Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 133: I raise big cats in the last days (12)

In the window of the second floor of the hospital building, a woman with a white mask leaned out and waved desperately to the transport truck: "Ah, hey, little boy, turn off the flames. You run me in the middle of the night to show your engine yelling Is it ringing? "

Chi Xiaochi said, "Grabbed a bear."

The woman rushed him: "I'm not a warehouse here! Go and go."

Chi Xiaochi stretched his arms forward and lay on the dashboard with a grinning smile. "I brought you a nurse back."

As soon as the woman's eyes turned on, she turned and ran out, even forgetting to wear a coat.

When Dengdeng went downstairs, she was still wearing a mask covering half her face.

She grabbed the girl's wrist with blazes of joy, rejoicing, "I'm righteous because I am short of manpower. Did you really bring me back one? Captain Ding, is there any work?"

Chi Xiaochi folded a white plum from the small flower bed in the courtyard and inserted it into the dashboard: "Captain Ding, there is nothing cub."

The woman's smile was about to come out of her eyes: "Cheng Chengcheng, you said I knew everything .... Girl, my surname Lu, call me sister Lu in the future. Looks like you just graduated from college? ... … Have been working in the hospital for a year? Great! I'll get you a piece of clothes, and you should hurry and take a bath. The smell of bears ....... Oh, sorry, I'm sorry. Blame Xiao Ding, don't do things properly, plug your girl's house with a bear—wait, Xiao Ding! Ding Qiuyun! Don't run! You steal my plum blossoms again! "

Chi Xiaochi, who had been quietly sliding to the door of the hospital with the truck, found that his actions had been revealed. He stepped out of the gas pedal and ran away without a hit.

The new little nurse was still ignorant of everything in front of her.

After listening to Sister Lu, the little nurse asked in surprise: "Do you have hot water here?"

Hot water is a luxury for the little nurse.

For two years, she has stayed in a city to serve new humans.

If it weren't for a new human being trying to invade her, she wouldn't stop talking and she wouldn't have fled with her boyfriend.

After being rescued by Chi Xiaochi and others, they agreed with the two.

The girl stays in the hospital first, and her little boyfriend will be sent to the power plant. They will be familiar with the environment first. At noon tomorrow, they will take her boyfriend to come again. rule.

Sister Lu pointed to the distance: "We have a cold-proof boiler room. This gadget is an old object made by several college students based on patterns in textbooks and old materials. Not to mention, it works. Everyone takes turns washing, At least everyone can take a shower every two days. "

The little nurse enviously said, "Old humans like us can take a bath every five days. And only use warm water when taking a bath."

"Hey, is there anything worthy?" Sister Lu said, "It's all human."

The little nurse likes Sister Lu, who is like a mother and a mother.

As she walked with her to the hospital building, the little nurse said, "People are still different. New humans never treat us as humans."

Sister Lu replied: "I am a new human, and I don't think so."

Little nurse: "..."

"Forget it, I don't pull the mask, I'm afraid to scare you." Sister Lu seemed to notice the embarrassment of the little nurse, turned her head and smiled heartily, "I told you in advance that we have new humans, old humans, and animals here. There are also AIs that come to trust. In this world, there is good in the bad. "

After the little nurse's boyfriend was settled, Chi Xiaochi took someone to take the bear to the warehouse.

There is a person in the warehouse responsible for slaughtering and processing the goods they hunt.

Three headlights shone the slaughterhouse brightly. Under the warm yellow light, the bear meat and the bear skin were steamingly separated.

The members of the bear hunting team have already discussed the meat according to their merits and needs, and the remaining bear meat is registered in the public cold storage after being registered for two pounds.

For the keys of the 18 public storages in the city, three keys must be inserted into the keyhole at the same time to open them, and the three keys must be kept by three different people.

As the leader of the entire city, Chi Xiaochi kept one of the keys in each storehouse, for a total of 18 keys.

Chi Xiaochi never focuses on the collective economy. In addition to giving preferential treatment to the elderly and children, young and middle-aged men and women alike have to do live work, farming, hunting, or selling the necessities of life they have found.

No matter how much is harvested, it's up to you to dispose of it. You can keep it or exchange it.

It's so lazy, the whole family just sits together and drinks Northwest wind.

As for stealing and plundering, just think about it, no one dares to do it.

After all, here, as long as you work hard, you will have food, and you will never starve to death. In the end, the invasion of his character is equivalent to murder, and being caught is a death.

Chi Xiaochi retrieved a large piece of bear meat and planned to go back and cook it for his coal boss.

In order to suppress the smell, he ate a toffee.

In the fragrant fragrance of plum blossoms and the warm fragrance of toffee, he galloped in the night city and returned to the small courtyard in the east of the city.

The parents had already fallen asleep, so Chi Xiaochi turned off the fire when he was one hundred meters away from home, stomped on the ground and slowly slid into the yard.

The boss of his family also obediently slowed down and went into the courtyard with him.

Chi Xiaochi first cut the meat into two large pieces, then went to the small greenhouse in the courtyard and simmered some onions and carrots, and sizzled the bear meat over a small fire.

Probably it was fed by his tongue and slipped. His coal boss tasted similar to humans and never eaten raw meat.

Just like today, after biting the black bear's neck, he immediately went to a nearby river, cut open the ice layer, cleaned himself up, and then squatted back to the feet of Chi Xiaochi gently. Licking his own heart.

It never has to worry about cleaning it.

Stew the meat and Ikoike goes to the locker room to change clothes.

As soon as he took off the turtleneck halfway, the door was opened.

When the cold wind leaked, Chi Xiaochi instinctively avoided it, bent slightly, and sideways escaped the cold wind.

He was blindfolded in a turtleneck sweater, just when his eyes were darkened.

