Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 603: PK punishment

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Wang Ping's enthusiastic performance won unanimous praise from everyone, which made the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room warm up quickly, and some small rewards continued.

Wang Ping'an especially likes to increase the number of fans, and really doesn't care about rewards.

But speaking out, no one may believe it.

After all, the vast majority of anchors do this line for money.

You say you are not for money, who believes?

If you want to increase the number of fans, you must get a lot of rewards, the live broadcast platform will pay attention to you, help you promote, help you increase the exposure, so that more fans can pay attention.

After half an hour of the live broadcast, more than 1,000 pieces of rewards were obtained, but the number of fans only increased by dozens.

While some people were rewarding the Rockets, some casual viewers attracted by the platform announcements paid attention.

Wang Ping'an doesn't think so.

At this rate of growth, the system can only be completed in the year of the monkey.

A big move must be made.

He felt that if he performed magical sword flying, magical tricks and the like, he should be able to fire, but the action department definitely disagreed, and he would be severely punished if he intends to disclose the identity of the practitioner.

As for other talent shows, there is no challenge, and his interest is not great.

"My black shop, due to too few locations, may be merged into the Huaxi Hotel recently. By then, dozens of tables can be added to the location every day. It is not convenient to disclose the specific situation for the time being."

"For a period of time in the future, I will keep broadcasting every day. The broadcast time is temporarily not fixed.

"As for the talent show, I will try my best. After all, this is a food live broadcast platform, mainly eating. Speaking of this, I am not convinced. I will not only do it, but also eat more."

Wang Ping'an has finished what he wants to say, and habitually, he will end the live broadcast.

At this moment, a PK invitation popped up. He hadn't figured out what was going on. With a little effort, he entered the PK state, and another anchor appeared on the screen, and he was a man.

"A good man is safe all his life, right? Hello, I'm a voluptuous brother. I ordered random PK. No matter who I meet, it's fate."

On the screen, there appeared a young man dressed up in a voluptuous dress and makeup. She was too pretty, and her voice was sulking.

Wang Ping's stunned, I don't know what this is. I haven't been to the live broadcast room for a long time, and I don't know if the platform has a PK function.

"What's going on? What's going on with PK?" Wang Ping frowned, not in this way, and he didn't like the stranger on the screen.

The enchanting brother twitched with laughter: "Haha, you don't even know this? My dearest babies, give the newcomers across the screen a little color."

It was only after Wang Ping discovered that there was a PK energy bar under the live video of the two. One side rewarded, the PK energy bar would explode, and the other side would become shorter.

In an instant, Wang Ping'an understood that this is a model for the platform to make money.

Use the contention of the anchor fans to promote rewards.

Wang Ping's current PK energy bar is 0, while the opponent's energy bar is 15600, which is the number of platform points. One yuan is equal to 100 points. The other party now receives a reward of 156 yuan.

"It's boring. What's the point of such a PK?" Wang Pingping was indifferent and still had no idea of ​​giving fans a reward.

Enchanting brother said with pride: "Why wouldn't it make sense? If you lose to be punished, the winner can ask the loser to do one thing, such as dancing, singing, doing push-ups, squatting, chest shaking ... Hee, this time You have lost, let me think about how to punish you! "

"..." Wang Ping gave him a white eye again. What's all this? Laozitang immortal reincarnated, actually reduced to selling art to survive?

Wang Ping'an did not speak, but his fans were in a hurry.

He can say bad things about him and scold him for not broadcasting on time, but he cannot listen to others despise him and mock him.

So a female fan named "Except Wushan is not a cloud", rewarded two rockets on the spot!

One rocket costs 500 yuan, which is equivalent to 50,000 live streaming platform credits. Two rockets cost 100,000 yuan, which is a lot larger than enchanting brother.

"Good brother, I don't allow you to lose! You are a high-cold male **** in my heart. If I lose to the girl opposite, I will collapse!"

"Yes, yes, our big fan princess is not here today. If she is there, there will be more than two rockets. It will make the other side desperate!"

"The girly opposite is so disgusting, and also said that our good brother is a newcomer? I yuck! Our good brother has more than 100,000 fans, and his fans are only more than 80,000. Where is the courage to say that good brother Newcomer? "

In Wang Ping's live broadcast room, fans were angry, and some reserved female fans who did not speak often also spoke one after another, filled with indignation, and used their meager financial resources to support Wang Ping.

In a flash, Wang Ping's PK energy bar has reached 180,000.

Enchanting brother almost scared stupid, shouted with a scream: "My mother, what's going on? Is he cheating? How can he exceed us all at once? One hundred and ninety thousand, but also increase, two hundred thousand ... babies, help me quickly, I am about to lose, woo woo. "

Wang Pingan scratched his head, looking at the exaggerated expression on the opposite side, not to mention how greasy it was, almost tossing his phone.

"Well, you don't need to reward. I don't care whether I win or lose. Anyway, I don't want to participate in this kind of PK anymore. If there is a similar invitation, I will refuse." Wang Ping said seriously to his fans in the live broadcast room.

"No, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but we do. It's a fan group of good people, we will never allow you to lose!" Fans in the live room swipe the screen in unison.

"Uh ..." Wang Ping'an didn't know what to say.

Just talking about here, the opponent's PK energy bar suddenly exploded and became 420,000 points, and there were only three seconds left until the end of this PK.

"No, the other party stole the tower, it's so mean!"

"Our good fan group lost ..."

"The grandfather of our fan group mainly knows that it will be crazy!"

In an instant, the round of PK was over and Wang Ping'an lost.

Wang Ping'an felt his mouth was open, and he said he would lose if he lost.

Although I don't care about winning or losing, I saw the energetic little brother cheering on the opposite side like cheering and almost spit out the breakfast ... No, I didn't eat in the morning, no wonder I couldn't spit it out.

"You lost, the new man opposite, you lost! I want to punish you, haha!"

The enchanting brother cheered, leaped, and even twisted the slender waist to show his posture in front of the camera.

"You are free, but I have the right to refuse ... Uh, refusal will deduct the points of the live room? Will it reduce the exposure?" Wang Ping originally wanted to pay the bill, but when he saw the reminder, he immediately entangled.

Enchanting brother Jiao Didi smiled and said, "Relax, people will only punish you slightly, it won't make you too embarrassed, after all, you are handsome, only a little worse than me. So, I will punish you for singing A song with a random title, any song you can sing. "

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