Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 284: Fruit seller's attitude

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"Brother, can we leave this time?" Li Chun asked with a dim sum.

"If you want to go, just go, it's like I won't let you go. If you don't go, wait, what if you want to live?" Wang Ping said generously.

Lichun was so angry, Nima, if she could not beat her, she wanted to confuse him on the spot.

Is n’t it that you wo n’t let me go, can I send someone to send 200,000?

Is this small money? How much money do I make a year.

Meat hurts.

Li Chun was downcast, took a group of younger brothers, packed up the parking equipment on the ground, and got into the two vans next to him.

After Li Chun and these people left, Wang Ping'an began to divide the money.

You are 80,000, he is 80,000, and the remaining 40,000 is given to Wang Degui, let him distribute the money to the villagers who came to help.

If thirty or forty villagers did not come to help out, the Lichun group would be overwhelmed by the momentum, and it would not be so easy to ask for compensation.

The driver and the person in charge of the fruit company naturally have nothing to say, because these 80,000 yuan, in addition to the money for car repairs, will also allow them to share thick oil and water.

Wang Degui and the villagers, however, were unexpectedly happy. They did not expect to yell for a while and still get the money.

For these 40,000 yuan, a person can get about 1,000 yuan, which is almost up to the half-month salary of ordinary villagers.

"Thank you Erbao, thank you village head." The villagers who received the money, thank you very much and smiled one by one.

The people of the fruit company thanked Wang Ping'an and Wang Degui and drove away.

After returning to the village, the villagers almost exaggerated Wang Ping'an into a fairy by describing the events here in an exaggerated manner.

Of course, I did not forget to brag about the role I played in it, how to be brave and how to scare the gangsters in the town to beg for mercy.

In short, this is the victory of Wang Ping's father and son, and the victory of all the young and old in Wangjing Village.

On this day, Wang Ping'an and Wang Degui's authority and fame reached a small peak in the village, quietly crushing the village party secretary Wang Deli.

This made Wang Deli quite regretful, shouting all the time, saying that if there is another time, he must call himself.

As the party secretary, if you can't lead the old and young people in the village to fight in groups, what kind of good party secretary?

If he did n’t say this, his eyes kept staring at the 1,000 yuan in the hands of the villagers, and Wang Ping almost believed him.

The small merchants surrounded by people waiting in line to see a doctor depreciated people in the nearby villages and in the town. After hearing about this, they also kept Wang Ping's name in mind.

The two famous fools who used to be famous now become very powerful. Not only have they made a fortune, but they can also lead the villagers to fight and protect the interests of the villagers. It is incredible.

What's more, Wang Ping took someone to fight in the town's Lichun, known as Chun, who is very famous. It is said that Baidu can find it.

Even such daring men dare to fight, that's okay.

When you return to your village, you must tell everyone about the world's best events.

As a party, Wang Ping'an, like a okay person, took care of the chores in Taoyuan, drove a pickup truck, and brought back two boxes of peaches, a box of fresh vegetables, and a few live fish in his old house.

Listening to my grandma, I will go home tonight, and my uncle may send a military vehicle to pick her up.

There is no way. Uncle is too busy working in the army. He has no time during the day and wants to do his filial piety.

When Wang Ping'an returned to his old house, he saw that his grandmother had packed up and was ready to leave at any time.

Besides Lichun, after returning to the town with a group of younger brothers, the more he thought, the more angry he felt that he had fallen into a cat's egg.

"This can't be the case. Lao Tzu must take revenge." Li Chun shattered his cup with anger, and anyone who persuaded was bad.

"Yes, Brother Chun, this must not be forgotten. When we get mentally ill, we must find the place back." The younger brothers filled with indignation and agreed.

"Go away, mental illness can be so good? I said that revenge is to seek revenge for cats and eggs, not to Wang Ping's two silly revenge." Li Chun said with hatred.

"Ah ... revenge for cat eggs, but cat eggs are not so annoying. He has a very strong relationship with several people in the police station. We are not easy to move him."

"If you can't move, don't move? Do we have such counsel?"

"..." The younger brothers were silent. If they were not so counseled, could they compensate Wang Ping'an 200,000 after being beaten?

The compensation is not money, but face.

When Li Chun looked at it, he was even more angry, and he fell a cup again.

"Boss, you can't fall anymore. If you fall again, we won't have a cup to drink water." A younger brother, reminded distressedly.

"..." Li Chunqi, these foolish idiots, who don't care about their mood, actually distressed a cup?

Everyone stared at Lichun silently, as if to say, was that a cup thing? Obviously two!

Li Chun saw that everyone's expression was wrong, and felt that it was necessary to shift the contradiction: "Let's, let's find a cat and egg theory."

"Okay." Although the younger brothers were unwilling, they were not good against the boss's will.

Five minutes later, Lichun, with a group of younger brothers, walked to the fruit purchasing office of cat eggs.

A group of cats and eggs are blowing air conditioning in the house, playing mahjong, and some people are eating watermelon and watching TV. A group of more than a dozen people often gather together.

"Cat eggs, I have something to talk to you about." Lichun shouted badly, standing outside the door.

"Yeah, come to Lao Tzu to put on a stinky face, don't you have a long face? Isn't it enough to suffer in Wangjing Village, and want to get another meal?" Yao chicken.

"What are you talking about? Do you all know?" Li Chun was shocked and angry, and the news of his beating was spread so quickly?

"Haha, I have so much information on Lao Tzu, you can't understand it. Yeah, I was beaten by Er Silly. I was dissatisfied and wanted to get in trouble with me? Are you a little bit good? Silly to get back the scene, what is it to come to me? "

Cat egg is worthy of being the oldest boss in the town, and in three or two sentences, Li Chun was speechless.

"It's you ... what motivated me to look for something? The people in the second silly company called the fruit company to buy fruits, and it was not my own interest to hurt them. I have been there. Shouldn't you go?" Li Chunzhi Well, finally say what I want to say.

Cat egg looked disdainful: "Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. You went there yourself, and it has nothing to do with me. However, I think you are losing money and are willing to help you out. Tonight. On the way, let us both lead people and go to Wangjing Village again, dare you dare? "

"Ah? What do you want to do? Er silly is not easy to provoke. The people in their village are also a bit fierce. We are gone, afraid that it won't be cheap." Li Chun was shocked and persuaded.

"Bah, look at your good luck. When you are beaten up, you are scared. How can we sell our fruit sellers anyway? If the fruits of those people will never be sold to us again, am I not? Starving to death? For our business, this matter will sooner or later. "

"..." Lichun wanted to say that even if the people in Wangjing Village no longer sell themselves fruit, there are six other villages in the town.

However, at this point, if you back away, your face will be really lost, and the town will not have any status in the future.

"That line, let's go to the second silly tonight and show our attitude."

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