
Fang Jie was slapped by the giant claw and shattered instantly.

The invisible air waves spread, and the terrifying ruins reappeared in the real world.

Team Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face turned pale.

The square boundary was broken!

The three-anchor square is the weakest square, but its stability is extremely strong, and it is definitely not something that ordinary aliens can smash with a single paw.

Looking at the shape of that claw, it was very strange.

Never before has an alien like this been included.

In other words, it is the first time it has appeared in the human world, and the cave where it is located has never appeared in Huaguo before, and it is a brand new cave that has not been recorded.

Fortunately, there was only one, and no other aliens came out.

As long as you kill it, you should be able to suppress the ruins.

"Lanlan! Stop that claw! Don't let the big guy inside come out! Chen Jun, ask the headquarters for support!"

Team Lin decisively issued an order.

Without his command, Zhong Lan rushed out like the wind.

A blush of excitement floated on the white goose egg face, and she turned her head and shouted at Yu Ziqiu, "Kill, kill, kill! Newcomer, follow me!"

At the same time, several halos lit up on her body. Every halo means that one kind of Ruin Crystal has been absorbed, at least one kind of ability has been obtained.

Yu Ziqiu was already frightened.

What about the Huang-level Ruins Cave?

This hole is at least at the disaster level!

The alien race inside can shatter the cube with just one claw, how to beat it?

The gap in strength is too great, rushing up is just to die!

"I... I don't! I can't..."

Yu Ziqiu was trembling all over, instead of following, he staggered back.

Zhong Lan glanced back, and the smile on his face became even crazier. Get rid of a certain burden, the whole person is relaxed.

"I said it earlier, taking care of newcomers will only affect my speed of killing monsters!"

Being ridiculed again, Yu Ziqiu couldn't feel angry at all, only endless fear and confusion kept spreading in his heart.

"How is it possible... She is still laughing... Isn't she afraid of death?"

At this moment, Yu Ziqiu seemed to know Zhong Lan, the ace of the Black Hawk team, again.

. . .

. . .

At the same time, in the second exhibition hall of the museum.

Zhong Yuan had no doubts that he and the girl who secretly took pictures were the only ones left in the huge hall.

Moreover, the girl is like a brown candy, no matter how much you drag it, you won't be able to drag it away, except that it will stick to the floor.

"Hey, if you do this again, I'll call security!"

"Okay, okay, when the security guard comes later, I'll say it's your girlfriend. By the way, I don't call you hello, I'm Luo Xiaoyuan, you can just call me Yuanyuan!"

This familiar ability is simply invincible in the world.

If the security guard said she was his girlfriend, most of them would have nothing to do with her.

Zhong Yuan's patience was completely worn out, and he wanted to get rid of Luo Xiaoyuan's entanglement, so he said with a sullen face, "I'm really troubled by you like this."

Luo Xiaoyuan blinked her eyes, thinking that he might be angry, rolled her eyes, and said softly, "Don't be angry, I just want to get to know you and make friends, nothing else."

In fact, I didn't plan to do that at first, and at most I just took a video of my little brother.

But the little brother is so funny, he is so handsome when he is angry, I really want to bully him for a while longer.

Luo Xiaoyuan's behavior is harassment in Zhong Yuan's eyes.

Just as he was about to reject the unilateral friend request, the ground suddenly shook.

Not only the ground, but the entire museum building was shaking.

The lights flickered on and off, and the guide sign placed at the entrance of the exhibition hall fell down.

"What happened? An earthquake?"

Zhong Yuan almost lost his footing.

Shangdong City is not in an earthquake zone, and only one or two small earthquakes occurred in ten years. Maybe the shaking is only temporary and will be fine after a while.

In short, find a place to avoid it first.

Without any explanation, Zhong Yuan dragged Luo Xiaoyuan towards the golden coffin in the center of the exhibition hall.

Its security measures are the strictest in the entire museum.

