Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 169: System VS System (nineteen)

061 produced a somewhat absurd conjecture.

This puzzled him for a moment to press, sit down by the bed, followed the movement of 023, and looked at the wound of 089.

The new data completes the injury, but according to the completed records, it can be seen that the other party is a right-handed person, and looking at the trend of the wound from top to bottom, it can be determined that the attacker is about the same height as 089, only slightly higher.

061 compared with the data in his impression.

Ji Zuoshan is right-handed, but since he was converted to Alpha, his height has risen symmetrically to 1.99 meters. As for Zhan Yanchao, his height is comparable to 089. However, his commonly used offensive method is a left-handed whip ...

Thinking about this, 061 reluctantly shook his head.

...... I really think too much.

023 wiped the wound for him and went to the kitchen to cook.

It stands to reason that the system does not need to eat, but they are all from people. They can't change some old habits. When they are injured, they always want to eat something good, as if hot food is flowing into the belly. Injuries can get better faster.

023's cooking is unexpectedly not bad, but he is usually addicted to games and is too lazy to move. When he cooks with an apron, he takes a look at it and takes it seriously.

He chopped vegetables side by side on a cutting board, 089 looked from behind at the apron knot tied to his waist, and 061 turned his head and looked at the head of his bed.

There were two safety knots knitted with red silk threads, one of which was already knitted and the other half.

Noticing what he was looking at, 089 picked up the braided peace knot: "I've had bad luck recently, and I'm thinking about being a talisman. 23 also jokes that I'm superstitious, and bad luck is over. Alas, this was just 23 , How about, look good. "

061 laughs: "Hmm."

089 put the peace knot into his arms: "Sent you."

061 tried to refuse: "He compiled it for you, it is his mind ..."

089 was injured, he was not able to shirk too hard, and 089 was extremely firm.

089 put the peace knot into his jacket pocket, and patted it on the palm again: "Get it. It's a pain of my father."

061 simply accepted it, and plans to download a knitting tutorial to learn one by one, and make a new one for 089 next time.

089 leaned back on the cushion: "Is there a problem with the task?"

061: "Huh?"

089 took a leg, raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "You are not in a hurry this time, something has come to me."

061 said about his experience in this world.

Limited by the security system, he could not tell his secret identity, so he simply stated what he had encountered, highlighting that the target of the strategy was equipped with a system, and he might have some trouble.

At first, 089 listened very carelessly, but gradually, he seemed to understand something, and his frivolous eyebrows sank.

After speaking, 061 made a summary of the speech: "That's it."

089: "I see."

061: "But you are not well now. I said work, I'm afraid it might disturb you."

089: "Yes, Dad had to use his spirit to wish you all the best."

023 in the kitchen collected their words, but it sounded to them that they were just discussing the work, and they didn't go to their hearts.

061 did find something for 089, but his physical condition is here, I'm afraid he can't do anything.

Not to mention, come on his own.

This will not drag people down.

023's rice is almost ready, holding three pairs of chopsticks out and setting it up, but 061 stands up, ready to leave.

023 surprised: "Don't take a bite? I made yours."

061 said: "No. I stayed for a long time, afraid he would find me something."

"He" refers to who the three knew.

023: "... have you been here for an hour?"

061 was also a bit surprised, confirming the time: "Just an hour?"

023: "..."

After confirming the time, he still apologized, "I'll go back, a little uneasy."

023 rolled his eyes: "Go and go, go to yours, marry your daughter-in-law and forget ..."

Without the word "mother", his face turned black.

Before 089 laughed wildly, 023 pointed back with a chopstick: "You hold me back, dare to laugh at you with a chopstick."

089 immediately covered his mouth: "What's laughing, what's so funny, I'm not laughing."

023 stomped away a pair of tableware and turned back to the kitchen.

Looking at his back, 089 was very pleased and whispered to 061: "Really sensible. I haven't had a good meal with him for a long time."

