"This isn't a monster." Hearing the shout, Lu Linhai was a little confused.

He pushed Lin Yi and whispered,"Lin Yi, this isn't a monster, this is your mother."

"Don't talk." Lin Yi glared at him and signaled him to be quiet.

"Didn't you say you weren't discovered when you left?" Zhou Kai glanced outside the bushes, then looked at Lin Yi and asked

"They were indeed asleep when I left." Lin Yi couldn't figure it out.

When he sneaked out of the house, he confirmed again and again that the two monsters in the house were asleep.

""Yiyi, why don't you answer your mother?" The mother's voice was getting closer and closer, and Lin Yi was getting more and more nervous.

Zhou Kai was the same. The knife that was originally in his bag was now tightly held in his hand.

"Yiyi, come out quickly, your mother is here to take you home"

"It's so cold in the mountains at night. It would be bad if I caught a cold. My mother would be sad."

"Yes, if you catch a cold, the taste will be worse."Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said in his heart

"Lin Yi, are we really not going out?"Perhaps because of the worry in his mother's tone, Lu Linhai seemed a little shaken.

Lin Yi noticed something strange, frowned and said,"Something is wrong"

"If I was discovered when I was sneaking out, why did this monster wait until now to take action?"

"Wouldn't it be better to stop me on my way out, or kill us when we meet?"

"Could it be that......"Zhou Kai thought for a moment and said,"Has someone leaked our whereabouts?"

When they said this, they all looked at Lu Linhai at the same time.

"Why are you looking at me?" Lu Linhai hurriedly explained,"I am innocent. I swear I have never told anyone about this."

"Besides, I don’t know Lin Yi’s parents’ cell phone numbers."

"elder brother......"Zhou Yun suddenly pulled Zhou Kai and said carefully,"The footsteps seem to have disappeared."

Zhou Yun's reminder made Lin Yi's scalp tingle, because not only the footsteps disappeared, but also the mother's shouting.

It was quiet all around, as if her mother had never been here.

"Gone?" Lin Yi thought,"Given up because it didn't find me?"

But then, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

If the monster really left, he should be able to hear the footsteps getting farther and farther away.

And the monster's footsteps and shouts disappeared suddenly, so the monster must still be nearby.

When he thought of this, Lin Yi suddenly noticed that Zhou Kai's face turned very ugly.

The hand holding the knife was shaking slightly because he was holding it too hard. Zhou Kai slowly raised his head and looked towards the top of his head.

Following Zhou Kai's line of sight, Lin Yi also raised his head.

But with just this one glance, Lin Yi felt a chill on his back and goose bumps all over his body.

"Yiyi, Mom found you"

"Forest......Lin Yi......"Lu Linhai's eyes widened. The scene before him was unbelievable to him.

He opened his mouth and said tremblingly:"Lin Yi, your mother's belly is......How come there are so many octopus legs?"

Lin Yi's mother did not leave. Barbed tentacles emerged from her abdomen and entangled the tree above Lin Yi and others.

The mother had a strange smile on her face and was hanging upside down above their heads, staring straight at Lin Yi and others.

""Ah, a disobedient child is not a good child."

The mother's body began to swell, and the six insect legs kept scratching the skin, slowly stretching out.

Bright red blood dripped along the broken skin, and the sickle-like forearms suddenly appeared.


Lin Yi, who had come to his senses, yelled. He didn't have time to think and rushed out of the bushes.

Zhou Kai followed closely with Zhou Yun, but when he turned around, he found that Lu Linhai was still standing there in a daze.

This was the first time Lu Linhai saw a monster, and he was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

However, the monster was very agile in the forest. She released her tentacles, and her six insect legs kicked hard on the tree trunk, and instantly landed in front of Lin Yi.

However, the monster did not attack Lin Yi.

She looked past Lin Yi and looked at Zhou Kai and others behind him.

"Mom knows about this. It must be these people who led you astray, right?"

"Yiyi, don't be afraid, mom will kill them now. When the time comes, you will still be mom's good child."

The sickle-like forearm swung down, and the monster wanted to kill the people behind Lin Yi.

"Take Xiaoyun away!" Zhou Kai's face darkened, and he pushed Zhou Yun towards Lin Yi.

The sickle fell, but fortunately Zhou Kai's ability allowed him to judge the monster's attack trajectory through the sound of the wind.

After pushing Zhou Yun away, Zhou Kai immediately dodged sideways.

Even so, the monster's forearm was almost stuck into the ground next to Zhou Kai.

"Brother!" Zhou Yun's face turned pale. Although the scene in front of her frightened her, she was more worried about Zhou Kai's safety.

""Lin Yi, take Xiaoyun away!" Zhou Kai shouted, he raised the knife in his hand and started to fight back.

Zhou Kai's goal was very clear. The knife in his hand could not break the monster's shell, so he attacked the place without shell.

He aimed at the monster's abdomen and stabbed it hard.

However, the tentacles on the monster's abdomen kept swinging. Even though Zhou Kai's ability was convenient, his physical fitness could not guarantee that he could dodge them all.

Seeing several of the tentacles covered with barbs rolling towards Zhou Kai, a roar came from the side.

""Ah!" Lu Linhai roared, as if he was threatening the monster, or as if he was giving himself courage.

He rushed up quickly, and jumped onto the monster's back.

Reaching out and strangling the monster's neck with his arms, Lu Linhai shouted at the top of his voice:"Run!"

Zhou Kai wanted to take the opportunity to attack the monster's abdomen, but the tentacles kept swinging, and Zhou Kai couldn't get close at all.

One of the tentacles stretched to the back and quickly wrapped around Lu Linhai on its back.

The monster was so powerful that Lu Linhai had no power to fight back, and was instantly pulled off by the monster.

The tentacles wrapped tighter and tighter, Lu Linhai's face flushed, and he let out a painful roar.

"Let him go!"Lin Yi took off his backpack and took out something he had prepared in advance.

It was a bottle of wine and a bottle of simple incendiary bombs that Lin Yi had made earlier.

He lit the lighter and extended the flame to the cloth strip soaked in wine at the mouth of the bottle.

"Let him go! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Through what happened in the previous timeline, Lin Yi knew that the weakness of these monsters was fire.

So, when he escaped from home this time, Lin Yi made a lot of preparations.

His backpack was filled with wine, which was made into simple incendiary bombs.

""Yiyi, children who play with fire are not good children." The monster was not scared by the fire in Lin Yi's hand. The tentacles wrapped around Lu Linhai slowly moved down, and she used Lu Linhai as a shield to block her.

"Besides, I believe that our family will not hurt my mother."The monster sneered and said

"You are not my mother!" Lin Yida yelled,"Let him go quickly! Otherwise, I will......I'll set fire to the mountain. At worst we'll die together!"

"Yiyi, you said that, Mom is really sad."

The tentacles wrapped around Lu Linhai kept tightening, Lu Linhai opened his mouth, but at this time he no longer had the strength to shout, only blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"I......"Lin Yi gritted his teeth and lit the cloth strip on the bottle mouth."I will fight you!"

Lin Yi raised his hand and was about to throw the bottle away when Zhou Kai suddenly looked at him.

""Lin Yi! Get down quickly!" Zhou Kai seemed to have noticed something, his eyes full of anxiety.

Hearing the shout, Lin Yi instinctively squatted down. At that moment, something flew over his head and flew straight towards the monster.

Looking carefully, the thing that just flew over his head turned out to be a sharp skinning knife!

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