Don’t Mess with the War Goddess

Chapter 1311: Lady Song's Twist

Mu Chenyuan heard next to him: "..."

He's still silently suppressing it.

I don't know if the vicious dog understood it, or was it suppressed by the **** murderous aura on An Xia's body, so he didn't growl frantically any more.

Only then did An Xia pat the dog's head with satisfaction, and ordered in Gaso, "Go, go back to your kennel and stay!"

So, the tall and strong dog with shiny fur really listened to An Xia's instructions and ran back to his kennel.

Mu Chenyuan saw it in his eyes, and a thin smile flashed across his thin lips.

His girl has the softest place in her heart.

Without further delay, the two passed through the small garden, climbed over the iron fence in front, and circled to the rear of the Vulture Gang.

After a while, gunshots rang out from behind.

"Behind! Damn it! Someone is behind!"

The cracking roar was intertwined with the sound of gunfire, and the vultures who were attacked quickly divided into two halves, one half guarding the front and the other guarding the back.

When Xia Jinyuan saw this, his attack became even fiercer.

Ye Jian has approached Mrs. Song.

"Mrs. Song." She shouted in a low voice, startled Madam Song, who was still crawling, raised her gun and swept away.

Before pulling the trigger, the pistol fell into Ye Jian's hand.

"Mrs. Song, you can't kill An Xia." Ye Jian took off the magazine and said lightly, "You know best how your daughter died."

The clear voice penetrated through the gunpowder smoke, and every word was incomparably clear into Mrs. Song's ears.

Madam Song screamed wildly, "My daughter was killed by that **** An Xia! She killed my daughter! Ahhhh, she's only eighteen years old!"

"But she was killed by An Xia!! Always awake under the cold ground, and never see the sun!!"

"My Yanyan, so beautiful, so lively, so smart, it was An Xia who killed her! It was that devil An Xia who killed my daughter!"

"Who are you, get out of the way, or I'll kill you!"

Her scream was like glass running over the ground through the crack of the door, stabbing her head.

Ye Jian suppressed her hands, squatted, and pressed her to the ground, her eyes were cold, "Raise without teaching, Mrs. Song, it wasn't An Xia who killed your daughter, it was you and your husband. ."

"I'm jealous of girls who are prettier than myself, and I'll try my best to destroy them, Mrs. Song, what your daughter has done is far more than An Xia."

"According to the investigation, a total of six girls were destroyed by her. The first girl was forced by Song Yanyan to jump off the second floor, and her lower body was completely paralyzed by her lumbar spine."

"The second girl was forced to jump into the river. Because of the lack of oxygen in her brain, she became a vegetative state and is still lying in the hospital at least."

"The third girl was burned 60 percent of her body by alcohol, and her face was severely disfigured. Although her limbs were healthy, the girl was severely traumatized and was sent to a mental illness treatment center by her family."

"A fourth girl was hit by a truck and died at the scene."

"The fifth girl, An Xia, successfully escaped and completely fought back."

"Your daughter is the real devil! She made the four girls lose hope for the rest of their lives. An Xia's appearance was her own fault! If she provokes someone she shouldn't, she has to pay the price!"

Mrs. Song couldn't listen to these words.

These girls, she knows all these things.

Struggling frantically, she didn't think her daughter was wrong at all, "They were disobedient, they made Yanyan angry! What is Yanyan's identity, and what is their identity!"

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