He asked, "Who?"

Without answering, the door was closed silently and thoughtfully.

Chi Xiaochi smelled a familiar feline.

Only when the sun shines on the fur during the day will such a unique taste remain.

Chi Xiaochi smiled and continued to take off his sweater intently.

At first, the little leopard was generally considered a cat.

By the time Ding Ding and Ding Ma found out that the idiot was not growing in the right direction, it was too late.

They talked to Chi Xiaochi twice, and when the little leopard grew up and had the ability to live independently, he was sent away as soon as possible.

After all, this is a wild animal, even if it was raised in a zoo, after all, it is to eat meat.

What if they broke up one day and couldn't provide them with food? It was so hungry that they rushed to eat and relieve people, who can they justify?

Under the persuasion of Ding's father and mother, Chi Xiaochi also had this thought.

He didn't want to risk these teammates.

But as soon as he went out, he saw Xiao Baozi clutching Chi Xiaochi's helmet strap and squatting beside his motorcycle.

Chi Xiaochi took the helmet and asked while wearing it, "Do you want to go?"

The half-large leopard squatted on the ground, and made a sweet noise.

Chi Xiaochi: "I don't understand. Teacher Six, translate."

061 said, "It says, please rest assured that it will eat very little, and even learn to be vegetarian. Please do not send it away because it likes you very much."

Chi Xiaochi: "Six teachers, don't you don't donkey me. It only screamed."

061 is gentle and firm: "It does say so."

That's it, it stays until now.

Chi Xiaochi's turtleneck sweater is very thick, especially the neck is a bit restrictive, each time you have to take off for a long time.

There was an additional heat source beside him as he spoke.

As he struggled with the sweater, he thought helplessly and came again.

Chi Xiaochi tried to discuss with the leopard and snorted through a layer of sweater: "Don't make trouble, I ran for two days this time, I'm particularly tired. Good."

The leopard walked around him slowly, still pressing his hot head against his waist.

Kokoike regretted it very much.

While it was small, sucking the leopard by yourself was too much, presumably causing it to think that this was a way to show intimacy.

Nowadays, he can't make a living without taking two of his mouth every day.

Sure enough, it buried his face in Ding Qiuyun's beautiful abs and took a deep breath.

While Chi Xiaochi was sucked, thought, this is probably the legendary Feng Shui turns.

It's just that today's feng shui turns a bit evil.

Seeing that the sweater was about to be torn off, he felt an extremely powerful force on his shoulder, and knocked him to the ground from the front.

Although the house has a warm wall, the floor is still so cool that Chi Xiaochi was sucked down by the ice and forced to give up the fight with the sweater. He stretched his arms around the neck of the leopard, and his legs were thin and thin. Waist, push your waist up as far as possible, away from the floor.

He couldn't see anything in front of him, and his nose was filled with the smell of camphor pills on sweaters, the light fragrance of leopard fur, and the smell of soft legs unique to beasts.

He pressed his face close to his boss and whispered, "This is a jerk. Get me up soon."

The boss is always quiet except when threatening other creatures.

It didn't say a word, only the sound of exhalation wrapped in high-heat air flow echoed in the ears, causing Chi Xiaochi to itch all over.

Fortunately, the boss was kind to Leopard. He didn't tease him for a long time, and sat back nicely, and Chi Xiaochi was relieved.

Chi Xiaochi sat on it, touching his neck: "Good leopard."

Before he finished speaking, he licked Iko Koike's right ear.

The rough tongue particles brushed over the earlobe, and the power was a bit overbearing, almost giving the illusion that Chi Koike's ears were bruised.

This lick seemed to fall directly on his mental body, licking Chi Koike's legs.

He snorted: "Why can't I help it?"

It seemed as if he understood the words of Chi Koike, and in order to atone for his sin, he bit his soft sweater and took off his clothes, as if he was serving his beloved partner.

The battle between Ikkoike and the sweater ended in victory.

When he can see the sun again, the first thing that catches the eye is the eyes of the black panther.

Those gray-blue, crystal-like eyes were watching him tenderly.

It rested its chin lightly into the clavicle of Ikkoike, and nudged softly.

Holding such a mobile self-propelled small heater, and relying on it to trust with all his heart, Chi Xiaochi's heart was too soft. He hugged his head and kissed his mouth with a big mouthful: "Don't make trouble, I It's going up. "

The Black Panther was very happy, and made a few laps around Chi Xiaochi's calf before going out with Chi Xiaochi who had changed clothes.

A pot of bear meat was mostly returned to the coal boss, and the meat at the bottom of the pot was returned to Chi Xiaochi.

He just put a little bit of noodles and tofu on the bright brown gravy.

The belt surface is pliable and strong, and the taste is smooth. Tofu is boiled in the gravy, which is good for digestion and sucking juice. However, when it is boiled in the pot, it will make people feel fragrant.

Iko Koike sweated.

061 Seeing how he eats, he knows that he is really hungry and has a little pain: "Slow down."

Chi Xiaochi exhaled hotly: "It's all right."

After eating for a while, he said to 061, "I will go out again in two days."

061 surprised: "Don't take two days off?"

Chi Xiaochi took a chopstick noodle and blew it two times, so that it would cool down quickly: "It's our task."

The word "we" was heard ironing in my heart, and I didn't consciously smile in my 061 voice: "Gu Xinzhi?"

Over the past two years, Chi Xiaochi raised leopards, cultivated fields, drew up teams, and established bases, as if he had completely forgotten Gu Xinzhi's strategy target.

Only 061 knew that he had not forgotten Gu Xinzhi one day in the past two years.

Chi Xiaochi grabbed a piece of tofu with chopsticks, and the little fox smiled slyly: "I have to test the efficacy of my 397 dream-making cards."

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