Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 17: fall into autumn

[I dream of what I see during the day and what I see at night, is it normal]

[Is it normal to dream about my roommate in a strange dream]

[Because of the stunning scene with the particularly impact of the same-sex visual effects, I can't forget this, is it normal]

[OK. Day and night dream. ]

[OK. Adolescent boys have uncontrollable hormones and thoughts. ]

[OK. Appreciating beauty is human instinct, and beauty transcends gender and even transcends species. ]

After Baidu finished, Xia Zhiye felt relieved.

He is just a normal psychological and physiological reaction of adolescent boys, he is not sorry for his brother, and he is not a beast.

I just need a cold shower to calm down temporarily.

After taking a shower, Song Yan was awakened by the sound of water, so she opened her eyes nervously: "What kind of bath are you taking at night?"

Xia Zhiye who just finished taking a cold shower: "...because of the heat."

Song Yan: "Hmm."

Close your eyes and let your eyelashes hang down quietly.

Xia Zhiye watched for three seconds: "…"

It seems a little cute.

It's okay, it's human instinct to appreciate beauty, and beauty transcends gender, he just happened to meet a roommate who is too good-looking, it's no big deal.

Xia Zhiye thought so, and slowly let out a breath of heat, but it's almost halfway through September, why hasn't it cooled down yet.


After the weekend, it rained for ten days in a row in Nanwu, the temperature dropped sharply, and autumn came one after another, and it was the end of September in the blink of an eye.

The evening is the art festival performance. Several people in the drama crew are allowed to go directly to the rehearsal in the art building without taking classes in the afternoon.

Song Yan covered her head with a coat and lay on the gym mat to catch up on sleep.

Xia Zhiye came back from the body room with something, walked over to him, squatted down, and lifted his jacket, revealing that beautiful and irritable little head.

Song Yan raised her eyelids: "Want to die?"

Xia Zhiye shook the things in his hand: "I bought it for you."

Song Yan: "?"

Xia Zhiye: "The first cup of milk tea in autumn, others have it, I can't live without it."

Song Yan: "…"

How can you still be brainwashed by the businessman's nonsensical Moments marketing method, naive.

Song Yan took the milk tea and took a sip.

The pearl milk tea does not put pearls, the milk tea is four or six, and the half sugar is warm.

Little Fatty sniffed and snuck over: "Master Xia, I also want the first cup of milk tea in autumn."

Xia Zhiye glanced at him: "Are you my roommate?"

"?" Xiaopang couldn't understand, "The gap between the front table and the same table is so big?"

Xia Zhiye replied, "No."

Little Fatty: "Right."

Xia Zhiye: "It's mainly the difference in appearance."

Little Fat: "…"

He didn't understand why he was humiliating himself in the first place.

Kong Xiaoxiao didn't give him a chance to continue thinking, slammed the door of the physical classroom open with a "bang", his face was full of anger: "I'm mad at me, mad at me, really mad. I am."

"What's the matter, Sister Xiao?" Zhao Ruiwen asked.

Kong Xiaoxiao: "Do you know that the competition system has been changed this time?"

Everyone: "?"

"I just heard in the office that this time the award is not scored by the teachers of the grade group. Ranking for prizes.”

Xiao Pang wondered: "Isn't this good? It's fair and open."

"It's very good, so good that Yang Yue and Zhao Yu bought hundreds of cups of milk tea and distributed them everywhere, saying that anyone who voted for "Romeo and Juliet" could go to class sixteen. "

"Fuck!" Little Fatty responded, "You mean they are bribing the judges?"

Zhao Ruiwen was so angry: "How can they use this rotten means of the capitalist class to corrupt the justice and unity within our people?!"

Little Fatty cursed: "It's so shameless!"

Zhao Ruiwen was furious: "It's simply a scum of society!"

Little Fatty asked: "So where to get the milk tea?"

Zhao Ruiwen replied, "I want to know too."

"Pop" twice, one fat and one thin, heroic sacrifice.

Before the two could get up from the ground to admit their mistake, they heard a voice: "Yeah, why is it you again."

Hearing this voice, a sense of powerlessness flooded into Kong Xiaoxiao's heart instantly, she turned around, and said weakly: "I also want to ask, why are you all again."

"No way, there are people in other classrooms. Our clothes are all changed, and we will be on stage in an hour, so let us rehearse here, okay~ I invite You drink milk tea~"

Yang Yue pouted: "But we let you all last time."

Kong Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows indifferently: "Who told you to come one step later every time."


It also makes sense.

Yang Yue couldn't tell her, turned around, "husband~"

Her illegal husband glanced at the room: "It's okay, let them, anyway, at their level, we can't lose without a single rehearsal."

Yang Yue heard what he said, followed his line of sight to the corner of the body room, and then said "Yeah" again: "Oh my God, you guys are going to wear this kind of chemical fiber rented by the studio. Do you wear costumes to perform?"

