Although Lin Yi's strength has recovered a lot, it is still a bit difficult to completely cut the muscles at the joints.

In order to avoid the tentacles extending from the alien's abdomen, Lin Yi simply left the boning knife at the joint.

The three of them quickly retreated and distanced themselves from the alien.

"Kill you! Kill you! Damn beasts!"

The alien kept cursing. Four of its legs were completely cut off by Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai, making it unable to move.

As for the two legs attacked by Lin Yi, although they could barely move, they could not support its body.

The alien lying on the ground was like a dying lobster, with only the tentacles on its abdomen struggling constantly, which made Lin Yi and the other two feel a sense of accomplishment.

This was the first time they defeated the alien by their own strength. Although it was accomplished by the cooperation of the three of them, it also showed that the training for half a month was not in vain.

"Kill you! I will kill you!"

The strange curses came over, but Lin Yi did not feel angry. He even thought that these curses sounded very pleasant.

This was an affirmation of their efforts and a good start.

"Uncle An said that to kill these aliens, we must either destroy their hearts or cut their nerves from the neck."Lin Yi said, looking at the aliens on the ground.

Things are not over yet. After all, the aliens have only lost their ability to move, but they are not completely dead.

"If the heart is damaged, it will be troublesome for us." Zhou Kai thought for a while and said

"Uncle An can use his ability to stab the knife into the alien's abdomen and hit the heart directly."

"But there are these disgusting tentacles on the alien's abdomen. If we approach it rashly, we will be entangled."

"So, we can only find a way to cut the nerves in its neck."

"I'll go." After Lu Linhai handed the boning knife to Lin Yi, he picked up a stone from the ground.

Lu Linhai raised the stone above his head with both hands and smashed it on the alien's head.

"With a"bang", the alien's head was intact, and the stone bounced aside with the impact.

Zhou Kai patted his forehead and said helplessly:"Did you listen to me?"

"I told you to cut the nerves in its neck, not to hit its head with a rock."

"Its head is also covered with a carapace, and a stone cannot kill it."

"Hehe." Lu Linhai said with a silly smile,"I know, I just want to hit it a few times to vent my anger."

""I've been chased by these monsters for so long, and I finally defeated one. I have to let it out."

As he spoke, Lu Linhai was about to lift the stone up again.

But at this moment, the alien on the ground locked onto Lu Linhai's position.

The tentacles on its abdomen quickly gathered together, pushed hard against the ground, and suddenly pounced towards Lu Linhai.

""Be careful!" Lin Yi shouted.

The alien's serrated mouth opened, and as the alien approached, suddenly, the knife on the alien flew out.

The boning knife pierced into the alien's abdomen, and the bleeding knife penetrated into the monster's compound eyes.

In an instant, the monster jumped up and fell to the ground, almost crushing Lu Linhai.

"This is......"Lin Yi was stunned at first, then he understood and turned his head to look back the way he came.

"Uncle An is here." Zhou Kai heard An Chengdao's heartbeat and smelled his scent.

Soon, An Chengdao appeared in front of them.

An Chengdao walked over as fast as he could. He glanced at the aliens on the ground and said with a serious face:"Did I ever say that we cannot hesitate when dealing with these aliens, and we must attack their vital points as quickly as possible and kill them?"

"Is this how you learned in the past half month?"

Lu Linhai curled his lips and whispered,"Uncle An, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

An Chengdao sighed and continued,"Being able to kill aliens shows that you have indeed grown up."

"This time you barely passed."

"Uncle An, what's going on on the mountain?"Lin Yi looked up at the mountain and saw that the fire was still spreading.

"Most of the aliens were attracted by the fire, but a small number did not make it."

"These aliens are smarter than we thought. Some of them guessed our plan. While others rushed to where the fire was spreading, a small number of them wanted to look for us along the way down the mountain."

"This alien should be one of them."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but glance at Teacher Yao who had been killed on the ground.

These aliens are greedy by nature. In order to have the human beings alone, even if they guessed Lin Yi's plan, they did not tell other aliens, but took the opportunity to act secretly.

""I encountered a few when I was going down the mountain, but I killed them all."

An Chengdao said lightly, but Lin Yi was touched.

After all, it took Lin Yi and his three companions a lot of effort to kill a monster, while An Chengdao could kill many easily.

"The sound of a fire truck?"Zhou Kai suddenly frowned and looked up into the distance.

"Fire truck?" Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment,"Could it be these aliens who called it?"

"Nonsense, these aliens have been imitating human life. It's no wonder that they called the fire department when the fire is so big."Lin Yi said

"We have to leave quickly. If the firefighters come, we may not be able to leave."

After that, they hurried down the mountain.

The fire spreading on Sifang Mountain attracted many people. They talked about the cause of the fire, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

At first glance, they were no different from ordinary people.

However, only Lin Yi knew that there were many man-eating monsters mixed in the crowd.

"Go this way." Relying on Zhou Kai's ability, they chose places with fewer people as much as possible.

They kept a low profile along the way, after all, An Chengdao was a"celebrity."

As they walked, Zhou Kai whispered,"Someone is coming up ahead."

""People?" Lu Linhai asked,"Is it a human?"

Zhou Kai nodded,"It's a human, not an alien. And there is only one person. He must have seen the fire on Sifang Mountain and wanted to join in the fun."

"What is there to be afraid of? As long as you are not an alien, it's fine."As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared not far away.

The man hurriedly ran over from the other side of the road, his eyes fixed on the direction of Sifang Mountain.

"There really is a fire. I have to go and have a look. It's so big, it's so spectacular." The man muttered, and every word was heard by Zhou Kai.

""Huh?" The man slowed down, and he seemed to notice Lin Yi and his group.

Zhou Kai thought to himself that this man had seen An Chengdao.

However, the man's next words stunned them.

"Lin Yi? Are you Lin Yi?"The man waved his hand and shouted at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi raised his head and saw the other person's face clearly under the street light. He subconsciously shouted:"Tian Meng?!"

"Lin Yi, it's really you!"

The young man in the distance looked about the same age as Lin Yi. He seemed a little excited, and after confirming that it was Lin Yi, he ran over quickly.

"Do you know him?" Zhou Kai asked with a vigilant look.

Lin nodded and said,"He is my childhood friend. We grew up together. But he failed to get into our school during the high school entrance examination, and he moved several times, so we seldom contacted each other."

"It's okay, I know him, he's a good guy"

"Lin Yi, why are you here?——"Before Tian Meng finished speaking, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

He saw An Chengdao standing behind Lin Yi, and he must have recognized An Chengdao's identity, and his face turned pale instantly.

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