"Hello"Looking at the strange number displayed on the screen, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, but still answered the call.

" Don't go"A deep voice came from the phone.

Without waiting for Lin Yi to speak, the person on the other end of the phone quickly hung up.

"Don't want to go?"Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

He wanted to call back to ask, but found that the number was not dialed.

He glanced at the time on his phone and it was almost 9 o'clock.

It takes 30 minutes to take a taxi from home to the back mountain, so Lin Yi must get there early.

In order to make his classmates believe what he said next, Lin Yi made a plan.

He didn't pay attention to the call from the strange number and hurried to the back mountain.

Near 10 o'clock, the classmates in the class came to the agreed place one after another.

"Lin Yi, why did you call us here?"

Sports Committee member Jiang Fan looked like he hadn't slept well. He sat on a rock and complained,"I played games until 5 o'clock last night. I'm so sleepy."

"Me too!"Another classmate echoed,"My Xuan Ce is killing people indiscriminately, winning 18 games in a row!";

" OK"Squad leader Gu Zijin walked over to Lin Yi.

Her voice was very pleasant, like a wind chime hanging on the eaves in summer."Lin Yi must have something important to tell us.""

"Is there anything that can’t be said in the group?"An Yun frowned and kept fiddling with his hair that he had just dyed yesterday.

"Besides, we have a graduation dinner scheduled for this afternoon, so we can talk about it then."

Lin Yiqing counted the number of people. Apart from two classmates who were traveling with their parents, only the study committee member Zhou Kai was not there.

"Where is Zhou Kai?"Lin Yi asked

" Zhou Kai said he had something to do at home and couldn't come"A classmate answered

"Lin Yi, stop keeping us in suspense" Jiang Fan yawned,"Everyone is almost here, tell me what you want to say so I can go back to sleep.""

"Wait a little longer, there is still one person who hasn't arrived yet" Lin Yizhao looked outside

"There's another person?"Gu Zijin looked at the people present,"All the classmates in the class are here, and the classmates who can't come have also said in the group, who else are we waiting for?";

" Lu Linhai" Lin Yi frowned and said

" Linhai?"Jiang Fan was stunned for a moment,"Didn't you say in the group that you wouldn't call him? Why are you waiting for him now?";

" Coming!"

Not far away, Lu Linhai was walking towards the abandoned factory building.

" You will know what I am going to say soon" Lin Yi's expression became extremely solemn, and even his body began to tremble involuntarily.

" What happens next may be beyond your imagination, so you must be mentally prepared."

Lin Yi hid behind the factory gate, where there was a rope that Lin Yi had set up in advance.

He arrived here early just to set a trap.

Lin Yi knew very well that it would be difficult for them to believe the existence of monsters just by verbal narration.

Therefore, putting a monster in front of them would be more useful than any words.

Lin Yi did not ask the classmates in the group to tell Lu Linhai, but contacted Lu Linhai himself and asked him to arrive here after 10 o'clock.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Lin Yi began to sweat nervously.

"Huh? You're all here." Lu Linhai's voice came from outside the door.

He walked in and saw his classmates in the abandoned factory.

Lin Yi pulled the rope violently, and a stone fell from above and hit Lu Linhai on the head.

With a muffled sound, Lu Linhai fell to the ground and could not get up.

"Ah!"An Yun screamed. She was frightened by the sudden scene in front of her.

"Lin Yi, are you crazy?!"Jiang Fan jumped up from the ground, and it seemed that even his tiredness disappeared at this moment.

"Lin Yi, why did you do this?"Gu Zijin frowned and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

"Listen to me!"Lin Yi explained loudly,"He is not a human, he is a monster!";

" Crazy, Lin Yi, you are really crazy" An Yun began to retreat, as if she was worried that Lin Yi would attack her as well

"Ambulance, call an ambulance!"Jiang Fan picked up his phone and prepared to call the emergency number.

" I can prove it to you!"Lin Yi shouted as he picked up a sharp stone from the ground.

He came to Lu Linhai and scratched Lu Linhai's skin with the sharp part of the stone.

