The sound of the countdown accompanied by music is also beeping, like a reminder, resounding throughout the room, but this guy has no fear in his eyes, he throws the mask away, revealing the ugly face under the mask .

And this crazy bastard actually made another move. He took out the walkie-talkie on his waist, "All members of Group B come to my room."

The members of Group B he was referring to were the members of the smallest class at the training base. These members had just arrived at the base, or were too young.

Although these members are young, they have been successfully brainwashed, and they will mainly follow his orders. After he issued such an order, everyone moved towards that room.

This crazy guy just wants everyone to be buried in this place with him. He doesn't want anyone to escape, let alone leave alive. The things he created must remain in his hands.

His eyes were calm, he stared outside for a while and sneered, "Do you really think you can catch me? That's really naive, I have prepared everything, even if I am blown to pieces inside this , you will get nothing."

After a while, all the members of group b were in place, and there were not many members in group b, because their recruitment of students had also begun to decline in the past two years, not as many as before.

After all, members of the organization have always been in a state of stable development, and the elimination rate is not that high, so their recruitment rate has also begun to decrease.

But in detail, there are more than 30 members in Group B. The oldest of these children is only seven or eight years old, and the youngest is two or three years old. They are all older children with younger children.

The only difference is that the eyes of these children are very calm. They have been trained for a period of time. When they listen to the gunshots and explosions outside, they are like setting off firecrackers during the New Year, and they have no reaction at all.

This kind of calm state cannot be achieved by any adult. It is conceivable what these children have experienced.

Fenghuang casually pulled over a child, this child was the biggest among the group, "Heifeng, you have been at the base for five years now, you should understand all the rules, what is happening at the base right now."

"Boss, we all know that now is the time for us to dedicate ourselves to the base. Those bad guys have already attacked our base and our homeland. We must fight back."

These children are not very old, and they are easily brainwashed successfully. A few words can completely arouse their fighting power.

"Let's fight out together, we want to defend our homeland and guarantee our base! Fight out all those bad guys."

"Yes, we must first protect the safety of the boss, and rush out to fight with them now, we are also capable."

The child in the back took out all the guns in his hand, Fenghuang was very relieved when he saw it, he walked over and patted the child's head.

It's just that time is too late. If this child grows up, it will be a very good weapon. It's a pity. Fenghuang shook his head. In fact, he didn't think he could kill them, but he knew these people To be able to get to the base, that ability must be there, it is impossible for him to leave the base and run away.

These children are easily aroused to fight, Fenghuang can only stand up and shake his head at them, "Children, it is no longer possible to go outside now, you follow me, let's go to another place together, as long as we stay in this room, It will all be over soon."

He turned his head to watch the countdown, there was still one and a half minutes left, and at the moment on the other side, Qin Yuan had almost killed the members of the organization outside, but they still couldn't find Phoenix.

"It's strange, where is this grandson hiding? We have searched all the places you can find here, why haven't there been any clues?"

"I think this guy probably ran away a long time ago, and I haven't seen his two brothers you mentioned. At present, we are killing some basic organization members."

Black Rose looked solemn, because they had already arrived at the room they had been to before. The room was empty and there was no sign of Phoenix. Did he really let him run away? At this moment, endless disappointment arose in her heart.

She is very clear that if this bastard runs away, there is a great possibility that he will make a comeback, which is a threat to them every day. When she first saw Qin Yuan's methods, she felt that there was no big problem. After all, the other party Really strong.

Qin Yuan's strength can be equal to a hundred. This guy went crazy, and the members of their well-trained killer organization fell down one after another like peeling carrots in front of him.

Before, she always felt that it was her own problem, that she was not strong enough, so she kept training, but when she saw Qin Yuan's real strength now, she felt completely hopeless.

Their strength is not at the same level. She has never seen such a terrifying person. She doesn't know how Longguo did it. Since it can cultivate such an excellent agent, in her eyes, Qin Yuan is not a Ordinary fighters are definitely at the agent level, definitely the kind of ace agent.

At this time, Qin Yuan jumped to the side room. He wondered if there were other secret passages here, after all, they had searched all around.

He squatted down and began to knock, and suddenly a wall caught his attention, and upon listening carefully, there was a beeping sound, "This bastard seems to have used the same method as before, there are still explosives underneath. "

Lei Guangming was also sensitive when he heard the word "explosives". After all, so many team members are here, it can be said that most of their tasks have been completed, but the main leader has not yet been found.

"Chief Qin, we can retreat now, after all, the mission is almost completed."

"Hehe, retreat, it's meaningless to retreat again, and whether you can retreat is a question, and now there is at most one minute left."

"You! How do you know?"

Qin Yuan was not talking, and began to squat down and search carefully. He must be able to solve it within a minute. Soon he followed the voice to the next room, and told the others to continue to check in the room. There must be secrets inside. road.

Qin Yuan's hearing is agile, he is also very sensitive to the wiring, and soon he felt the position of the lead wire where the bomb was buried. In this place, there is really no way for ordinary people. It's also impossible to get rid of it.

But Qin Yuan took a deep breath, punched the wall, the whole wall began to vibrate, and then collapsed, only to see some wires exposed inside.