Kong Xiaoxiao: "?"

Yang Yue looked incomprehensible: "This is too cheap, and the stage effect will definitely not be good. Look at me and Zhao Yu's clothes, my mother spent tens of thousands of dollars. If the money is made to order, I am afraid that it will not look textured and will make a play."

After a bit of chatter, as if she suddenly realized something, she covered her mouth pretentiously: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I don't mean to offend you. After all, I also know that not everyone can afford this kind of clothing, it's my words that are ill-considered, don't mind."

"Yeah", Kong Xiaoxiao's eyes almost rolled to her heels.

But there is a girl opposite, and she is not good at using violence.

As she was in a panic, Xia Zhiye in the corner suddenly asked Song Yan slowly, "Did you put too little milk in the milk tea I bought this time."

Song Yan seemed to understand what he wanted to say and took a sip: "A little."

Xia Zhiye nodded: "Sure enough, I said why the tea smell is so strong."


Kong Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing.

Yang Yue's face turned green.

Xia Zhiye raised his head with an innocent face: "What's the matter, what happened just now?"

Kong Xiaoxiao held back a smile: "It's nothing, I just plan to invite you to drink Dahongpao another day, to slow down the taste of Longjing before the rain."

After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Yang Yue: "Since your family is so rich, you are still competing with ordinary people like us in the third middle school, why don't you think about what you have? Problem. Otherwise, only half of the scores are taken in each test, and it is inappropriate to think that the beautiful girls in our school have bad brains."

Class 16 is a nominally special art and sports class.

In fact, it's just a poor student class in a key high school at the end of a crane that the parents used money to send students with good family background but poor grades. .

We usually take care of face, and no one will mention this.

At this moment, Kong Xiaoxiao directly pierced it, making it clear that he did not want to beep with Yang Yue anymore.

Yang Yue was ashamed and annoyed: ""

The skirt churns away.

Zhao Yu quickly caught up.

Kong Xiaoxiao won the battle and was in a good mood, turned around and greeted: "Come on, continue the rehearsal, it doesn't matter whether the prize is awarded or not, the important thing is that we can't lose to the pair of big camellias, This is the last line of art for our class."

The rehearsal went well.

Zhao Ruiwen is a bit talented. According to the situation of each actor, he tried to change the script to fit the characters as much as possible.

For example, Zhu Yingtai was changed into a cold beauty. The lines are basically mocking and mocking. There are laughs and memories. Song Yan's acting is also natural.

Ma Wencai is a simple and rich second generation. I was worried that Liu Yue would not be willing to act. As a result, after this person came back from a week's leave, the whole person was much more peaceful. Compatible.

Xiao Pang and Zhang Mianmian are also very open to their funny supporting roles.

As for Xia Zhiye, she is a natural performer, so don't worry about it at all.

Kong Xiaoxiao is very satisfied: "Yes, the bottom line of our class's art should be able to stick to it if there is no accident."

Zhao Ruiwen: "It may be a bit unexpected."

Kong Xiaoxiao: "."

Zhao Ruiwen: "I just remembered that I forgot to prepare the rose petals for the last scene."

"..." Kong Xiaoxiao asked calmly, "Are you a pig?"

Zhao Ruiwen replied obediently: "So can anyone tell the pig what to do now?"

In order to make the last scene look good, at least one or two hundred roses are needed. After buying them back, the petals have to be plucked off one by one. The amount of work is huge, and the show will officially start in half an hour. Now, where are they going to get so many roses.

Zhao Ruiwen regarded his death as his home: "Why don't you just kill me in the last scene to add to the fun, it should be stronger than the effect of roses."


Song Yan: "?"

Xia Zhiye explained: "It's definitely too late to find Ruan Tian's foreman fee. At present, only you have the strength to act as the gold master."

Song Jinzhu: "...OK."

Little Fatty: "What am I going to do?"

Xia Zhiye looked at him: "The flowers are quite heavy, are you willing to let this thin and petite gold master father move with me?"

Little Fat: "...?"

Do you misunderstand the terms thin and petite?

Xia Zhiye is worthy of being a three-middle bully who can compete with social buddies in this area, and is familiar with these winding alleys.

Take them out of the school gate, turn around and find a flower shop in a few minutes.

The decoration is very artistic and looks like a new one.

Most of the bouquets are also packed with a sense of design, unlike those old flower shops that are all bundled in a cheesy ball.

"Xiao Xia, why are you here? Are you buying flowers?"

The owner is a very beautiful young girl. She greeted Xia Zhiye familiarly when she saw Xia Zhiye. She seemed to have known each other for a long time and had a good relationship.

Xia Zhiye tilted her head to explain to Song Yan: "This store just opened during the summer vacation, and little mahjong likes to play here."