061 naturally understood and laughed: "You are good, don't worry about my side, I can solve it. If things are resolved, I will return to you to report a peace."

089 tilted his head and asked, "You have something, why do you always want to find me?"

061 thought for a while, and found that for a while, he couldn't think of an answer.

089 is the most detached and unreasonable of all the systems he knows.

But he has a strange perception. 089 is a person who can rely on him completely.

061 gave the answer: "Intuition."

089 looked very satisfied, waved his hand, and pulled the quilt on his chest up: "Well, you can go back."

The door closed.

089 After sitting for so long, my body was slightly tired, so I lay down with the quilt.

He touched the tear mole at the end of his eyes with one finger, his eyes closed slightly, as if thinking about something.

He didn't know who he was talking to, with a smile: "... then I can't let you down."


Near midnight, Su Yun came to sue Chi Yunzi and said that the second brother was awake.

Chi Yunzi throws a book scroll, half a word without saying anything, flees his sleeves and goes to the imprisonment hall, and tells Su Yun not to follow.

Where Su Yun had seen such a furious master, he did not dare to keep up, and hearing Chi Yunzi's instructions, it was as if he had been redeemed, even claiming to be.

When Chi Yunzi rushed to the imprisonment hall, Yan Jinhua was kneeling crookedly, her nose and face were swollen, her lips were congested, and Chi Yunzi was so angry that she went up with a kick: "Rebel!"

Yan Jinhua scolded a hundred mother-in-laws in her heart, and when she got up and knelt, the exit was still respectful: "Master."

He lowered his head and did not move. The appearance of Ren Jun's punishment dissipated some of Chi Yunzi's anger: "You are so brave! When did Jing Xufeng ever come out of such disrespectful teachers, Wicked evil? You say, I want to hear, how can you justify? "

Yan Jinhua wanted to kneel straight, but his bruises made him grin painfully when he straightened his waist, and even a little crying voice appeared in his voice: "Master ... the disciples have nothing to excuse, listen to Master The disposition is. "


Chiyunzi calmed his mind a bit: "The cause and effect, in detail."

Yan Jinhua turned aside.

He is a willful young man who doesn't seem to be deliberate and will give a childish illusion: "The disciples have nothing to say."

Chiyunzi slowly moved to the upper position, and Zhenpao sat down: "You don't know such a word, don't you just ask me a question?"

Yan Jinhua took a deep breath, as if to summon up courage, but he didn't say a word. Two tears fell first.

The situation was really critical. He took a step to faint, and now if he made a mistake, he lost everything.

He took advantage of the fainting situation just now, and wrote the script roughly.

And now, the desire to survive has made him perform well.

Chiyunzi was surprised when she saw tears from her disciples: "You ..."

Yan Jinhua endured severe pain throughout his whole body, and even his third note sounded: "Master, it's the disciples' fault, disciples shouldn't bring Duan Shu back to the mountain !!"

Chi Yunzi said, "Huh?" He didn't say a word, just waited for the feast Jinhua.

Yan Jinhua said, "The disciples used to keep Duan Shu in Yuguangtan for a while, and packed up his belongings, but found some evil things, which looked like things that were not the right way. They were snake sheds, snake scales, and so on. Attachment. The physical evidence is all there, and the disciples can show up with Master. Does Master remember that Duan Shu always wears a snake tooth necklace on his neck? "

Chiyunzi was still silent.

He was right, but it was not evidence.

Yan Jinhua couldn't see his mind either. He didn't know if his remarks could make Chiyunzi doubtful, so he continued to talk stubbornly: "The disciples didn't feel right, so they took this thing to ask Master Duan, he I deny it arguably, saying that it is not his thing, but when I look at it ... I think there is a difference in the look, so I keep up with Hui Shoufeng all the way, want to knock side by side from the little master, ask him what ’s happening, and ask Discuss with Uncle Wen, and take the opportunity to support Duan, so it ’s easy to ask after the discussion. How did the disciple know that when exchanging power with Uncle Wen, somehow a poisonous gas was mixed in the sleeve and attacked Xiao Uncle ... the disciples have no time to defend themselves, so they provoke the master to anger ... "

After hearing this, Chi Yunzi finally asked: "What do you mean, is Duan Shu absolutely trapped in you?"