In an emergency, a layer of protective cover can be lowered outside the protective fence. There is a distance of two meters in the middle, which is more than enough for two people to take refuge.

After walking a few steps, Zhong Yuan felt that the girl refused to leave again.

What else does she want to do?

Zhong Yuan looked back angrily, only to find that Luo Xiaoyuan's body seemed to have lost all strength, her arms drooped limply, and her head drooped.

next moment,

Luo Xiaoyuan lost her balance. If Zhong Yuan hadn't pulled an arm, she would have fallen to the ground directly.

Zhong Yuan was taken aback.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

At this time, Luo Xiaoyuan was dead.

At the moment of the shock, her internal organs and brain all shook together, and now they have become a mess.

Blood gushed out of her nostrils slowly, staining her skirt a little bit red.

Zhong Yuan didn't know that something happened to her body, he thought she had a sudden nosebleed and fainted.

The shaking continued, and he quickly dragged Luo Xiaoyuan to the side of the golden coffin to lean against, then took out his mobile phone and dialed 120.


The phone has no signal! Show out of service area?

how is this possible?

However, less than two seconds later, the signal was restored.

"The call you dialed is being connected, please don't hang up!"

The phone is a second-hand one that Zhong Yuan found in a nearby fish pond last month.

The seller brother is very kind, the machine is likely to be new, and there is a 30% discount and free shipping.

Everything else is pretty good, but sometimes the signal is not good and there will be convulsions.

Fortunately, the critical moment was still pulled back forcefully.

Speaking of which, Lan Lan said that she would go home for dinner tomorrow, and later she would go to the supermarket to make a big purchase, buying her favorite strawberry Daifuku.

Suddenly, the shaking stopped.

All is at peace.

Just to put it bluntly, the earthquake in Shangdong City will definitely not exceed a magnitude three.

The phone is connected.

The sweet voice of the operator lady came.

Just as Zhong Yuan was about to speak, the screen of his phone went black. After finally getting through to 120, it was cut off.


Zhong Yuan pressed the power button twice, hoping to turn the screen back on.

No, there is still no response, so I can only use the girl's mobile phone to make a call.

Luo Xiaoyuan has been holding the phone firmly, and has not let go of it until now.

Zhong Yuan leaned over to pick it up, and was surprised to find that her machine was always on and recording.

The front camera was aimed at the ceiling, and a strange black figure was captured on the screen.

What the hell? looks weird...

Zhong Yuan looked up subconsciously, and instantly revealed an expression of disbelief.

A black claw covered with barbs, and a black flame burning on it, burned through the ceiling of the museum.

There was no time to react, and the claws came down heavily.

Whether it's a person or a coffin, it's all gone in one blow.

Zhong Yuan couldn't feel anything, even the severe pain when he was smashed into pieces didn't have time to be transmitted to his brain.

Am I dead?

Consciousness is shrouded in a golden light, and outside the light is eternal and eternal darkness.

In the infinitely dead world, only this bright spot bloomed with a glimmer of life, which seemed abrupt and strange.

Gradually, Zhong Yuan heard various voices.

"This claw is an illusion! The main body is not here! Lan Lan, come back quickly! Don't be led into the cave by it!"

"I don't! I want to hack it to death! What's wrong with the hallucination? I can kill it!"

"We can't win, Mom... I'm going home..."

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

"Zhong Lan! I order you to come back!!!"

There were people fighting outside, and there were endless shouts.

What kind of ruins, ontology, hallucinations, and inexplicable words were all ignored by Zhong Yuan.

All he cared about was that there was a girl with the same voice as his sister.

Even the name is the same.

This is impossible!

My younger sister is studying in a private high school, and her grades are in the top ten of her grade. She has a gentle and well-behaved personality, and is a bit clingy as a big brother.

How can you fight with people with your mouth full of blood?

Strong will arises in golden light.

Let me take a look!

Please, just take a look to see if it's my sister Zhong Lan!

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