Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 339: Gambling is illegal

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Since Su Nu was here, Wang Ping'an wanted to tell her mother, so Su Wenting came back from school at noon and went to the orchard to make a sumptuous lunch to entertain the eldest niece.

As for the villa, my mother had only seen it a few times before, and she was not interested in it. She said that she still lived in a comfortable house in the old house and said she would not move anything.

However, she said that after Wang Ping'an got married and had a baby, she could consider moving over to help him take care of the baby.

If you do n’t have a wife or children, do n’t mention moving in the future.

Well, even if it's dull like Wang Ping, it's heard, this is the way of forced marriage by mother.

What can he say about this?

Can only act silly.

However, he was very encouraged to do business with his cousin. He said that cousins ​​and sisters should move more, even if the older generation is gone, they should often go around and move around, so as not to become strangers.

In this family-friendly environment, Wang Ping's business with his cousin Su Wu had a very pleasant discussion.

Wang Ping'an provided business opportunities, and also provided initial seeds. The rest of the matter was all handed over to the big cousin Su Wu. The two were divided into five and five, and the business cooperation period was three years.

Because three years later, Qingmei grass will definitely spread all over the world, the price will drop to very low, and the need for cooperation has been lost.

At that time, it would be divided again, that is, Wang Ping'an bullied the big cousin, and the reputation was not good.

If it reaches Uncle, it is said that Wang Ping'an bullied Su-Hu because of the grass. It is estimated that Uncle will bring troops and directly use anti-aircraft guns to sift him into a sieve.

After lunch, Wang Ping'an and Su Nuo quickly signed a cooperation agreement, and then took most of the seeds of sclerophyllum and dozens of seedlings of Qingmai grass, and hurriedly returned to the provincial capital to prepare for her rise to counterattack.

The name Suwei has been compromised, and it is called Qingli vanilla, which can also be referred to as Qingliu grass.

In order to promote it in the early stage, it will also adopt a lease method, lease Qingmei grass, and after mixing with the fame, take a courageous black heart road, one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight yuan one pot, less than one point not sold.

Wang Ping'an was too lazy to manage, and only hoped that the big cousin's business was getting better and better, so that she would have the opportunity to pay back the money she borrowed.

In life, I always hope that my investment will pay off.

Investment that does not want to be returned is not investment, but charity or gift.

When sending the big cousin to leave, Wang Ping'an did not rush back, strolling down the road, and thinking about what to do next.

He was already in contact with the cultivators of this world when he was collecting medicine. Although he was extremely simple and low-end, his combat effectiveness was a bit strong, at least he could bring a threat to himself.

I really want to eat together and wait for death, and wait until the master lays a path for me to return to the fairy world, but the situation is getting worse and worse. If so, what year and month will I be able to return to the fairy world?

In a word, Wang Ping anxious.

He wanted to move around in the village more, trigger more tasks of the Shennong system, and strive to cheat from Master ... to earn more rewards.

When passing by the door of Uncle's house, grandmother Mi Guizhi was sitting under the gate, her body still wrapped like a mummy, her face dull, as if she had entered the ranks of Alzheimer's in advance.

"Grandma, have you been in good health recently? You have to take care of yourself, don't be as skinny as a young man, it's all a matter of bumping." Wang Ping'an shouted with concern.

"Go, while playing, I don't want to talk to you." Mi Guizhi waved her hands impatiently, and the dull expression flashed a trace of impatience.

"Grandma, you have a bad temper and hurt virtue. Hey good, I won't say it, don't throw stones." Wang Ping An escaped and left the stones thrown at his feet.

Wang Ping'an was very pleased to see that her grandmother was recovering well. The only good arm remaining was the strength to throw stones at people.

I looked at the few luck modifiers in my system warehouse, and there was a mysterious smile on my face.

When I walked to the intersection, it was still lively. It was a place where old people and idlers in the village talked.

Due to the sudden departure of Tang Shenyi, the medical hall in the village has been closed, and the external patients are still in an endless stream, and he did not leave because Tang Shenyi suddenly disappeared.

Because a notice was posted in front of the Tang's medical hall, saying that he had something to do temporarily and he needed to go out to collect medicines. After returning, he would continue to open the clinic for treatment.

Because of this, those who are really sick will be so infatuated, waiting hard for Tang Shenyi to return.

Wang Jiayu was detained by the town police station for two days. He was just released today. In order to show that he has a good attitude, he ran to a place where there were many people at the intersection to participate in the chat. status.

It is time to talk, laugh, and play with some old villagers in several villages to play Jin Jinhua, but the result is miserable and the face is green.

Seeing Wang Ping's appearance, the green gas on his face could no longer be suppressed, and he rushed to the heavenly spirit cover.

Wang Jiayu gritted his teeth, and said a thousand words in his heart: "Two treasures, how many games to play?"

"Gambling is illegal, and I don't play." Wang Pingping refused, and must not violate national laws because of personal friendship.

"Haha, other people's wives can play. What can't you do with poker?" An old bachelor sitting at the table had almost lost his teeth, and his mouth was still so damaged. He said it in public.

The people next to him suddenly laughed and attracted more attention.

Wang Pingping looked as usual, unmoved, as if he was not talking about himself.

Wang Jiayu ... also looked as usual, unmoved, as if he was not talking about himself.

The guys laughed for a while and saw that both parties did not respond and felt a little bored. They even began to wonder if they guessed wrong?

Perhaps Wang Ping'an didn't pick up Wang Jiayu's wife?

Are these rumors?

"Don't play cards, are you still a man? Erbao, I heard that you have made a lot of money in the past, and you have built a hotel with others. It is also a big boss. You can play a few cards and you can play poorly?"

"That is, if you don't play, you look down on people. No matter what you say, I'm also your grandfather's generation. I'm an elder. If you don't listen to the elders, it's a big deal."

Everyone finally saw Wang Ping'an in the human field. There was a group of attacking styles. They had to pull him to play a few rounds of poker and want to earn some money to drink at night.

Because everyone in the village knows that Wang Ping was a fool before, and it has become a little strange in the last two or three months, but everyone does not believe that Wang Ping, who has never played poker, can win.

If it was Wang Ping, who met these people, yuck them, and jumped up and scolded a few words.

However, he has been a little embarrassed to play crazy and sell silly lately. After all, he has become a model of successful people in the village.

Seeing that everyone was an activist and a pressure, Wang Ping simply sat down and played a few games with them.

Because in half an hour, the luck modifier will expire, no need to waste too much.

"Okay, then I will play with you for a while. I really can't play cards. We will win or lose in three games. If we don't play more," Wang Ping said, took out a few banknotes and placed it in front of him to signal the beginning.

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