Yan Jinhua yelled: "The disciples have a low level of skill, and they have no intention of winning. The master knows that the disciples have the courage to dare. How dare they secretly calculate the uncle? Is it just to win an irrelevant discussion? ? "

Chiyunzi said nothing.

The previous content is not mentioned for the time being, but what he said is quite reasonable.

Yan Jinhua persisted, pretending to be full of anxiety and regret: "I don't know if it is the cause of suspected neighbors stealing an axe. Even the Shi Zhongjian, the disciples have doubts .... Disciples wonder whether they have been used by others and become others. A sword for profit ... Did he know that his ancestor was a tartar, so he approached me and wanted to participate in the Jingxu Sword Society ... "

Having said that, he blushed and raised his hand with a slap: "The disciples saved, they should not treat others so much, it is the disciples who have a sense of difference."

Chi Yunzi said, "You're accusing Duan Shushu of giving and receiving a private relationship with a foreigner. Have any plans?"

Yan Jinhua cautiously said, "The disciples dare not make false assumptions, and have no evidence."

Chi Yunzi said, "How dare you confront him?"

Yan Jinhua was not afraid to avoid, he said succinctly: "The confrontation between the two parties is exactly what the disciple wants. But can the disciple ask to let the uncle Master avoid it?"

Chiyunzi: "Why?"

……Is not this nonsensical?

Yan Jinhua now sees him, and his legs and stomach tends to twist, of course, he doesn't want to face him, so as not to be careless and reveal any flaws in his speech.

He whispered: "The disciple ... thinks that Uncle Wen and Duan Shu are very close to each other, and it is inevitable that they are selfish."

Chiyunzi responded a moment, and suddenly horrified: "What nonsense ?!"

Yan Jinhua was stunned.

Before he pulled so much, why did Chi Yunzi look immovable? He was so excited when he mentioned that Master Shu was so excited?

After all, Yan Jinhua is from the modern era, and has read more stories of Masters and Apprentices who are prosperous and big breasts. I do n’t think it ’s important to defend masters and apprentices.

The word "very close" is a big misnomer in Chiyunzi's thinking system to describe students and masters.

This matter involves Wen Yujing and Qing Yu, Chi Yunzi dare not neglect, but dare not make the two sides confront each other easily.

In case this is true, the feast Jinhua shouted in public again, Wen Yujing I ’s reputation will be ruined!

Chi Yunzi pressed down his heart in fear and said flatly, "You go back to Yuguangtan first, so that you can be healthy and nourish. There is no need to spread this.

He decorated his pompous behavior with a pompous feast, Jinhua bowed his head, cold sweat fell on his forehead, and a little smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

The so-called "seed a seed of suspicion", as written in the book, is not my fault.

But soon, he couldn't laugh.

Chi Yunzi turned and said coldly, "After the wound is healed, come to the imprisonment hall to receive fifty sticks."

Banquet Jinhua said anxiously: "The disciples are wrong!"

Chi Yunzi's heart is full of the reputation of the younger brother. How can he be allowed to argue: "Your young uncle has lifted you all the way back to Fengfeng. If you didn't punish you, wouldn't someone else criticize him? Besides, if you were What he said is true, leading the wolf into the room. What is your responsibility to hit you with fifty sticks? "

Yan Jinhua: "..."

He nodded his head, bit his teeth and received the punishment, and limped out of the prison.

His system asked him: "Host, injuries have been photographed and archived. When will I send it to the Lord?"

"If it is sent and confirmed, the system will be contained immediately?"

"Host, that's it."

Yan Jinhua put away her face before making a small volt, and gritted her teeth and said, "Keep it. I'll use it when it's appropriate."

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