
Lin Yi had never told Zhang Cheng about their fight with the aliens, so Zhang Cheng mistakenly thought that it was An Chengdao who had been fighting the aliens.

In his eyes, Lin Yi was barely a person who gave advice, Zhou Kai was a person who got information, and as for Lu Linhai and Zhou Yun, they were just drags.

However, the scene before him made Zhang Cheng's opinion of Lin Yi and the others change a little.

When the alien's forearm chopped down, Lu Linhai rushed over with a steel rod in his hand.

He clenched the steel rod with both hands and smashed it hard at the monster's forearm.

"With a clang, Lu Linhai's powerful blow opened the monster's forearm, and then he pulled Zhang Cheng behind him.

He glanced back at Zhang Cheng. Although he had seen this top scorer in the college entrance examination in news reports, strictly speaking, this was their first meeting - they had previously communicated through drones.

Zhang Cheng wore a pair of black-framed glasses. Although he was tall, he was very thin and his clothes were too loose.

"Skinny guy, stay aside and don't get in the way here."

Lu Linhai smiled and felt that he had made up for his physical fitness.

""I look like a gorilla, what's there to be proud of?" Zhang Cheng pouted and complained in his heart.

"Isn't it just a bunch of muscles? The muscles are almost growing in the brain."

Having said that, he knew he couldn't help in the battle and quickly hid aside.

At this time, the alien was furious, and both forearms were raised at the same time, and the tentacles on the abdomen quickly rolled towards Lu Linhai.

Lu Linhai already knew the attack methods of these aliens.

He quickly stepped back to create distance. At the same time, Lin Yi, who had been lurking on the other side of the bus, made a move.

Lin Yi clenched the knife in his hand and quickly came to the back of the alien. He aimed at the joint position on the insect's foot, raised his hand and stabbed the knife in without any hesitation.

Lin Yi did not pull out the knife. After completing the attack, he quickly stepped back like Lu Linhai, and then took out another knife from his backpack.

For this operation, they made sufficient preparations.

During the day, they continued to improve the plan with Zhang Cheng, and at night, they used Zhou Kai's expertise in unlocking and collecting weapons.

In addition to An Chengdao's polishing, these knives are not so sharp that they can cut through hair, but they are also very sharp.

"Come on, you bastard." Lin Yi stared at the alien and kept provoking him.

"Don't you look down on humans? Aren't you arrogant? Come on, get me."

"If you can't kill me today, I will look down on you!"

The alien let out a harsh low roar, and just as he was about to attack Lin Yi, another shout came from behind him.

""Ugly monster! Look here! Look here! There's a surprise here!"

Zhou Yun, who was not far away, waved and shouted. The alien turned back subconsciously, and with a"whoosh" sound, a crossbow arrow shot into its compound eye.

Zhou Kai raised the crossbow in his hand, turned his head to look at Zhou Yun beside him, and asked:"How about it, is your brother handsome?"


"You lowly beasts!"

The alien was furious, and the tentacles on its abdomen were waving wildly.

Lu Linhai took this opportunity to go around the monster's back and smashed the monster's head with a steel rod.

There was another"clang" sound. Although the steel rod could not penetrate the monster's shell, Lu Linhai's role was to attract the alien's attention and cover Lin Yi and Zhou Kai.

When the alien turned his head to look at Lu Linhai, Lin Yi rushed towards the alien again.

This time the alien learned its lesson. When its forearm chopped at Lu Linhai, the tentacles on its abdomen rolled towards Lin Yi.

""Lin Yi, attack left, dodge right, jump up!" Zhou Kai shouted, and Lin Yi did not think twice and immediately acted according to Zhou Kai's shout.

He dodged to the right and avoided the tentacles that stretched to the left.

Then he quickly jumped up and avoided the tentacles that wanted to wrap around his legs.

Another tentacle stretched out to Lin Yi's neck, but before it got close, a crossbow arrow flew over and hit the tentacle.

