Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 41 Rejecting The School Belle's Invitation

Zhong Yuan shook his head, "I'm not interested in the school team. I don't want to participate in any league."

Su Wanying was stunned, and stammered, "What did you say?"

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "I don't like fighting and killing."


Su Wanying hastily explained, "Joining the school team is not about fighting and killing, it's about winning honor for the school and the entire Shangdong City! Once you join the school team, with this qualification, you may be assigned to a stronger and better place.”

Zhong Yuan was not interested at all, and retorted, "After talking so much, don't you want to fight and kill in the end?"


Su Wanying choked for a moment, her beautiful brows were tightly frowned, and she said, "Are you afraid of getting hurt?"

"I just don't want a pointless fight," Zhong Yuan said.

What kind of league is that, in his eyes, it is meaningless.

Zhong Lan tilted her head to look at the big brother, with a sweet smile on her face.

big brother is so handsome!

The woman with big breasts and no brains on the opposite side was speechless!

Su Wanying showed disappointment, and said in a low voice, "Since you think so, then I have nothing to say."

She quickly took a few mouthfuls of Mala Tang, which was obviously not spicy, and the air conditioner in the store was fully turned on, but there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

There was still a bunch of vegetables left in the bowl, so I paid the bill and left before I finished eating.

Xie Yifeng sat on the side and dared not even speak.

Obediently boom!

Invite Zhong Yuan to eat Malatang, I heard great news.

Su Wanying specially released internal information that the academy will form two teams this year, so the original team might be dismantled.

Obviously, Su Wanying still doesn't recognize Zhong Yuan's strength.

If Zhong Yuan can pass the selection of the academy, then she will consider inviting him to join the team.

It sounds arrogant, but they just have the capital.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be excited and express their hard work and strive to pass the selection.

Who knew, Zhong Yuan refused on the spot, not giving the goddess a step down at all!

Even a little bit of self-motivation is better than saying you're not interested!

Xie Yifeng said heartbroken, "Zhong Yuan, do you know what you missed? Pretend it's a momentary pleasure..."

Zhong Yuan interrupted, "It's always been nice to pretend."

Zhong Lan asked, "Brother, what is pretend?"

Zhong Yuan hurriedly said, "It's not a good thing, Lan Lan, don't learn from it!"

Zhong Lan pursed her lips and muttered softly, "It's fine if you don't tell me. I'll ask Uncle Lin later..."

The cold dishes ordered were served first.

Three huge braised pig's trotters were placed on the table, Xie Yifeng and Zhong Yuan were dumbfounded.

"Who ordered it? Mala Tang's shop still has this kind of thing?"

The crisis is resolved.

The big brother ran away with three words from the big brother, Zhong Lan's mood turned bright, and she said to Xie Yifeng with a smile, "I ordered something special for you, thank you for the treat."

Xie Yifeng:? ? ?

On the other side, Su Wanying came out of the Mala Tang shop, and a girl immediately came up to her.

This girl is Su Wanying's best friend, named Jiang Siyuan, who is also a third-year student in the special class of Chengying College, known as the college know-it-all. In addition, she also has a hidden identity, which is CP Manufacturing Ji.

She was the one who crowdfunded human flesh Zhong Yuan on the college forum that day.

It's a pity that all the forum data suddenly disappeared, and the matter was left alone.

Who knows, the peak will turn around.

Jiang Siyuan saw the photo that went viral in the circle of friends, and then hacked into the cloud backup of the original person's mobile phone, only to see another video.

It was the video where Zhong Yuan beat Lei Bo violently. This is how Su Wanying met Zhong Yuan in the Mala Tang shop.

Jiang Siyuan hurriedly asked, "How is it? Has he promised you?"

Su Wanying shook her head in frustration, "He said he wasn't interested, so he refused."

Jiang Siyuan was stunned, and said in surprise, "No way. Are you being too tactful?"

Su Wanying felt uncomfortable and said angrily, "What else should I tell him? Just kneel down and beg him to let him join my team?"

Jiang Siyuan said gruffly, "Oh, that's not what I mean... I just want to ask, how does he feel to you? If you think his value is enough, then I can find a way to fight for it."

Su Wanying was in a slightly complicated mood, and said, "I don't know what to say. He didn't even give me a straight look. Moreover, he gave me a very negative feeling, and he was lifeless. Vigorously. The reason why he rejected me was that he didn't like fighting."

Jiang Siyuan's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "He doesn't like beautiful women?"

Su Wanying really understood the nature of her best friend, she rolled her eyes and said, "Don't think about it, don't spread it everywhere, or people will hate me to death!"

Jiang Siyuan said with a smile, "I'm telling the truth. You are the school belle of our college. He doesn't even look at you. Isn't he a man?"

Su Wanying was also very puzzled about this point.

She has many suitors, as long as she shows a little kindness, many boys will fall for her.

Therefore, Su Wanying is still very confident in her charm.

After finally finding the opportunity for Zhong Yuan to leave school, he quickly took a shortcut to the store to occupy a seat first, and specially put on light makeup to create a chance to meet by chance.

Who would have thought that this would be the result.

It would be a lie to say that she was not lost in her heart, Su Wanying was even a little bit shocked!

Jiang Siyuan had no choice but to comfort him, "Yingying, forget it, since people don't want to, we don't need to show his cold face. If it doesn't work, we should team up with Shangguanyi and them. No matter how bad the results are, the top ten will always be guaranteed of."

Su Wanying shook her head and said, "My abilities partially overlap with those of Feng Qing, and Shangguanyi may not necessarily join me. I participated in two college leagues, and last year's results were the best, but in the end I also stopped at the 1st place." Eighth place. Now that Lei Bo is on leave of school, the team's field control and defense capabilities are not enough. Without him, it is impossible for the results to make breakthroughs."

"But this restructuring is an opportunity!" Her eyes were full of determination, and she said again, "My goal is not just to be in the top ten. I want to be in the top five, no! I want to be in the top three!"

She only hates that she is a support, unable to play in single competitions, and can only exert her strength in team competitions.

And the next college league will be the last time she will participate, and she doesn't want to leave any regrets.

Jiang Siyuan sighed, "Let's think about it again. Maybe this year's freshmen have particularly good seedlings? If it doesn't work, let Lei Bo come back to train. He will only take half a year off from school, so he can catch up with the final training camp."

Su Wanying said helplessly, "That's the only way to go."

. . . . .

. . . . .

The big pig's trotter ended up in Zhong Yuan's stomach.

In addition to being tasteless, the taste is excellent. Fat and thin, soft and chewy, not greasy.

In the end, it cost more than two hundred to settle the bill. Zhong Yuan insisted on aa, so Xie Yifeng had no choice but to agree.

After entering the campus, Xie Yifeng said goodbye, and parted ways with the siblings.

Zhong Lan bit off the ice cream cone with one bite, and said vaguely, "Brother, you are so bad at fighting, why did that woman come here and invite you to join some school team?"

Um... Do I fight?

Zhong Yuan was silent for a while.

At this time, Zhong Lan pounded her small fist on her palm and suddenly realized, "I know, she must have taken a fancy to your beauty and wants to fuck you!"

She murmured, "Fortunately, my brother saw through her attempt and successfully pretended! Well! One day, I will stand out and go out to pretend like my brother!"

Zhong Yuan: Oops, my sister may have misunderstood the word pretend...

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