Lin began to recall the whole process of entering the woods, but after thinking about it, he did not find anything strange.

"Yiyi, let's go, mom will take you to the hospital." As if noticing that Lin Yi looked a little unhappy, mom's voice became cautious.

She supported Lin Yi and soon came to the parking lot.

Lin Yi was always alert to his mother, but his mother never turned into a monster and didn't eat Lin Yi.

Dad drove over and comforted him,"Yiyi, it's okay. No matter how you do in the exam, mom and dad won't blame you."

"Even if we don't do well in the exam this year, we can just take it again next year."

"Yes, Yiyi, don't feel burdened. No matter how well you do in the exam, you are our child."

Next year?

Lin Yi was stunned. Shouldn't these two monsters eat him today?

Could it be that he really made a mistake?

All the things he had experienced before were illusions caused by the pressure of the exam, and everything in front of him now was real?

"Come on���"No matter if you are okay or not, let's go to the hospital first." Dad urged."

"Check it out, I will feel more at ease."

The worry on mom and dad's faces warmed Lin Yi's heart.

Thinking carefully, if the mom and dad in front of him were really monsters, they would have taken action as soon as Lin Yi told the truth.

But until now, Lin Yi still did not see the greed of monsters in their eyes.

Maybe, I really made a mistake.

At this moment, Lin Yi wavered.

Mom helped Lin Yi open the door of the back seat, and Lin Yi sat in.

"Yiyi, what's the matter with the monster you mentioned earlier?"My mother sat in the passenger seat, and asked in a low voice, perhaps out of curiosity.

"Nothing." Lin Yi didn't know how to tell them. After all, even he himself felt that this was all too ridiculous.

"The car door locked with a click.

However, Dad did not start the car.

"The monster you mentioned......"The tone of mom and dad's voice suddenly changed.

The originally worried tone suddenly became indifferent.

The lights in the parking lot went out one by one, and only the lights in the car were still on, illuminating mom and dad sitting in the front row.

They slowly turned their heads, and the skin on their faces kept falling off.

Then, that familiar face appeared in front of Lin Yi. It was clearly the face of a monster!

"Is that so?"

The sudden change caught Lin Yi off guard. He wanted to open the car door and run out, but he remembered that the door was locked.

The father and mother who had turned into monsters did not rush over. They suddenly laughed, and a piercing cry came out of their throats, constantly irritating Lin Yi's nerves.

These laughs made Lin Yi feel a splitting headache, and then it felt like something was tearing his body apart.

The severe pain spread throughout his body, and Lin Yi fainted.......

"Are you ready?"

Lu Linhai's roar came to his ears, and Lin Yi suddenly came back to his senses and found himself outside the woods on the edge of the city.

"Let's go." An Chengdao took out the key and was about to enter the woods when Lin Yi hurriedly stopped them.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Yi looked panicked, he grabbed Zhou Kai and asked,"Zhou Kai, come on, check if there are any monsters around?"

"Are those monsters catching up with us?"

"or......Are those monsters hiding in the woods, waiting for us to fall into their trap?"

"Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the panic in Lin Yi's eyes, Lu Linhai couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Brother Lin Yi, are you okay?"Zhou Yun seemed to feel Lin Yi's nervousness.

""Hurry up!" Lin Yi did not respond to them and continued to urge Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai frowned, he glanced at Lin Yi, and seemed to understand something.

Zhou Kai nodded and began to use his ability to sense the surroundings.

"No." After a moment, Zhou Kai shook his head and said,"There are no monsters around here."

"Impossible!"Lin Yi didn't believe it. If there were no monsters nearby, why would he go back to the past?

His ability would only be activated after he was killed. If there were no monsters nearby, why would he die?

"Lin Yi, calm down first. Zhou Kai grabbed Lin Yi and continued,"Tell me first, what will happen after entering the woods?"

"Your ability has been activated again?" An Chengdao also understood.

"After we go in, we will die."Lin Yi frowned and replied.

He told Zhou Kai about his previous experience, but after listening to it, Zhou Kai felt a little strange.

"Something is wrong." Zhou Kai thought for a moment and said,"Although we don't know what your ability is for now, but based on what happened before, the time you returned after your death was different."

"If we are killed by monsters after entering the woods, then you should not go back to June 10th."

Lin Yi was stunned at first, then thought about it for a while and felt that Zhou Kai's analysis made sense.

"I always thought that the past you return to after death would be gradually delayed, such as June 10 at first, then June 9, and then June 8."Zhou Kai continued to analyze.

"But, at the butcher shop, you just went back a few hours."

"So, even if we are killed by monsters after entering the woods, the past you return to is either June 7th, or like now, a few hours ago."

"But I did go back to June 10th. Lin Yi remembered it clearly.

The cake and knife on the table, the parents sitting opposite, the same birthday song, and......

Thinking of this, Lin Yi showed a trace of doubt on his face.

"Yes, what happened on June 10th this time was different from the previous June 10th."

Lin Yi didn't know what this meant, but he was very clear about one thing: he was indeed dead.

"To be on the safe side, I'll go in and take a look first." An Chengdao glanced at the woods in front of him.

His knife flew out of the bag on his back and kept spinning around him.

An Chengdao held the bone-chopping knife in his hand and said seriously,"We have limited knowledge of these aliens. Maybe there are monsters hidden in this place that we don't know about.""

"No matter what, it's always better to be careful."

Zhou Kai nodded and said,"I'll pay attention to the surroundings."

After that, An Chengdao walked into the woods.

Lin Yi and others looked around nervously. He, Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai stood in a triangle, protecting Zhou Yun in the middle.

Time passed by, the monster never appeared, and Zhou Kai didn't feel anything wrong.

After a while, footsteps were heard in the woods.

"Uncle An is back." Zhou Kai reminded him.

An Chengdao walked out of the woods, and the knives that were originally around him returned to his bag.

"It's safe inside."

The news brought by An Chengdao made Lin Yishi puzzled.

The woods were safe, and there were no monsters around, so how did he die?

"Let's go." An Chengdao took out the key again.

"Don't worry."Zhou Kai patted Lin Yi on the shoulder,"If there is anything wrong, I will tell you immediately."

This time, they walked into the woods more cautiously.

However, when the red light filled the entire key again, the inexplicable dizziness and the feeling of soul tearing came again.

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