Don’t Mess with the War Goddess

Chapter 1309: she is here

It was the Vulture Gang who contacted Ai Tingze.

The vibration from the phone frightened Mrs. Song to go directly behind the green belt in the community, her fingers shivering across the screen.

I was so nervous that it took me a few tries to connect.


The voice was also trembling, like the cold wind blowing the dead leaves that were about to leave the tree, trembling until they could not find the root.

On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a while, and then he said, "Please let Ai Tingze answer the phone, thank you."

It was the woman who followed Ai Tingze. She was the only girl they knew they were looking for.

The grief-stricken Madam Song let out a low whimper and bit her teeth tightly on the back of her hand, preventing herself from crying.

After a few seconds, she choked her throat and replied hoarsely, "My brother, he's gone, he's gone, he was killed by the people inside. Woohoo, send someone here, the people inside are still alive, you want That bitch...that girl, she's still alive."

"I saw her with other people just now. Those people are very powerful. Come over here, come over here."

The eldest brother also received a call from this person before he died, and promised that the eldest brother would send support.

What about people now?

What about people?

Why haven't you come yet!

"Everyone is dead, are you the only one still alive?" The person on the other side of the phone asked calmly. It sounded like his tone was not very good, and it was cold.

Mrs. Song, who was desperately ill, didn't hear it. She wiped her tears and hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes, they are all dead, they are all dead. I hid outside to recognize people, but they didn't find them."

"Where are your people, come here quickly. The girl is still in their hands, you need to hurry up."

hurry up!

Hurry up!

Can't let that **** An Xia escape!

Tonight is my only chance to kill her.

Can't miss it anymore.

Killing An Xia, killing the people inside, her elder brother and Yanyan's revenge, she avenged them all.

Mrs. Song didn't feel much sadness over the death of her brother Ai Tingze. At that time, she was indeed saddened, but compared with her daughter Song Yanyan's grievance, it was much lighter.

Now that the eldest brother is gone, the only person she can expect to avenge herself is the people from the Vulture Gang.

The people of the Vulture Gang did not expect that the people inside were so strong that they sent out more than 20 subordinates, but they were all gone!

But that girl, they do need it.

"Our guys are around, tell me, did you see them coming out?"

Mrs. Song didn't see it at all, but she still replied, "I saw them! They came out! Hurry up, hurry up!"

She didn't know if God from abroad received her prayer, and when the Vulture Gang came over, she saw An Xia.

Even though An Xia was much taller than last time, she just glanced at it, and she could be sure that it was the enemy she had worked so hard to find for a long time.

"An Xia! She's here! She's here!"

The night that had finally calmed down was broken again by Madam Song's piercing scream.

The people from the vulture gang had planned to search along the road, and learned that none of the brothers who went in the first wave had survived.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly heard a woman's scream. Rao was the one who fought and killed all day, and they were so frightened that they shivered.

The call didn't end, and Mrs. Song's screams were heard by the people on the other side of the phone, and a new round of fighting kicked off.

An Xia has locked Mrs. Song's position and said to Xia Jinyuan: "Ahead, at ten o'clock, under the green belt, Mrs. Song, Ai Qianhua, you can go and catch it."

Point out the direction, and arrest people as you want.

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