"Yes, I did bring the police here."

Tian Meng rolled his eyes and explained seriously,"But I did this for your own good."

"What good can you learn from following that murderer?"

"I do this just because I don't want to see you go astray."

"Uncle An is not a bad person. Lin Yi frowned and said,"I have told you this."

"If he is not a bad guy, then what is he?"Tian Meng disagreed. He turned around and looked at Lin Yi with a hint of something else in his eyes.

"If he is not a bad guy, why are the police looking for him?"

"Don't tell me there's a misunderstanding. It's not up to you to decide whether there is a misunderstanding or not."

"Lin Yi, come back, come with me and call the police, let the police catch the murderer, don't get deeper and deeper into trouble."

Although he said this, he didn't think so in his heart.

Tian Meng said this while slowly reaching his hand into his pocket.

Lin Yi noticed his action, walked over quickly, and pulled his hand out of his pocket.

Tian Meng was holding a mobile phone in his hand, the screen was already lit, and three numbers were displayed on it, and he just needed to press the dial button.

"Tian Meng!"Lin Yi was a little angry. He didn't understand why Tian Meng didn't believe him after all the years of friendship.

Tian Meng wanted to press the dial button, but Lin Yi grabbed the phone.

""Give me back my phone!" Tian Meng rushed forward and tried to snatch the phone back. However, how could Tian Meng deal with Lin Yi, who had trained under An Chengdao for half a month?

Lin Yi grabbed Tian Meng's wrist, pulled him forward, and swept his feet towards Tian Meng's legs, knocking him to the ground.

"Tian Meng, we have known each other for so many years, don't you know me?" Lin Yi asked loudly

"If Uncle An is really a bad guy, if what he did is really illegal, do you think I would do it?"

"We are friends, why don't you believe me?"

"Fuck your friends."Tian Meng gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground.

He turned his head and glared at Lin Yi, as if he was a little dissatisfied with being easily defeated. The jealousy and disgust that appeared in his eyes before became more obvious.

"Know you? Yes, Lin Yi, of course I know you."Tian Meng's face became a little gloomy.

"You are a good student in the eyes of teachers and a good child in the eyes of adults."

"I do know you, and I know you wouldn't do such a thing. But what does this have to do with me?"

"I just need to hand you over to the police, and then let others see that you, a good student and a good kid, are actually in cahoots with a murderer."

"By then, I will become famous, I will surpass you, and I will be able to prove that you are not as good as me!"

"Friends? Lin Yi, don't disgust me, I never thought of being friends with you."

Tian Meng's words made Lin Yi stunned. He never thought that a friend he had known for so many years would say such a heartless thing.

"Lin Yi, to tell you the truth, I actually hate you very much"

"No matter my parents, teachers, or even my former classmates, they always like to compare you with me, no matter it is about life or study, so you really make me feel sick."

""Tian Meng, are you saying this in anger?" Lin Yi's breathing became a little rapid.

Tian Meng ignored Lin Yi and said to himself:"Lin Yi, do you know why I have been playing with you since I was a child?"

"You don't really think I want to be friends with you?"

"I just want to prove that you are not as good as they say. I want you to make mistakes and become like me. That's why I stay with you."

"But I was wrong. No matter what you did, even if you really made a mistake, they would blame it on me, thinking that I was the one who led you astray."

"Why? Why?!"

"I've had enough of you and I don't want to see you anymore, that's why I didn't apply to the same school as you when I took the high school entrance exam!"

"Do you know how happy I was when I saw you and the murderer together on the news? I hoped countless times that you would be killed by the murderer, but I never thought that you would be mixed up with the murderer."

When he said this, Tian Meng showed a hint of ridicule on his face:"But it's good this way. When the police catch you, you will become the accomplice of the murderer."

"At that time, I can tell my parents and those who think you are good that they have been wrong all these years, and you are just a hypocritical hypocrite!"

The moment the voice fell, Tian Meng rushed towards Lin Yi again.

He wanted to take the phone back, he wanted to call the police, and he wanted to send Lin Yi to prison.

However, compared with those man-eating monsters, Tian Meng was too weak.

He didn't even have time to swing his fist, and Lin Yi strangled his neck with his arm and pressed him to the ground again.

"Tian Meng, I have always treated you as a friend since childhood. I don't know what you are talking about."Lin Yi looked at Tian Meng on the ground and suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful.

"I don't know that my existence has caused you so much trouble, but even without me, these things will still happen. At that time, the"I" they are talking about can be anyone."

"You are indeed not wrong in these matters, but the people around you are wrong. However, you should not vent your resentment on me."

At this point, Lin Yi raised Tian Meng's mobile phone and threw it heavily to the ground.

The screen shattered, and after a flash, it went black.

"Don't worry, I won't be by your side again, never." Lin Yi felt empty inside.

But he didn't have time to be sad, he had more important things to do.

Lin Yi let go of his hand, and Tian Meng got up from the ground.

He stared at Lin Yi fiercely and asked,"There's one thing I don't understand. I clearly locked you in, so why were you able to run out?"

In fact, from the moment Lin Yi realized that Tian Meng was lying, he had begun to be wary of him.

Ever since he found out that his parents were actually aliens, that the teachers and classmates around him, and even the vast majority of people in this city were aliens, Lin Yi had become very cautious.

In the past half month, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai and others had deepened their understanding of each other. He learned from Zhou Kai that when he was a child, he had mastered the skill of unlocking locks in order to take his and his sister's information from the office.

Therefore, even if Tian Meng locked the door when he left, Zhou Kai could open it without destroying it.

After that, they quickly found a place to hide.

Zhou Kai sensed that Zhou Kai had returned here with a group of aliens, but because of Zhou Kai's ability, it was impossible for these aliens to find them.

Lin Yi did not tell Tian Meng this. After all, it was meaningless to say this now.

However, Lin Yi still decided to give Tian Meng a chance.

Not a chance to reconcile, but to give him a chance to survive.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi did not leave, but turned and walked towards Tian Meng.

"What are you going to do?"Tian Meng looked at Lin Yi warily. After two fights, he knew he was no match for Lin Yi.

He thought of An Chengdao, the murderer, and when he saw Lin Yi in front of him, he began to feel scared.

"Don't come over here!"

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