Song Yan didn't know why he suddenly explained this to himself, he was a little inexplicable: "So?"

"So..." Xia Zhiye didn't know why he suddenly explained this to him, "It's nothing, just say something."

Then turned to look at the owner: "Sister, we need one or two hundred red roses, do you have them here?"

My sister is quite skilled.

Song Yan hooked the strap of her schoolbag, looking indifferent.

The shopkeeper's sister on the side was very enthusiastic: "Yes, I just bought a batch of red roses from the flower market this morning, and I haven't shaved off the thorns yet. Do you want it? If you want, I will give you a cheap price. "

Hearing the word "cheap", Xiao Chuan's eyes lit up: "If you want, we want one hundred and fifty."

"Okay. Then I'll go to the warehouse and count it for you."

As soon as the owner turned around, the wind chime at the entrance of the flower shop rang: "Boss, three hundred red roses, I want them now, please hurry up."

Familiar and contrived bubble sound.

When I turned around, it was Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu also saw them, his face sank instantly, and then he chose to raise his chin, defiant, and continued to say to the owner: "Ninety-nine flowers need to be wrapped, the rest will be in bulk, we need it urgently, Please help us pack it now."

The owner pointed at Xia Zhiye: "These two handsome guys came first, I'll count them first, and then I'll come to you, understand?"

Little Fat: "?"

Aren't they three handsome guys?

The owner's tone was reasonable, but Zhao Yu didn't have to discuss: "Give me the bag first, I will pay 20% more."

This is just like Tianliang Wangpo.

The owner of the shop couldn't help laughing: "Does my little brother watch Mary Suba too much TV series? But I'm sorry, my sister doesn't eat this set. Just pay attention to a first come, first come, if you want to wait, wait, if you don't want to wait, go to another place, walk slowly without sending."

After speaking, she turned and walked into the warehouse.

The rest of Zhao Yu's face was red and white.

If you are a little bloody, then you should turn around and leave,

However, this flower shop is only a few miles away, and it is too late to go further to buy time. If the flowers are not returned by then, the stage effect is broken, and Yang Yue can make trouble for him for three days and three nights.

So reluctantly you can only wait.

Zhao Yu couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, "What a fool."

I turned around and tried to smoke a cigarette, but was blocked by an overgrown leg.

He raised his head angrily: "Why?"

Xia Zhiye raised his chin and pointed to the warehouse: "Apologies."

"Are you sick, Xia Zhiye?" Yang Yue was away, and Zhao Yu was too lazy to pretend to be a gentleman, "It's none of your business if I scold that woman? Are you **** pretending all day long? Addicted."

After scolding, Xia Zhiye didn't speak, and Xiaopang quit: "You are too embarrassed to say that others are pretending to be coercive, and don't look at your own virtue?"

"What kind of virtue do I have?" Zhao Yu sneered, "No matter what kind of virtue I have, I won't be reduced to being expelled from school and then run to the third middle school to slap my face and make a fat man. God is used to being touted, and you forget that you can't get along outside the real world?"

"You **** can't make it out of the real world. Our Master Xia came to the third middle school for the sake of our brothers. The family spends money, and after spending it for a long time, I really put chicken feathers on the bat and forget what kind of bird I am."

"Yes, my family has money, what's the matter, envy? Or I will help you out with the rose money, so that you can save some money and save your tattered stage beauty After all, who made your class leader so poor that he couldn't even pay the extra tuition fees, so he could only share a school with us poor students?"

The tone was filled with jealousy and disdain.

Because other places are not comparable, they begin to slander their only strengths.

Little Fat really despise this kind of person.

However, before he could open the mic with passion this time, Song Yan, who had been silent in the corner, said coldly: "The stage beauty of your class seems to be in a hurry to use roses."

He looked at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu didn't know why he suddenly asked this, so he threw a sentence impatiently: "nonsense, if it's not in a hurry, I can't afford to be here with you for a long time?"

Song Yan nodded: "That's good."

Zhao Yu: "?"

Not waiting for him to understand what he meant, Song Yan looked at the shopkeeper who was busy in the warehouse and asked, "Boss, how many roses are there in your family."

The owner answered quickly: "Three hundred red, three hundred white, and two hundred champagne."

Song Yan asked again, "What can replace roses?"

The owner thought for a while: "Then there are only roses, almost a hundred or so."

Song Yan nodded when he heard the words: "Well, I want all of them, don't leave a single flower."

"?" Zhao Yu, who was complacent because he had the upper hand, was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "Fuck, Song Yan, are you **** sick!"

Song Yan took out the black gold card Song Minghai had given him before, settled the bill, then turned around with an indifferent expression: "I'm sorry, I'm not sick, I'm just rich. ."

Zhao Yu: “…”

Little Fat: "…"

Xia Zhiye: “…”

It is difficult to argue against.

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