"Don't come over here!" An Chengdao growled as if he could sense Lin Yi running towards him.

"Get out of here!......It's not your turn to come to the rescue, a little brat!"

An Chengdao gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and the skinning knife flew over, cutting off the tentacles that were reaching out to him. The boning knife pierced into the joint of the monster's forearm, and the meat cleaver chopped down along the blade, instantly cutting off the monster's forearm.

""Get out of here! Don't get in the way here!"

Two boning knives flew behind Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, piercing through the back of their clothes and dragging them forward.

The other knives protected the two men, constantly attacking the approaching monsters to clear the way for them.

""You bastard! Come on if you can!" An Chengdao shouted from behind, and at this moment he laughed wantonly.

"Haven't you always wanted to kill me? Come on!"

"I tell you, if you can't kill me today, I will kill you all one by one!"

"As long as I, An Chengdao, live one day, you will never have an easy life!"

"Sooner or later, I will kill all of you damned beasts!"

An Chengdao's words completely angered the monsters. They ignored Lin Yi and Zhou Kai and rushed towards An Chengdao one after another.

At about 500 meters, the drag force disappeared, and the knives protecting Lin Yi and Zhou Kai fell one after another.

"Uncle An......"Looking at the knife that fell to the ground, Lin Yi seemed to understand something.

"Not yet." Zhou Kai shook his head,"Uncle An is still alive, but......The heartbeat is getting weaker."

"His abilities should be like mine, with certain limits, or......He no longer has the strength to control these knives."

"We have to go back and save him!"Lin Yi wanted to go back to help, but was caught by Zhou Kai.

""Wake up!" Zhou Kai cursed,"What can we do when we go back? Are we going to die?""

"Even An Chengdao can't deal with these monsters, what can we do?"

"He told us where the key was hidden, hoping that we could come back alive and take the key next time."

""Hurry up!" Zhou Kai urged,"Those monsters have seen our appearance, and the monsters around us have also heard the noise. If we don't leave now, we will really be unable to leave!"

"Let's go back to Sifang Mountain and hide. After this matter is settled, we will come back to get the key!"

Lin Yi was dragged by Zhou Kai to run. At this moment, he suddenly realized how useless he was.

When the monster caught up with him, he had no way to fight.

When the monster took him away, he had no way to escape.

When he was surrounded by the monster, he could only watch An Chengdao sacrifice himself.

Lin Yi felt depressed, as if something was blocking his throat, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"If only we had discovered these monsters earlier."Lin Yi said to himself,"If we had known earlier that there were monsters ambushing nearby, we wouldn't have come here, and Uncle An wouldn't have died."

"If only I could help......."

When he thought of this, Lin Yi suddenly felt dizzy.

The scenery in front of him seemed to be distorted, the sky was bright and dark, and the whole world seemed to be spinning.

"Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?"Zhou Kai's voice came to his ears, but Lin Yi could no longer hear it clearly.

"Lin Yi......Lin Yi......Lin Yi......"

"Lin Yi, what happened to you?"The dizziness gradually dissipated, and when Lin Yi came to his senses, he saw Zhou Kai standing in front of him.

"Did you hear what I just said to you?" Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi with a puzzled look,"Pheromone, because of the pheromones left by the monsters on your body,——"

"here it is......My home?!"

Seeing where he was, Lin Yi was stunned.

Familiar place, familiar furnishings, and the dead monster corpse on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi,"Has your brain been eaten by this monster?"

"Where else could this be if not your home? I came here to save you."

"I'm back?!"Lin Yi couldn't figure it out. He didn't die this time, so why did he go back to the past?

Moreover, this time he didn't go back to June 6th according to the previous pattern, but went back to two hours ago.

"Nonsense, you won't forget that you were captured by that monster, right?" Zhou Kai said.

When he said this, footsteps were heard outside the door.

Lin Yi looked back and saw An Chengdao walking in.

He glanced at the monster on the ground, and the bone-splitting knife on the monster's neck flew back.

Then he saw the car keys on the shoe cabinet and grabbed them in his hand.

"The person has been rescued. Now follow me to the butcher shop."

"You can’t go to the butcher shop!" Lin Yi shouted hurriedly

"Keep your voice down!" Zhou Kai was startled and wanted to rush over to cover Lin Yi's mouth,"Do you want to wake up all the monsters in the building?"

Zhou Kai glared at Lin Yi, turned around and looked at An Cheng and said,"This is different from what we agreed.——"

Before he could finish his words, Lin Yi snatched them away:"I know the key is hidden in the butcher shop, but you can't go there."

""Key?" Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi in confusion.

Before he could continue asking, An Chengdao's face darkened, and the bloodletting knife in his bag flew out instantly and stopped in front of Lin Yi.

"How did you know the key was hidden in the butcher shop?" An Chengdao asked coldly.

"Who are you?"

Zhou Kai was very smart. An Chengdao's reaction meant that Lin Yi was right.

So, he quickly guessed why Lin Yi said that:"Lin Yi, could it be that......You died again?!"

"Dead?" Now it was An Chengdao's turn to be confused,"Isn't he alive and well?"

"I didn't die this time, but I don't know what happened."Lin Yi didn't know how to explain it. He really didn't know why he returned to the past without dying.

"However, if we go to the butcher shop now, it will be Uncle An who dies."

"What do you mean?" An Chengdao frowned and asked

"Lin Yi, what happened afterwards?" Zhou Kai then asked

"The time after that?" An Chengdao thought for a moment and asked,"Can you predict the future?"

""That's about right." Lin Yi answered casually, and then told what would happen in the future.

After listening, Zhou Kai and An Chengdao's faces were obviously not very good.

"These monsters will not let me go easily."An Chengdao gritted his teeth. He was so excited that even the knife in his bag began to tremble.

"According to you, we can't leave the city without the key." Zhou Kai lowered his head and said,"The key is hidden in the butcher shop, and there are a lot of monsters lurking near the butcher shop."

"Once we get close to the butcher shop, these monsters will surround us."

"In this case, aren't we doomed to die?"

"Not necessarily."Lin Yi seemed to have thought of a solution. He looked at An Chengdao and continued,"I have thought of a way. If it goes well, I should be able to get the ticket."

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