Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

Zhang Cheng didn't even know about the existence of aliens?

Lin Yi thought about it, frowned and said,"You know what I'm talking about?""

"I don't know." Zhang Cheng answered very straightforwardly,"I don't understand either."

"If you don't have anything else to do, I'll leave.

The drone began to rise, looking like it was about to leave.

However, the speed of its ascent was a little slow.

"You know, it's just that you're suspicious of us, so you're pretending to know nothing.

Seeing the speed at which the drone was rising, Lin Yi roughly understood.

"If you really didn't know, you wouldn't write"Orcs will never be slaves" at the end of your college entrance examination essay.’"

"Although this is a bit childish, it is your way of showing your attitude."

"You don't dare to say it clearly, so you use this method to vent your dissatisfaction."

When Lin Yi was speaking, the drone that was originally rising slowly stopped.

"If you really didn't know anything, when you spotted us, you should have called the police immediately or told the people around you instead of controlling the drone to approach us."

"......"After a brief silence, Zhang Cheng, who was controlling the drone, said slowly,"You are quite interesting."

"At least it's more interesting than the gorilla next to it."

Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment, and shouted angrily:"You are the gorilla! Your whole family is gorillas!"

Zhang Cheng's answer made Lin Yi feel relieved.

It would be much easier to persuade someone who knew about the existence of aliens.

Moreover, he was a person who knew about the existence of aliens and was still alive.

"If I'm not mistaken, you guys are here to see me, right?"

The drone slowly descended and stopped in front of Lin Yi.

"After all, the gorilla just let it slip, and you didn't leave immediately after you found me, and even took the time to talk to me so much."

Lin nodded:"We are indeed here to find you"

"However, I am a little curious, how did you discover those aliens?"

An Chengdao knew about the existence of aliens because the pigs he raised ran away, and he found out by chance.

Zhou Kai suddenly awakened because of his ability, and Lin Yi got the answer at the cost of his life.

As for Lu Linhai and Zhou Yun, because they believed in Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, and later saw the aliens, they knew about their existence.

Therefore, Lin Yi was indeed very curious about Zhang Cheng's knowledge of the existence of aliens.

"Aliens?" Zhang Cheng sneered,"Is that what you call those monsters?"

"It sounds really appropriate."

"To be honest, I have never seen what these aliens really look like, but I have seen what they have done."

"What have they done?"Lin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously thought of two words - cannibalism.

"You probably don't know that there is a huge basement in the City Center Hospital, right?"Zhang Cheng began to tell the story of how he discovered the anomaly.

That was when Zhang Cheng was just in the first grade of junior high school.

That year, Zhang Cheng was hospitalized due to an accident, and he met a beautiful young lady in the hospital by chance. At the age of first love, Zhang Cheng fell in love with the girl at first sight.

At that time, he didn't know what love was, and he just wanted to see the girl every day.

Until one day, the girl cut off her long hair, and Zhang Cheng realized that the girl had cancer.

However, this did not affect Zhang Cheng's love for the girl. He still went to see the girl every day, talked to her, made her happy, comforted her, and encouraged her, until - the girl suddenly disappeared from the hospital.

The nurse told Zhang Cheng that the girl was discharged.

But Zhang Cheng felt something was wrong. The girl had just started chemotherapy, why was she suddenly discharged?

Even if she had to be discharged because of her family situation, the girl would not leave quietly.

So, Zhang Cheng slipped into the monitoring room and wanted to check the surveillance of the night the girl disappeared.

However, the surveillance that night was deleted.

"Since the surveillance video has been deleted, how did you find out?" Lu Linhai interrupted.

Undoubtedly, he was retorted by Zhang Cheng:"Don't talk casually, gorillas, or they will be caught and watched by the zoo."

"......"Lu Linhai gritted his teeth

"The surveillance footage of the hospital was deleted, but the surveillance footage outside the hospital is still there."Zhang Cheng continued.

There is a convenience store right opposite the hospital gate, and the surveillance footage in the store can just capture the location of the hospital gate.

So Zhang Cheng lied that he had lost his family's wallet and wanted to check the surveillance footage to find the person who picked up the wallet.

The surveillance footage of the convenience store does not involve things inside the hospital, so the surveillance footage of the night the girl disappeared was not deleted.

Because he was often with the girl, Zhang Cheng remembered the car driven by the girl's father.

However, that night, the girl's father's car did not come to the hospital.

In other words, the girl was not discharged from the hospital at all.

After knowing that the nurse was lying, Zhang Cheng felt that the hospital was a little strange.

At that time, he didn't want to She never thought there was anything strange in the world, and she only thought that this hospital was secretly engaged in illegal organ trafficking.

Zhang Cheng wanted to avenge the girl and wanted to expose this hospital.

So, he began to investigate and try to find evidence.

But after searching for a long time, Zhang Cheng found nothing.

There was only one place in the entire hospital that he had not searched.

This place was the morgue of the hospital.

Zhang Cheng was very scared, but when he thought of the unfortunate experience of the girl, he suddenly gained courage.

In order to avoid surveillance, Zhang Cheng took a lot of effort to successfully sneak into the morgue, and this time, he really found a clue - he discovered that there was a secret door leading to the underground in the morgue.

"You will never be able to imagine what the scene in that basement is like."When he said this, Zhang Cheng's voice trembled a little.

His breathing became a little rapid, as if the scene of that year appeared before his eyes again, and even his tone was mixed with anger.

"The basement exuded a disgusting stench of decay and a pungent smell of blood. Huge machines were running non-stop. In the center of the basement, there was a deep pit."

"Could it be that......"When he heard this, Lin Yi seemed to guess what was in the deep pit.

"That deep pit is full of people." Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself down.

"No, that's not a human anymore."

"Under the stirring of the huge machine, the people in the deep pit had already turned into a pile of rotting meat paste.

Zhang Cheng's story made everyone's faces become extremely solemn.

"Don't those aliens eat people? Why do they want to kill people?......"Lu Linhai asked while gritting his teeth.

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said slowly:"The reason why those aliens do this is......Probably for power generation."

"Power generation?!" Lu Linhai was shocked.

Lin nodded, although it was just his guess:"Aliens have high requirements for meat quality. They will not eat people with cancer, and will not spend time and energy to treat them."

"And this kind of people have become the resource to keep the city running."

"Rotten meat will produce biogas, which can be used to generate electricity and drive the operation of some machines in the city."

"Of course, this is just my guess."

When he said this, Lin paused.

His face turned a little ugly. He made a guess that made everyone feel disgusted.

"Or maybe there are other uses for this rotten meat?"

"for example......Processed into human food......"

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