Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 117: Stock fry

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After signing the contract and paying by card, Wang Ping'an signed another agency agreement, from buying insurance to licensing, and handing it to the 4S store.

When you are done, call Wang Pingping without worrying about anything.

Wang Ping'an took the initiative to ask the shopping guide's younger sister's phone, bring the contract, and the small follower Wang Tiantian. They rode a motorcycle tricycle and rushed to the fry base in the same suburb.

As soon as he left the Automobile City, the Shennong Auxiliary System sent a message: "Congratulations, you have completed the task of earning a million a month and buying a luxury car, and you will be rewarded with a Soul Shaping Pill."

The light flashed, and a small jade bottle appeared in front of Wang Ping'an, similar to when he first got the body-building pill.

Wang Ping'an had nothing to do with it. He silently pondered in his heart and put the Soul Shaping Pill into the storage box. When he was free, he took it again.

He has now gradually realized that Master wants to change some of his bad habits in a systematic way, and the rewards he receives are all things he urgently needs and are useful for the future.

Xianfan is different. With Shennong's status in Xianjie, he can't easily give something to his disciples. He can only cooperate with Tiandao to make a system to pass certain taboos.

"Who the **** did I offend? Why punish me for reincarnation? Who are those enemies who broke my soul?"

Wang Pingan murmured a few words, but couldn't think of any clues, hoping to take this plastic soul pill and think of some clues.

After thinking about it, I have come to a fry base. I contacted yesterday and asked about the approximate price.

Based on the purchase volume of his more than four acres of ponds, the polyculture model was adopted, but the maximum was more than 10,000.

Like grass carp fry, three cents per tail, silver carp fry four cents per tail, crucian carp fry one cent per tail ... then mix with other fish, so that the upper, middle and lower layers of the pond are enough. Fish survival.

Three to five thousand fish fry can be stocked in an acre of pond, but Wang Ping's still chooses the smallest density for breeding, one is simple breeding, and the other is to improve the taste and quality of fish.

"Ping An Wu, I ’ve been a little busy for the teacher recently. I almost forgot that you are still practicing in the world. When you are planting, you are already involved in breeding. After seeing it for the teacher, you are very relieved ... you are finally not so lazy.

"Now give you the latest mission, breeding at least 3,000 chickens and 10,000 fish, and selling them at ten times the market price, so that the poor city people can taste the real delicious meat."

"There are rewards for successful missions and punishments for failed missions."

Hearing this kind of task that was tailor-made for himself, Wang Ping asked on the spot: "Master, have you been monitoring me all the time? Come out and chat? I think I have a problem with my previous life. I have a lifetime , Besides making money, what else can you do? "

"..." There was no response from the system and Master did not respond. When the task was issued, it disappeared without a trace.

"I knew that the system was not reliable." Wang Ping lamented, anyway, he was used to it, and he didn't respond without answering.

Wang Ping chose the fry and paid for it. The owner of the fry base said that he would send employees to deliver it in the afternoon, and at the same time sell him some fish-feeding feed.

Wang Ping An felt that he needed it, so he paid for some of it and waited for lunch at the fish farming base.

Sister-in-law Wu Panchun was worried about sweetness and asked her mother to call and ask about their situation.

Wang Ping told his mother that everything went well, and now that he has just bought fry, he can go back after eating.

Only in this way can they rest assured.

At lunch in the small restaurant next to it, I ordered a little bit of food. The taste was not very good, one big and one small, frowning, and barely ate my stomach.

At this time, Wang Wencai finally called.

"Erbao, coach Tie Zhu won't let me practice again, what is it?"

"Your car training skills are so good that you can take the test directly?" Wang Ping asked tentatively.

"Haha, it's the same as I thought ... but I still practiced poorly. I pressed the line twice, can I pass the level?" Wang Wencai laughed, and suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.

"Well, don't worry, I will communicate with Tie Zhu. If he doesn't want to refund the double tuition fee, he will let you train."

"The same is true, then I will wait for your news. However, the second day of the test is the day after tomorrow. There is not much time. You have to hurry and ask."

The two of them talked here before they hung up.

Wang Ping'an took the phone and wanted to call Tie Zhu, but after thinking about it, it was forgotten. Today's matter must be related to buying a car.

Tie Zhu claimed to be able to buy a bargain price, but as a result, he did not ask for the bargain price. He felt he could not make extra money and wanted to get Wang Wen only.

"Frying fish fry will be released in the afternoon. When you are busy, go to Tiezhu for trouble." Thinking of this, Wang Ping called the boss of the fish fry base to urge the other party to deliver.

Then, he drove the motorcycle, took Wang Tiantian, and hurried back to Taoyuan as quickly as possible.

Wang Ping'an also had to check the pond. Wang Tiantian ran outside for most of the day, feeling a little homesick, saying hello, and jumping away.

The water levels of the two ponds are basically the same, and Wang Ping'an blocked the small ditch between the ponds, waiting for the fry senders to come to the door.

Not long after, someone called him and asked for the specific location.

A small truck pulls large and small buckets, and each bucket has a tube connected to the aeration pump to reduce the mortality of fry.

The fish-delivery staff is also professional, according to the proportion of polyculture in the pond, to put different numbers of species in each pond.

When Wang Hongliang was just driving, the wind tricycle came back from the outside. When passing by the pond, he was curious to see Wang Ping and others throwing fry.

"Erbao, don't you make money from fish farming in the village? You can get rid of the money of feed and fry, and you'll be fine if you don't lose money. Coupled with the fish thieves, it's hard to guard against it. Some don't steal, and even go to the pond Poisoned. "

When Wang Hongliang stopped, the wind tricycle stood by and watched for a while, and by the way, he told the fish farming situation in the village.

"Whoever dares to poison me in my pond and get caught by me, I will let him drink the water in the pond." Wang Ping said calmly.

"..." Wang Hongliang smacked his tongue, knowing that Erbao was a ruthless man, he couldn't afford it, he couldn't afford it.

"..." The employee who dropped the fry gave a shocked glance at Wang Ping'an. He couldn't think of such a handsome man, so terrible.

Finally, the fry of the two ponds were finally put in. Behind the small truck, they also brought some feed. Briefly explain the amount of the fish, and the talent drove away.

After Wang Hongliang also left, Wang Ping secretly poured a little Shennong mineral water in each pond, causing fry to gather frantically and devouring aura-rich water.

Some half-dead aquatic plants slowly became spiritual and green after the Shennong mineral water spread.

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