"Ah!"The pain woke Lu Linhai up. Lin Yi didn't hesitate and grabbed a stone on the ground and threw it at him.

" He is really a monster. Although he looks like us, he is actually a monster in human skin."

" I will prove it to you now. If you tear open his skin, you can see his armor.......First......Why is this happening?";

" Kill......Murder!" The scene before them terrified the people again. They fled in all directions, fearing that they would become the next victim. Lin Yi was stunned and trembling all over.

Lu Linhai lying on the ground was not a monster at all. There was no black shell under his skin.

"Why?"The stone slipped from his hand, and Lin Yi sat on the ground helplessly.

The pungent smell of blood rushed into his nose, and the blood stained his clothes red.

The classmates in the factory ran away, leaving only Lin Yi and Lu Linhai lying on the ground without breathing, and the class leader Gu Zijin.

"Why is this happening? Why isn't he a monster?"Lin Yi couldn't figure it out, and kept muttering,"He's obviously 19 years old, why isn't he a monster?";

" Oops, Lin Yi, you seem to have guessed wrong." Gu Zijin's voice came to my ears.

I looked up and saw that she had walked over.

Gu Zijin didn't seem to be frightened by the scene in front of her. She squatted down and looked at Lin Yi with a smile.

" Lin Yi, how did you find out?"

Found out? What did you find out?

Gu Zijin's words made Lin Yi shudder. He raised his head, his eyes full of fear:"You......You are......"

" Lin Yi, you have made a serious mistake."

What a beautiful voice, but at this moment it sounded like the whisper of an evil spirit to Lin Yi.

" The time for eating is determined by the eater's preference"

" Just like some people like to eat steak medium rare, some people like to eat it medium rare"

" So, some animals will be eaten after they are born, and some will be eaten after they grow up."

"By the way, do you want to guess how many beastmen like you are left in our class?"

Familiar tentacles emerged from Gu Zijin's abdomen and wrapped around Lin Yi tightly.

Gu Zijin slowly approached, she licked Lin Yi's face with her tongue, and shouted with an intoxicated look on her face:"It smells so good, as expected, beastmen's meat is the most delicious." She opened her mouth and bit Lin Yi's throat.

Lin Yi struggled, but he could not get rid of the tentacles that were wrapped around him. Gradually, his consciousness began to blur, and he knew that he was going to die again.......

" The test is over, please stop writing immediately"

The shouting in his ear woke Lin Yi up. He opened his eyes and saw the test paper in front of him. It was the test paper of the last exam.

He was back, back to the past again.

June 8, the last day of the college entrance examination

" My dear student, the exam is over. Please stop writing immediately."

Seeing that Lin Yi still had the pen in his hand, the invigilator came over

"Classmate, did you hear me?";

". Shut up......"

Lin Yi's hand holding the pen is shaking

"What did you say?"The invigilator was stunned for a moment.

" I told you to shut up!"Lin Yi stood up suddenly.

He threw the pen in his hand to the ground and screamed hysterically.

Looking at his shaking hands, the scene of killing Lu Linhai emerged in his mind.

Yes, the one he killed was not a monster, but a living person.

Everyone in the examination room looked at Lin Yi at the same time, but now he didn't care.

" You are monsters" Lin Yi smiled bitterly and shouted,"I know, stop pretending. You are monsters, you are all monsters!";

"Student, what's wrong with you?"The invigilator asked with concern,"Are you feeling unwell?";

"Get away! Don't come near me!"Lin Yi retreated quickly.

But when he found that everyone in the classroom was looking at him, he felt his scalp tingling and his throat felt as if something was blocking it.

"Why? Why do you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?";

" What is real? What is real?!"

Lin Yi had a terrible headache and he felt like he was going crazy.

Tears rolled down his cheeks and Lin Yi collapsed and shouted:"Give it back to me, give me back my original life, give me back my parents......"

In a trance, Lin Yi felt someone coming over

" Teacher, I'm sorry���He is my classmate. Maybe he didn't do well in the exam and was under too much pressure."

Lin Yi had heard this voice before. It was the voice that came from the mobile phone when the strange number called.

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