"Look at you guys. I told you to keep your voices down and not disturb Uncle An's rest."

Seeing An Chengdao's bad face, Lu Linhai immediately stepped out to smooth things over.

He pretended to be angry and accused Lin Yi and Zhou Kai of talking so loudly, then looked at An Chengdao and said apologetically,"Uncle An, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"You continue to sleep, we'll go talk somewhere else."

But before Lin Yi and the others could turn around, the three bloodletting knives that were originally floating in front of An Chengdao flew over with a"swoosh".

Lin Yi was startled, he did not expect An Chengdao to suddenly attack them.

When he wanted to dodge, it was too late.

One of the bloodletting knives was suspended between Lin Yi's eyebrows, as if it would stab in the next second.

Lu Linhai was in the same situation, with another bloodletting knife against his neck. The slightest movement would pierce his skin.

"Uncle An, let's talk it over, don't use the knife."

Among them, only Zhou Kai managed to dodge the flying bloodletting knife with the help of his enhanced senses.

He even slipped and fell when he dodged.

However, the bloodletting knife that Zhou Kai dodged stopped in front of Zhou Yun.

"Don't hurt her!" Looking at the bloodletting knife floating in front of Zhou Yun, Zhou Kai hurriedly got up from the ground.

An Chengdao glanced at them, snorted coldly and said disdainfully:"I told you that you can't go anywhere."

"Why? Lin Yi was not convinced.

""Don't talk!" Zhou Kai was worried about his sister's safety and yelled at Lin Yi.

Then, Zhou Kai looked at An Chengdao and asked,"What do you want to do?"

"Look at what you look like now." An Chengdao stood up slowly from the ground, walked to Lin Yi and took the box with the key from the ground.

"You can't even avoid my knife. Even if you leave this city, how far can you go?"

"Rather than letting you go out and die at the hands of monsters, I might as well kill you now. At least, you can die at the hands of humans, a decent death."

Having said that, the knife floating in front of Lin Yi and others flew back. The bloodletting knife went into the bag, An Chengdao walked over with the key and sat on the ground.

"You, don't think you are great just because you killed a monster." An Chengdao raised his head slightly and glared at Lin Yi.

"Who can't brag? And you want to get rid of them? Who can you, a little bastard with half your hair grown, get rid of?"

"Do you think that all the humans in this world are not as powerful and smart as you?"An Chengdao said without leaving any room for negotiation.

Lin Yi frowned. Although he was not convinced, An Chengdao was right.

Lin Yi wanted to get rid of these monsters, but was he the only one who had this idea?

If these monsters were so easy to get rid of, this city would not have become a pasture for feeding humans.

"You." An Chengdao looked at Lu Linhai,"Your limbs are not well developed and your mind is simple. If you didn't know about the existence of these monsters, you might be able to live a few more years. But now that you know, you won't survive more than three days if you leave here."

Lu Linhai pouted and nodded.

"And you." An Chengdao glanced at Zhou Kai who was protecting Zhou Yun,"Your ability is indeed very convenient. It allows you to distinguish monsters and avoid most attacks."

"But, what about your sister?"

"Can you stay with your sister forever? Besides, if you are not strong enough, even if you can stay with your sister forever, the final result will only be watching your sister being killed by those monsters."

"With your limited abilities, you still want to leave here. What will happen if you leave? It's just a place to die. If you want to die, you can tell me, and don't let those monsters do it."

An Chengdao's words were hard to hear, but every word he said made Lin Yi and others unable to refute.

"Uncle An, we were wrong."After a while, Lu Linhai whispered.

An Chengdao ignored them and closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

Lin Yi looked at An Chengdao sitting on the ground, and he felt his mind was in a mess.

He sat under a big tree nearby. That night, Lin Yi thought a lot.

At dawn the next day, Lin Yi got up from the ground.

He came to An Chengdao and seemed to have something to say.

Before Lin Yi could speak, An Chengdao opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" An Chengdao didn't raise his head.

"Uncle An, I want to ask you a favor. Lin Yi squatted down and looked at An Chengdao and said

"Uncle An, you are so powerful that even those monsters are no match for you, so I want to ask you to teach me."

An Chengdao raised his head and asked,"Why, you don't want to leave?"

"I will still go." Lin Yi said firmly,"but not now"

"Uncle An, you are right. I am no match for these monsters. Even if I leave this city now, the only outcome waiting for me is death."

"So, I want to become stronger, at least when facing a monster, I will no longer think about running away, but how to kill it."

Lin Yi said it very seriously. He can't sense monsters like Zhou Kai, so the chance of facing monsters is much greater than Zhou Kai.

Lin Yi doesn't want to run away when he sees monsters in the future. If the world outside this city is also full of monsters, where should Lin Yi escape to?

He remembered the scene in the previous timeline when An Chengdao faced a group of monsters.

If it weren't for An Chengdao's injuries and the two burdens of Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, perhaps that group of monsters would not be An Chengdao's opponent.

Lin Yi also wanted to become like An Chengdao.

"Me too!" Lu Linhai's voice came from the side.

He quickly got up from the ground, walked to Lin Yi and said,"Uncle An, you can teach me too.���"

"I didn't help at all with what happened these days, and I don't want to be powerless when my friends are in danger."

An Chengdao didn't answer, but turned his head to look at Zhou Kai who was not far away.

"What about you? What do you think?"An Chengdao asked.

Zhou Kai looked at Zhou Yun who was still awake beside him. Although he didn't say anything, he took firm steps and stood beside Lin Yi.

"Very good."An Chengdao stood up, with a rare smile on his face.

The reason why An Chengdao suddenly took action yesterday was to make Lin Yi and the others aware of something.

Seeing the determination in the eyes of the three teenagers, An Chengdao began to train them.

In the following time, An Chengdao formulated a series of special training plans.

Lu Linhai is not like Lin Yi and Zhou Kai. He has no special abilities and can only start with physical fitness.

Therefore, Lu Linhai's daily task is to climb mountains and run.

Fortunately, Lu Linhai has perseverance. No matter how hard or tired he is, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

Not only that, Lu Linhai's recovery ability seems to be very strong. No matter what happened the day before, No matter how tired you are, as long as you have a good sleep, you will still be full of energy the next day. Zhou Kai's training plan is relatively simple. He is cautious and careful in his work. In addition to his ability, Zhou Kai is rarely injured under normal circumstances.

Therefore, Zhou Kai's task is to make his body's reaction speed keep up with the perception speed as much as possible.

For example, when facing a sudden attack from a monster, even if Zhou Kai sees it with his eyes, he will not be able to dodge if his body does not have time to react.

In addition, Zhou Kai has other tasks, such as going down the mountain to purchase, and being alert to whether there are monsters entering the mountain.

As for Lin Yi's training plan, An Chengdao was in a dilemma for a while.

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