sensing ability that Frost Snow Snake is most proud of.

Sensing within ten meters, as long as the heat source is close, you can instantly gain insight.

"Good detection ability. It's just that the range is a bit small, only ten meters, which is not enough to see."

Zhong Yuan tried Ning Bing again.

Objects can only be frozen for ten seconds.

Well, at critical moments, this time is enough to decide life and death, which is a good control skill.

What Zhong Yuan is most satisfied with is regeneration.

This ability is like tailor-made for him.

He has no metabolism, once a wound appears on the skin, it will not heal, it will just fester.

These days, he lived carefully, not even daring to make a small gap.

With the ability to regenerate, you don't have to worry so much.

On the contrary, the death immunity that everyone dreams of seems a bit tasteless.

"Hey, what do I need death immunity for, it's really... useless!"

Someone muttered without knowing the blessings. If you want other marketers to hear it, you have to go crazy with envy.

After testing his abilities, Zhong Yuan had a new understanding of the Frost Snow Snake.

In fact, it has two lives.

The Frost Snow Snake fell from the tree just now and died, and he couldn't sense Zhong Yuan, so he killed it easily.

People who don't know the characteristics will definitely suffer.

The instructor also concealed the relevant information, just to exercise the new students' observation skills.

After all, the Frost Snow Snake is not poisonous. Being bitten, freezing, people don't die instantly.

As long as you don't encounter snakes, there is no danger to your life.

This also exposed Frost Snow Snake's weakness.

It lacks serious attack power.

Of course, if it is a very dangerous alien race, it is not the turn of a group of freshmen to hunt and kill them.

With the experience of big snakes falling from the sky, Zhong Yuan paid special attention to the situation above his head, and then he was surprised to find that there were quite a lot of frost snakes on the trees.

Where there are snakes, the branches are frozen, and you can see them with your eyes. Most of these snakes are quietly entangled in the trees, and they only move for a few minutes.

Zhong Yuan began to shake the tree with great interest.

Originally, Frost Snow Snake accidentally fell to his death, but when he got involved, it turned into a high-altitude murder.

It would be impossible for anyone to come here as easily as Zhong Yuan.

Living people have body temperature, can breathe, and when they enter the perception range of frost snakes, they will immediately wake up and enter hunting mode.

Only Zhong Yuan, an outlier, can remain calm surrounded by a group of snakes.


The tall fir branches swayed.

Three Frost Snow Snakes coiled on the branches fell to the ground from high altitude silently.

Two of them died on the spot, and the market crystals burst out.

They have died once, they have used their death immunity ability, and if they fall again, they are really dead.

The last snake did not climb too high, and could move after falling.

Zhong Yuan rushed forward and chopped off the snake's head.

I saw the snake twisted a few times and stopped moving.

The Xu Jing didn't burst out, which meant it wasn't dead yet.

Is it about death immunity?

Zhong Yuan was curious and squatted aside to wait.

A few minutes later, the decapitated Frost Snow Snake changed.

The snake's body quickly grew out of the crack of the snake's head!

And that large part of the body seemed to be completely dead, abandoned by the main body.

Zhong Yuan was thoughtful.

It turned out that Frost Snow Snake's death immunity is mainly based on the head.

As long as the head is still there, the ability can be activated.

If you smash its head, will it prevent the death immunity?

Zhong Yuan thinks this question is very important.

In fact, the military has already done relevant research.

Completely destroying the Frost Snow Snake's head can prevent the death save from being activated.

The military department will not foolishly announce this fatal weakness.

The Frost Snow Snake in Shemen Mountain is the only resource in Huaguo. It means that only the able-bodied people in Huaguo can obtain the ability to save themselves from death.

For other countries, it is a great deterrent. Once the weakness is revealed, the deterrent effect will be greatly reduced.

At this time, Zhong Yuan hadn't noticed it yet, and the observation on a whim touched the height of national strategic security.

He silently counted the time for the snake.

In five minutes, its body regenerated, and it became a good snake again!

The newborn Frost Snow Snake was still very fragile and desperately needed nourishment. It twisted and crawled to the dead body and swallowed it in one gulp!

As expected of a foreign race!

So cruel, I eat myself!

Zhong Yuan couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth, he almost understood the situation, and when the snake was too full to move, he rushed up and gave it another stab.

After finally surviving a life, he died again.

Another Ruin Crystal has been obtained, absorb it first, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

The hint in my mind appeared again.

"Frost Snow Snake Ruins Crystal found, is it absorbed?"

Of course Zhong Yuan agreed.

The three ruin crystals turned into white light and rushed into the body.

"Super perception, yellow level lv3!"

"Ning Bing, yellow level lv2!"

"Rebirth, yellow level lv1!"

"Death immunity, cannot be upgraded!"

Super Sense and Freezing have been upgraded.

To upgrade from yellow to blue rank requires 10 market crystals.

It's a pity that it's random, and you can't control which one is promoted.

Zhong Yuan tried the super perception of Huang-level lv3, and found that the range had expanded to 30 meters, which meant that he had a certain detection ability.

But after the icing was upgraded, the freezing time was increased to twenty seconds. Before the upgrade, it was a good control skill. After the freezing time is extended, it can already cause certain damage to the enemy.

I don't know if other Ruin Powers can also absorb Ruin Crystals to improve their abilities. Anyway, Zhong Yuan decided to start the frantic hunting mode.

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