Zhou Yun's words made Lin Yi's eyes light up.

Although he was not sure whether Zhou Yun's guess was correct, Lin Yi felt that this possibility was very high.

To be precise, it was not the air that was stilled, but the flow of air.

The timing of these two times when time stopped was very urgent. At that time, Lin Yi increased his breathing frequency because of nervousness.

Rapid breathing caused the consumption of air to accelerate, but when Lin Yi exhausted the air around him, no, to be precise, only the small range where Lin Yi's face was facing, because the flow of air was stilled, the air in other places would not be replenished.

Therefore, Lin Yi felt suffocated, as if he could not breathe, which caused a series of chain reactions.

But when Lin Yi started to move, this situation began to ease, because Lin Yi's actions at this time allowed him to breathe air from other locations.

Of course, this was just their guess. However

, Lin Yi has decided that if time stops again next time, he must give it a try

��If you can master the ability proficiently, you will be able to deal with the aliens easily in the future.

While Lin Yi was thinking, Zhou Kai had already locked onto a household.

Using his hearing and his years of practical experience, Zhou Kai successfully opened the door of that household.

Then he used his enhanced vision and touch to sneak in.

When he came back, Zhou Kai not only successfully got the phone, but after unlocking it with the other party's fingerprint, he even took a box of strawberries from someone else's refrigerator and handed it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Kai's series of familiar operations made Lin Yi want to call the police to catch the thief.

Stealing the phone is fine, but he even stole the strawberries. The key is that the stolen strawberries were only eaten by Zhou Yun alone. This is intolerable.

""Sister complex." Lin Yi rolled his eyes in his heart.

"I found it." Zhou Kai quickly found the top scorer of this year's college entrance examination by searching the Internet on his mobile phone.

"Oh my god, this guy scored 749 points?!" Lu Linhai leaned over to take a look and said in surprise.

The man they found was named"Zhang Cheng". Except for the one point deducted for the Chinese composition, he scored full marks in other subjects.

As for the one point deducted for the composition, it was because Zhang Cheng wrote an irrelevant sentence at the end of the composition, which made this perfect composition superfluous.

"What did he write at the end of his composition?"Lin Yi was a little curious

"He wrote......"Zhou Kai smacked his lips and said,"Orcs will never be slaves."

"......"Lin Yi was silent for a while, feeling a little amused and helpless."This Zhang Cheng......Feeling a bit second-rate"

"There's more." Lu Linhai stared at the news report on his phone screen,"This guy was originally recommended for admission, but he gave up the recommendation and voluntarily took the college entrance examination."

"Still the attitude of"If you don't let me take the college entrance examination, I will die in front of you""

"Anyway, let's go get in touch with him first." Zhou Kai said,"If he is still human, there is a high probability that he is what the aliens call a 'high-quality animal man'.’"

"It's just that he lives a little far away." Lu Linhai looked at the content on the phone screen

"It doesn't matter, we can drive there."Zhou Kai disagreed.

"Driving?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then seemed to have guessed something,"You won't......"

Zhou Kai smiled and took out the car keys from his pocket.

While taking the phone and strawberries, he also took out the car keys of the family.

""Zhou Kai, what do you do?" Lu Linhai smiled helplessly.

The stolen car could not be parked casually, and An Chengdao was quite conspicuous, so he could hardly appear in the city during the day.

Therefore, the task of contacting Zhang Cheng fell on Lin Yi and his four companions.

They thought the next operation would go very smoothly, but for three consecutive days, they didn't even see the shadow of Zhang Cheng.

On the fourth day, Lu Linhai couldn't stand it anymore.

"Today is the fourth day. How can this guy stay at home for four days in a row?"Lu Linhai complained

"Is he a high school student?"

"After studying for so long and finally finishing the exams, shouldn’t you go out and have some fun?"

"Even though it has been so long since the college entrance examination, you don't have to stay at home all day without going out."

""Zhang Cheng is a middle school boy who doesn't go out all day. Isn't he a homebody?" Lin Yi also felt that this matter was a bit troublesome.

The community where Zhang Cheng lived was a high-end community. There were invigilators everywhere. Even if Lin Yi and his team could sneak in, they would be discovered quickly.

Therefore, if Zhang Cheng didn't go out all the time, Lin Yi and his team would not be able to contact Zhang Cheng at all.

"If it doesn't work, we can only find someone else." Zhou Kai sighed.

That day, they still didn't wait for Zhang Cheng to come out.

At night, just as they were about to leave, Zhou Kai suddenly raised his head and frowned as he looked towards the community.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the expression on Zhou Kai's face, Lin Yi immediately became alert.

"Something is coming"

"Is it an alien?" Lu Linhai quickly prepared for the battle.

But Zhou Kai's next words surprised them.

"Listen to the sound......It should be a drone."

"none......Drone?"Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then he looked up at the sky following Zhou Kai's gaze.

After a while, a drone flew towards their location.

The drone looked a little strange, it didn't look like it was bought, but more like it was assembled by itself with different parts.

After arriving at the location of Lin Yi and others, the drone began to descend and landed on the ground.

"This thing......What are you doing?" Lu Linhai picked up the drone on the ground.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, a dull sound suddenly came from the drone.

"If you want to take it, hold it carefully, don't flip it around, you country bumpkin, have you never seen a drone before?"

Lu Linhai was startled and almost dropped the drone in his hand.

"Can this thing talk?" Lu Linhai was a little surprised

"There is a camera here."Lin Yi frowned and noticed that there was a small camera on the drone.

"You have been squatting outside for four days, what on earth are you doing here?" The voice in the drone continued to sound.

But this sentence made Lin Yi and the others nervous.

During these four days, in order not to be discovered by the aliens in the community, they hid in a relatively hidden place while ensuring that they could see the house where Zhang Cheng lived.

In addition to Zhou Kai's ability, it was impossible for anyone to discover them.

"Who are you?" Lin Yi frowned and asked

"I am your father"

"......"The other party's answer made Lin Yi grit his teeth and wanted to smash the drone in his hand.

Before Lin Yi and the others could speak, the voice from the drone continued to come, and this sentence made Lin Yi and the others even more nervous.

"You guys are so brave, don’t you know that the police are looking for you everywhere?"

"Instead of finding a place to hide, you actually dare to come out. Do you think you have lived too long?"

"Who are you?"Zhou Kai realized that something was wrong.

He was absolutely confident in his abilities, but the other party not only discovered them, but also knew who they were.

But Zhou Kai never realized who the other party was and where he was hiding.

However, the other party's words made Lin Yi feel relieved.

The other party knew who they were and where they were, but did not notify the aliens to catch them, which meant that the other party had no ill intentions.

Lin Yi thought about it and had a guess in his mind - if this person had no ability, then the other party would most likely see Lin Yi and the others through other means.

Since this person could see where they were, it meant that the other party's position should also be within the sight of Lin Yi and the others.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi pulled Zhou Kai aside and whispered a few words into Zhou Kai's ear.

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