You can also see the countdown on the top of the wire, and there are only more than 40 seconds left on it, because this is a delayed electronic control, and there must be circuit induction. Once this circuit facility is destroyed, there is no way to succeed. ignite.

On the other side, Black Rose also found clues. She turned the statue on the table, and with the creaking sound, she saw the wall behind slowly opening.

When the wall was opened, a shocking scene was seen inside. Fenghuang was sitting on a high seat, and beside him were more than 30 children sitting plainly, and those children were sitting cross-legged.

When those children heard the movement and saw them coming in, they all showed fierce looks, and some children took up weapons in their hands.

Unexpectedly, this guy was really like Qin Yuan when he said that he didn't run away at all. Lei Guangming once again lamented Qin Yuan's foresight, as if this guy knew everything.

But what is the current situation? Just now he seemed to say that there was time for bombs or something, and I don’t know how long it has passed, Star Lei Guang, you are in a hurry right now, and at the same time, Fenghuang on the opposite side showed a cold smile.

"I really didn't expect that such an excellent subordinate I trained would want to put me to death."

Black Snake stood at the front and gave him a disdainful glance. He had never had the courage to stand in front of him before. Of course, this time his family was protecting the people he loved, as well as those innocent children.

"Hey, don't say these things here. You are a shameless and despicable person. We didn't know anything at the time, and we were all tricked by you. Now we are covered in bruises. What have you done to us?"

Fenghuang didn't answer, the kid next to him was not happy, he stood up first, pointed a gun at Hei Snake, "Bold, how dare you talk to the boss like that."

Black Rose looked helplessly at the children in front of her, because she knew that these children had already been successfully brainwashed. In contrast, these children were the scariest, because adults already had their own thinking ability and could discern.

It's like they are now able to distinguish what is good and what is bad, but these children can't do it. Thinking of this, she regrets more and more, so she should wake up earlier, so that she can help more people.

But at the same time, Fenghuang also felt a little strange. He stared at the controller in his hand. The indicator light of the controller had been completely turned off, which made him feel very strange. Why was it the same as before on the big ship?

If the bomb went wrong last time, could it be again this time? Every time this happened, the engineer who planted the explosives had already been killed by him, but he had already made preparations before that.

He has carefully checked all the lines and there is no problem. I don't know why it still happens like this, it is impossible to fail every time.

He frantically smashed the controller in his hand, and the children on the side turned their heads to stare at him. He secretly cursed and smashed the controller against the wall.

And at this time Qin Yuan walked in, with a calm expression on his face, he knew that this conceited guy would never leave, and he didn't forget to mock him directly.

"You don't need to spend that energy, because it's not about your explosives at all, but I can completely dismantle him before you detonate him."

Fenghuang was shocked when he heard this. He absolutely couldn't believe it. If it was on a big ship, it's okay to say that this guy was lucky enough to be able to dismantle it. It was sealed in the concrete wall, how could he remove it?

But now this kind of result is already in front of him, and everything has already explained everything. He stared at Qin Yuan fiercely, and the resentment in his heart was getting deeper and deeper. At the same time, he was also regretting why such an excellent person was not him of men?

If this person was his subordinate, then he wouldn't have to be in such a mess. With such a person, he would really be able to do anything.

After all, most of his subordinates died in the hands of this person, but besides this, he had another hole card, which was the children in front of him.

"Do you think you guys really won now? Let me tell you that it's absolutely impossible. I still have my ace that I haven't used. I'm already planning to die with you. I'm ready for everything."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the children, and then gave an order to get everyone ready to fight.

And those children didn't have any fearful eyes on their faces. The weapons in the hands of the mechanical operators were like killing machines. The little girl on the left had a fierce face, and her body was covered with grenades. It looks like a ruthless character.

Hei Meigui saw the shadow of herself in her back then. This little girl is indeed not simple. Lei Guangming only felt his scalp tingling when he saw this scene. He couldn't imagine that these young children could be used by people like this. The extent is simply insane.

"What are we going to do now? We're not actually going to shoot these kids, are we?"

Pan Zi is also very conflicted now, he is usually the most unruly, but at this moment he doesn't know what to say, this is indeed this guy's trump card, facing these children, everyone has made difficulties for a while, and this time At that time, Fenghuang was very proud.

He didn't let these children go directly, but kept provoking Qin Yuan, "By the way, I remembered, don't you Dragon Kingdom soldiers claim that they won't attack the elderly and children? If this is the case, this child What would you do if you didn't know what you were doing?"

"You despicable guy, if you have the ability to come out, we will have a real contest face to face. There is no need to push these children forward."

"This is my contest against you, and you are not worthy of being my opponent! Do you understand? I have the final say on everything here! You have ruined everything about me, what conditions do you still want to negotiate with me now, give me immediately Get down on your knees, or I'll give the order to shoot."

This guy stood opposite and roared wildly, like an angry beast, and those children were also preparing to shoot at any time. The gun in Chen Hu's hand was already trembling, and he tried his best to point the gun at Phoenix. , To kill those children, he really can't do it, it's too young.

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