Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 64 Lies Are The Salvation Of Life

At six fifty in the morning, the cafeteria.

"Brother, you overslept, right? It's a full twenty minutes later than usual! Be honest, did you play games all night!"

Zhong Lan pursed her lips and muttered dissatisfiedly.

The cafeteria was half full and noisy, and there was a long queue to pick up meals.

Luckily the xiao long bao is not sold out yet.

Zhong Yuan put two drawers of steamed buns on the table, and said helplessly, "Yes, it's my fault. Last night I played canyon survival..."

Feng Qing brought a large plate of dumplings and noodles, and then said, "I testify, your brother got a thick-skinned girl, her level is not good, you have to pester him to get points, and in the end your brother had no choice but to queue up all night , and handed over her mobile phone number before going offline!"

Zhong Lan became anxious when she heard this, and said, "Brother! Wake up! You can't just play around!" How can there be such a woman, it's so disgusting!

Feng Qing thought deeply, "That's right! You must not let your brother become that woman's plaything! Lan Lan, don't worry, I will take good care of your brother!"

"Come here! Eat an egg first!"

The eggshells were peeled off one by one, and a snow-white egg was handed to Zhong Lan.

"8! I don't like eggs."

Getting to know Feng Qing well, Zhong Lan turned a blind eye to his hospitality.

Feng Qing said kindly, "Eat eggs to grow taller, grow bigger, have good skin, and be smart. You may not eat meat, but you must eat eggs. Remember the big bear girl who came to hook up with your brother last time? She grew up eating eggs!"

Zhong Lan's eyes widened, "Really?"

Feng Qing said seriously, "I lied to you as a puppy! But, for a cute girl like you, it doesn't matter if I'm a dog."

Zhong Lan giggled. Before I knew it, I ate that egg.

With Feng Qing present, the dining atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant. This guy really has a sweet mouth and is especially good at coaxing people.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan is happy to see it succeed.

Zhong Lan has been a picky eater since she was a child, and it is not easy for her to eat something she doesn't like.

It's almost done for breakfast, Zhong Lan doesn't want to leave yet.

She felt that Feng Qing was a good person, and his relationship with the big brother seemed to be very good, so she said, "Feng Qing big brother, help me persuade my brother, he signed up for the selection of the academy, and he will definitely be beaten to death!"

Feng Qing thought to himself: Is it good that your brother doesn't beat others to death?


Could it be...

He leaned close to Zhong Yuan's ear and whispered, "Didn't you tell your sister?"

Zhong Yuan was vague, "Well, I haven't said it yet."

"Why hide it? If it were me, I would be so happy to have a powerful big brother."

Feng Qing smiled and took the place of Zhong Yuan for the showdown, "Lan Lan, don't worry, your brother is a very powerful warrior and will not be killed. Besides, real swords and guns are not allowed in the college trials. It's a wooden weapon."

"What?!" Zhong Lan's face changed suddenly, and he said in horror, "Brother! Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me?! Why didn't you tell me?"

My sister's reaction was a little strange.

Instead of being happy, I was afraid of something...

Zhong Yuan laughed hurriedly, "It's not a big deal. It's not too late for you to know now."

Zhong Lan asked weakly, "How many abilities have you absorbed? One? Or two?"


Hearing what he said, Zhong Lan was about to faint, so she threw herself on the table and burst into tears.

"My brother is going to die... I won't have a good life for a few years..."

wait wait wait!

Feng Qing was also baffled, and quickly asked, "What do you say? Why haven't you had a good life for a few years?"

Zhong Lan sobbed, "I absorbed two abilities, consuming 20 years of life. My brother absorbed several abilities, there must be more..."


Zhong Yuan's complexion changed drastically, Huo Di stood up, and said in horror, "Lan Lan, what's going on? Tell me clearly!"

The first class in the morning was skipped.

In Zhong Lan's dormitory, the atmosphere was unusually solemn.

There is a bright yellow crystal on the table.

This is the Sickle-billed Hidden Bee Market Crystal that was delivered just yesterday for Zhong Lan to absorb, and it is also a king crystal.

It has three superpowers.

Penetration, energy absorption, stealth!

Penetration is the ability possessed by Zhan Hong of the God of War team, which specializes in breaking through defenses.

Zhong Lan possesses Tian Yuan, the ability to hit a sure-fire attack, coupled with the ability to penetrate directly to break the defense, it is almost invincible.

Energy Absorption: After the attack hits, absorb a certain amount of vitality from the target.

This ability is also tailor-made for Zhong Lan, it can greatly maintain her physical energy and reduce consumption.

As for invisibility, it is the unique ability of Sickle-billed Hermit Bee Wang Jing.

