Lin Yi knew the driver.

How could he not know him? After all, the guy in front of him was his father, another monster in the family.

Dad sat in the driver's seat and did not get out of the car. He stared at Lin Yi intently, and a sneer slowly appeared on his face.

"Yiyi, it's so late, why are you running out instead of sleeping at home?"

Lin Yi shuddered, he didn't understand why this monster appeared here.

Not only him, but also his mother before.

They seemed to always be able to find Lin Yi's location.

Lin Yi quickly calmed down and pretended to be calm and said:"The pressure of the exams these two days is too great. When I think about the two more exams tomorrow, I am so nervous that I can't sleep."

"So, in order to face tomorrow's exam in the best condition, I thought about going out to relax and adjust my mood."

"I see." Dad sneered and continued,"You've been out for so long, you should be in a good mood now."

"Get in the car, Dad will take you home."

Go home? Go home to be eaten by you?

"No need, I can walk back by myself."

Lin Yi wanted to refuse, but as soon as he finished speaking, his father's face suddenly darkened.

"Stop pretending, I know you've already found out."

Dad's words made Lin Yi's heart sink. He gritted his teeth and wanted to turn around and run away.

However, his father's next words made Lin Yi give up this idea.

"Don't try to escape, you can't escape." Something seemed to be wriggling under Dad's skin. I don't know if it was the insect legs or the tentacles covered with barbs.

His eyes were impatient, and saliva even flowed down the corners of his mouth when he spoke.

"Besides, it's so late, it would be bad if I woke up everyone sleeping nearby."

"You don't want to make a big fuss and attract everyone here, right?"

Dad didn't say it explicitly, but Lin Yi understood.

Zhou Kai once told Lin Yi that once humans discovered the true face of the monster, then this human would no longer be the exclusive food of a certain monster.

At that time, any monster in the city could attack this person.

So, Dad's meaning was very clear. If Lin Yi wanted to escape, the monster he would face would no longer be one, but a group.

To be eaten by one monster, or by a group of monsters?

Lin Yi frowned, he thought about it, opened the car door and got in.

"Very good."Dad smiled and said,"You are worthy of my Yi Yi." He secretly glanced at the car window, and Zhou Kai, who had left the pharmacy, had disappeared.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The reason he got in the car was that he was worried that his escape would implicate Zhou Kai.

Besides, as long as Zhou Kai was not discovered, he still had a chance to be rescued. There were not many cars on the street at night, and Lin Yi was quickly taken home.

"Now, no one will disturb us." Dad closed the door, and the movement under his skin became more intense.

Subtle sounds came from his body, like the sound of joints stretching and skin tearing.

Dad opened his mouth, and the jagged mouthparts seemed to be about to drill out from inside in the next second.

""Wait!" Lin Yi shouted,"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Lin Yi knew what he would face when he came back. This monster was different from the previous one. He was more powerful and greedy.

He didn't care when Lin Yi found it, and he didn't even care why the other monster didn't come back.

In his eyes, there was only appetite.

"I will be 18 the day after tomorrow."Lin Yi said hurriedly. What he had to do now was to delay time.

Only if he was not eaten by the monster immediately, he could wait for Zhou Kai to come and save him.

"or......Wait until I turn 18 before eating me?"Lin Yi knew the monster would agree. After all, he still remembered what happened on his birthday.

Dad didn't answer immediately, but the movement under his skin gradually stopped.

"I have been looking forward to my 18th birthday. I want to eat a big cake and have a happy birthday."Lin Yi pretended to be very sad.

The monster frowned and muttered softly:"Indeed, you are about to become an adult. The meat of the animal on the day of adulthood is the most delicious. Even if it is one day later, the taste will be very different."

"Moreover, I heard that emotions can also affect the taste."Lin Yi heard what the monster said and hurriedly followed his words.

He remembered what happened before. On June 10, before killing him, the monster said that he was afraid that the meat would turn sour.

So, Lin Yi continued:"If I can't celebrate my 18th birthday, I will be very sad. If I am too sad, the taste will be much worse."

"Anyway, you have waited for so many years, one or two days won't make a difference."

"After waiting for so many years, wouldn’t it be a pity if we couldn’t eat the most delicious meat?"

"Don't worry, I won't run away this time. You can just lock me in the room."

"Even if you want to escape, I can find you."The monster sneered, and the movement under his skin stopped completely at this moment.

The monster in front of him returned to his father's appearance, but his eyes were no longer the same as before.

"Yiyi, go to bed early."Dad licked his lips.

Lin Yi was full of disgust, but he couldn't show it.

He couldn't anger the monster at this time, otherwise everything he had done before would be ruined.

After returning to his room, Lin Yi walked quickly to the window.

He looked downstairs and didn't see Zhou Kai.

"Zhou Kai didn't realize I was captured, did he?"Lin Yi was a little worried.

But after thinking carefully, Zhou Kai's ability made his sense of smell sharper than a dog. If he followed the monster away, he would definitely notice it.

Moreover, when Lin Yi got in the car, he secretly glanced out the window. Zhou Kai, who had originally walked out of the pharmacy, disappeared, which meant that he had hidden himself.

"Don't worry."Lin Yi comforted himself in his heart

"It's still early. Even if Zhou Kai wants to save me, he has to come up with a foolproof plan."

"If he acted rashly, not only would he fail to save me, but he would also die in the hands of this monster."

"Zhou Kai has always been very cautious, so he must be hiding somewhere now, plotting a way to save me."

Having said that, the worries in his heart have not diminished at all.

In addition to these, there is one thing that Lin Yi can't figure out.

For some reason, these two monsters at home always seem to be able to find Lin Yi's location accurately.

The mother who went to Sifang Mountain, and the father who drove to the pharmacy.

If it weren't for Lu Linhai risking his life to save him, Lin Yi really suspected that he had secretly leaked his whereabouts.

Lin Yi touched himself. Could it be that these monsters installed a locator on him?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi thought of his mobile phone.

If there really was a locator on him, it was very likely hidden in the mobile phone.

With this idea in mind, Lin Yi did not dare to use his mobile phone to connect to the phone. It was Zhou Kai.

If the phone really has positioning, there may be other things as well.

For example, monitoring.

No wonder Zhou Kai prepared an old-fashioned phone and specially found a SIM card without a real name.

I have to say that Zhou Kai's caution is indeed useful.

That night, Lin Yi tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep at all.

The next day, Dad didn't go out and stayed outside.

His behavior was already very obvious. He would never leave until he ate Lin Yi.

I thought Zhou Kai would definitely take action on this day, but until night fell again, Lin Yi still didn't wait for Zhou Kai to appear.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was the night of June 9th. At

11:54, the door of Lin Yi's room was pushed open.

Dad walked in rubbing his hands

"It's almost midnight."

"It's your 18th birthday."

"Yiyi, do you know how much Dad is looking forward to this day?"

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