Lin Yi seized the opportunity and approached the alien again, stabbing the knife in his hand into the joint.

The three of them cooperated tacitly. As long as one of them was targeted by the alien, the other two would immediately attack with all their strength.

Compared with them... On the other side, An Chengdao was more relaxed.

Even when facing two aliens at the same time, he was not at a disadvantage.

An Chengdao's fighting style was rough but delicate. He kept slashing with the black and green bone-cutting knife. While fighting the aliens head-on, he used his ability to control other knives to attack continuously.

More than a dozen butcher knives flew in the air, cutting off the tentacles and legs of the monsters.

In just over ten minutes, the three aliens were defeated by the offensive of Lin Yi and others.

Zhang Kai on the side was shocked and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

""Damn it! The flying stick is coming!" Lu Lin also yelled, and thrust the steel stick in his hand into the alien's abdomen.

Zhou Kai began to move, and came to the front of the monster and shot a crossbow arrow.

The crossbow arrow pierced the monster's neck. At the same time, Lin Yi jumped hard and jumped onto the monster's back.

"Go to hell." Lin Yi gritted his teeth and stabbed the knife in his hand into the back of the monster's neck.

An Chengdao on the other side had finished the fight. After the two aliens fell, he turned back to look at the fight between Lin Yi and others.

After watching for a while, An Chengdao did not intervene and walked straight into the bus.

As An Chengdao started the bus, Lin Yi and others finally ended the fight.

""Get on the bus." An Chengdao shouted from the bus.

After Lin Yi and the others got on the bus, An Chengdao drove the bus towards the highway entrance.

Seeing the highway entrance getting closer and closer, Lin Yi's heart was in his throat.

The staff at the toll station noticed something was wrong with the bus. They saw that the driver was An Chengdao, and quickly revealed their true appearance and tried to stop the bus.

""Hold on tight!" An Chengdao yelled, and he stepped on the accelerator and crashed into the car.

"With a"bang", the alien in front of the bus was knocked away.

The bus was accelerating and broke the railing. When it was about to exit the highway entrance, an alien climbed up from the side.

The alien raised its forearm to smash the window. Just as it was about to get in, Zhang Cheng quickly took out a tightly wrapped glass bottle from his bag.

""Let me do it!" After tearing open the outer package, Zhang Cheng ran over and smashed the glass bottle in his hand at the alien.

The glass bottle shattered on the alien's face, and the liquid inside began to corrode the monster's hard shell.

"Shit, it went sideways. I was going to throw it in its eyes." Zhang Cheng complained.

"That is......"Lin was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise,"Sulfuric acid?!"

"Where did you get it?"

"I stole it from the school chemistry lab when I was in school." Zhang Cheng replied,"I was originally going to use it to deal with the two weirdos at home, but then I met you. When I left, I thought it might be useful, so I took it with me."

The weirdo didn't let go and wanted to continue drilling in.

Lu Linhai raised the steel rod in his hand and stabbed it at the location corroded by sulfuric acid.

"With a"hiss", this time, the steel rod pierced into the alien's brain.

""Get the hell out of here!" With Lu Linhai's curse, the monster was pushed down.

The moment the bus entered the highway, it seemed to have passed through an invisible barrier, and the body of the bus slowed down for a moment.

Lin felt dazed for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he noticed that the scenery around him had changed instantly.

The plants on both sides of the highway were no longer green. The trunks of those trees were twisted and grew in an extremely weird way.

The leaves on these trees were not green leaves, but sharp needles like cacti.

The dry air was dull and made people feel extremely depressed.

"Is this the world outside the city?"

The scene in front of him shocked Lin Yi. He turned around to look at the city behind him, but found that he could not see anything.

Those special devices completely isolated the entire city from the outside world. The outsiders could not see inside, and the insiders saw only fake scenes.

"this world......In the end what happened?"

"Look!" Lu Linhai on the side seemed to have discovered something and shouted in surprise.

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