Lin Yi knew very well that if he fought Gu Zijin in the alley, he would not be his opponent at all.

One reason was that he had no weapons in his hands, and the other was that the sound of fighting would likely attract other monsters.

Therefore, Lin Yi took advantage of the greed and selfishness of these monsters and proposed to change the place.

Lin Yi did not dare to go to the butcher shop. He was not sure whether Zhou Kai was still in the butcher shop. If there were monsters ambushing outside the butcher shop, they would definitely know that Lin Yi had discovered their true identity if they saw another monster behind Lin Yi.

Once a fully developed monster attacked Lin Yi, Lin Yi would definitely die.

Lin Yi did not choose Sifang Mountain either. After all, the journey was too far. If he was seen by other monsters halfway, Lin Yi's situation would become even more dangerous.

After a little thought, Lin Yi determined his destination - the abandoned factory on the back mountain.

In the timeline that Lin Yi had experienced, he had set a trap in the abandoned factory in order to kill Lu Linhai.

At that time, he arrived at the factory in advance and searched for a long time. He knew much more about the factory than Gu Zijin.

In addition, few people would go there at night. For Lin Yi, the abandoned factory on the back mountain was the best place to deal with monsters.

This was the first time that Lin Yi decided to face a monster alone, so on the way to the back mountain, Lin Yi was both scared and excited.

"Back Mountain?"

Seeing that they were about to reach the back mountain, Gu Zijin reacted.

"Yes, it's the back mountain."Lin Yi nodded and said calmly,"There are few people in the back mountain, you don't have to worry about other monsters coming to snatch food from you."

He was worried that Gu Zijin would suddenly regret it, so he added:"Besides, you don't have to clean up after you eat, just wipe your mouth and leave, it's clean and hygienic, how nice."

Gu Zijin didn't say anything, and seemed to think that the back mountain was a good place.

The back mountain was quiet late at night, and occasionally the wind blew, and the leaves rubbed against each other and made a"rustling" sound, revealing an inexplicable weirdness.

After they walked into the abandoned factory one after another, Gu Zijin raised his forearm, and the tentacles on his abdomen swung violently, eager to eat Lin Yi.

But she never expected that just when she was about to take action, Lin Yi took the lead.

Lin Yi bent down to pick up the stone on the ground, turned around and smashed it hard at Gu Zijin.

Compared with the alley, the abandoned factory was full of stones, and these things were weapons for Lin Yi. He could fight back desperately, and he didn't have to worry about the sound attracting other monsters.

""You bastard!" Lin Yi cursed,"If you want to eat me, that depends on whether you have the ability!"

While cursing, Lin Yi picked up stones on the ground and kept throwing them at Gu Zijin.

Although these stones could not break the shell on Gu Zijin's body, they successfully angered it.

A harsh low hum came out of the serrated mouthparts, and the six insect legs kicked the ground fiercely, and Gu Zijin pounced on Lin Yi in an instant.

Lin Yi has seen too many monsters. When facing this monster that is not much bigger than himself and has not yet fully developed, Lin Yi is not panicked.

Seeing Gu Zijin pounce on him, Lin Yi groped on the ground quickly.

In the previous timeline, Lin Yi searched here for a long time to set a trap. He remembered that there was something that could be used as a weapon at this location.

Soon, a cold touch came from the palm of his hand, Lin Yi touched it.

It was a steel bar connected to broken cement blocks, which was just right for use as a hammer.

Lin Yi raised the steel bar, and imitated the way An Chengdao dealt with monsters in his memory. He held the steel bar tightly with both hands, and swung it towards Gu Zijin who was rushing towards him.

He thought the process was going smoothly, but when the cement block at the other end of the steel bar hit Gu Zijin, Lin Yi realized how powerful An Chengdao was.

The cement block hit Gu Zijin's waist, and although it left a shallow pit on the carapace at the waist, it did not repel Gu Zijin.

On the contrary, Lin Yi's hands went numb, and he fell to the ground due to the interaction of forces.

The tentacles on the monster's abdomen wrapped around the steel bar, and Lin Yi immediately let go to prevent himself from being pulled over by the monster.

"Is this why you brought me here?" The tentacle threw the steel bar aside, and Gu Zijin said disdainfully,"It's a pity that this low-level method can't protect you."

Lin Yi didn't care about his trembling hands, he quickly got up from the ground, turned around and ran upstairs.

"You can't run away." The enraged Gu Zijin changed her mind and decided to torture Lin Yi before eating him.

"But since you want to play, I will play with you."

Lin Yi ran very fast, picking up stones on the ground and throwing them at Gu Zijin behind him.

Gu Zijin behind him was not in a hurry, perhaps he thought the rooftop was a dead end, so in his eyes, Lin Yi's actions were just a dying struggle.

But when he caught up to the rooftop, Lin Yi suddenly turned around and rushed towards him.

Lin Yi's sudden action made Gu Zijin unable to react for a while, and when he came to his senses, Lin Yi had already hugged him.

"You bastard, go to hell!"

There was no protection on the roof of the abandoned factory. Lin Yi used all his strength and jumped down holding Gu Zijin.

"Do you want to die with me?"Gu Zijin was still disdainful.

Although its shell was not as hard as that of an adult monster, it was just a fall from the top floor and could not hurt it at all.

"You think too much."Lin Yi snorted coldly.

At this time, Gu Zijin suddenly saw something shaking behind Lin Yi.

It was a rope, a rope tied to Lin Yi.

In the timeline that Lin Yi had experienced before, Lin Yi had used this rope to create a trap to kill Lu Linhai.

And now, this rope has become Lin Yi's life-saving straw.

Lin Yi knew where the rope was, after all, he had found it before.

The reason why he picked up stones on the ground and attacked Gu Zijin while running was not Lin Yi's last struggle.

He used this method to cover up his actions, so that Gu Zijin did not notice that Lin Yi picked up a rope while picking up stones.

The reason why he ran so fast was because Lin Yi needed time.

Tie one end of the rope to yourself while running, and after reaching the top floor, quickly tie the other end of the rope to the pillar on the top floor.

In this way, even if Lin Yi jumps off the roof, he will not fall to the ground

"You are the only one who will die."

The rope suddenly tightened, and Lin Yi only felt a sharp pain in his waist, as if it was about to break.

Fortunately, the rope held Lin Yi, and only Gu Zijin fell.

The moment he landed, Gu Zijin's face showed an expression of disbelief.

He heard a"clang" sound, and when he looked closely, he saw a rusty steel bar piercing his abdomen.

The reason why Lin Yi jumped down from this position while holding Gu Zijin was because he clearly remembered that there was a piece of steel bar protruding from this place.

Falling from a height, the underdeveloped shells on Gu Zijin's body would definitely be pierced.

Looking at the monster on the ground, Lin Yi laughed.

"I said, you are the only one who will die."

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