Once Zhong Lan absorbs all the skills in this ruin crystal, she will have a perfect battle chain.

Stealth first, then activate the speed to approach the target, Tianyuan penetrates to kill the enemy, and finally absorbs energy to end the battle.

Such a cycle goes on and on, whether it is a single battle or a team battle, she will become the deadliest sharp knife.


Does it take 30 years of life to absorb?

With such a reminder in his mind, Zhong Lan hesitated.

Before absorbing two abilities, the life span was shortened by 20 years, and now it will be shortened by another 30 years.

Her math is not taught by the physical education teacher.

20 plus 30 is 50 years!

How many 50 years does a person have? !

Even if she can live for a hundred years, after absorbing this Ruin Crystal, she only has ten years of life left.

Zhong Lan was tearful, almost crying into tears, "Brother... I don't want to die so early..."

Zhong Yuan's heart was heavy and he fell into deep thought.

No wonder Lan Lan said before that all market power users are short-lived ghosts.

It turned out that she thought that everyone else was like her, and the ability to absorb energy would consume lifespan.

Speaking of which, I seem to have a similar ability, but I don't have any lifespan to consume!

Thinking about it a bit further, before she was reborn, Lanlan fought so desperately, she didn't spare her life at all, maybe at that time she had absorbed too many crystals, and she would not live long?

Zhong Yuan felt a pain in his heart, and turned his head to ask Feng Qing, "Have you consumed your life span by absorbing the ability from the Ruin Crystal?"

Of course not!

Feng Qing was also shocked by Zhong Lan's special ability. He shook his head and said, "I've never heard that people's lifespan will be the price of absorbing the crystals. I think it should be your sister's special ability."

With that said, he slightly took off his sunglasses.

Zhong Lan's figure was reflected in the beautiful amethyst-like pupils.

I didn’t pay attention last time, but this time it’s confirmed, Zhong Yuan’s younger sister really lost 20 years of life...

Then, Feng Qing glanced at Zhong Yuan by the way.

At this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was full of turmoil.

A few seconds later, someone put on the sunglasses calmly, pretended not to know anything, and asked, "Zhong Yuan, what are you going to do now?"

Zhong Yuan said in a deep voice, "Of course I can't let Lanlan continue to absorb the crystals! Feng Qing, is there any crystals that can prolong life?"

Feng Qing frowned, and whispered, "Although the tortoise lives..."

"I'm not in the mood to listen to you beep beep, speak human words!"

Feng Qing said bluntly, "If there was one, it would have been overtaken a long time ago. Everyone wants to be a market leader, so why wait for you?"

Zhong Lan said in fear, "If I don't absorb Xu Jing, will I be kicked out of the academy? Will Uncle Lin scold me?"

Zhong Yuan said with a cold face, "No one can force you! Lan Lan, don't absorb Xu Jing anymore. To me, you are the most important person in this world. You are my life! And, I am now too. Ruins, the academy will not drive us away!"

"elder brother……"

Zhong Lan's heart warmed up, and she wrung her fingers, still feeling uneasy.

"However, Uncle Lin will be very disappointed. He cares about me so much, calls me every day, asks if I have eaten, and tells me to go to bed early..."

Feng Qing was extremely shocked, and lost his voice, "Which Uncle Lin?" Dare to steal my wife from me! ?

Zhong Yuan said expressionlessly, "Lin Dongliang."

Feng Qing murmured murderously, "Smelting copper will lead to a terrible death! Beast, I will kill him if I have the chance!"

Do you still have the face to talk about others?

Zhong Yuan said in a deep voice, "I'll take care of Lin Dongliang. Just return this ruin crystal to him!"

Seeing his sister's depression, he forced a smile and encouraged him, "Lan Lan, even if you haven't absorbed more abilities, you are already considered a master with Tian Yuan and super speed. Human potential is unlimited, so why stick to it?" The ability in the crystal. In fact, everyone has a unique ability, but most people have not awakened it."

"If you don't believe me, look!"

Zhong Yuan took out a throwing knife, threw it casually, and instantly nailed a tiny mosquito to the wall.

Zhong Lan looked at the magical flying knife and asked tremblingly, "Really? Brother... Do I still have special abilities?"

Zhong Yuan bit the bullet and said very firmly, "There must be! As long as you don't give up, you will definitely wake up!"

Zhong Lan burst into tears, and once again found the meaning of living.

"I know, I will work hard!"

Many years later, Zhong Lan was among the top powerhouses in China, and every time he recalled the scene at this moment, he shed tears.

There is a redemption called a white lie.

In fact, she knew in her heart that apart from consuming her life to absorb Xu Jing, she had no other talent at all...

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