The trees around them grew in strange shapes. The trunks did not grow straight up, but twisted back and forth at various strange angles.

If it were not for these strange trees, Lin Yi and his companions would have been able to move faster.

"Be careful not to get pricked by the thorns on the tree." The people surrounding them reminded them.

"What would happen if you got pricked?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"The spines are poisonous."Another person explained

"Although the poison is not fatal, the area where it is stung will itch extremely and last for many days."

"If you scratch your skin by accident, the bloody smell will attract those disgusting birds."The person walking behind the team also said

"Not only those strange birds, but also some big black rats that come out at night will be attracted by the smell of blood."

"Yes, yes, those big black rats are the scariest."

"What's so scary about rats?" Lu Linhai looked puzzled.

"Ha." Zhang Cheng on the side sneered and said,"You know shit."

"No matter what time, rats are the most terrible thing. Not only are they full of bacteria, but they also have terrible reproductive ability."

"If the world we live in is really facing doomsday, perhaps the ones who can survive to the end are not humans, but mice"

"Besides, the rats outside may be different from the rats in the city. Lin Yi continued Zhang Cheng's words.

"Think about the strange birds. Maybe the mice out there are just like them."

"You must remember not to get bitten by those big black rats."The people in the team kindly reminded us.

"Once they bite you, even if it just breaks the skin, the wound will not heal but will gradually rot."

"Unless you cut off the flesh, the rot will spread from the wound to the whole body.

"If the piece of meat is cut off, the bloody smell will attract more strange birds and mice, and it will become a vicious cycle."Lin Yi glanced at the strange tree nearby and became more vigilant.

"These people don't seem that bad."An Chengdao said in a low voice.

Although these people have been wary of Lin Yi and his friends, they are only worried that Lin Yi and his friends are aliens disguised as humans.

Moreover, on the way to the village, they will kindly tell Lin Yi and his friends about the dangerous things nearby.

Perhaps, they are really just as Tian Wenlei said, they are all humans who escaped from aliens.

Because of these strange trees, Lin Yi and his friends walked for more than an hour.

As they walked, Zhou Kai seemed to sense something.

He walked to Lin Yi and whispered,"There are a lot of people ahead, they should be their village."

""Are you sure they are all human?" Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai nodded:"They are all human, about a hundred or so. Moreover, I heard the laughter of children."

Hearing this, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

A village full of humans, although the population is not large, but since Zhou Kai heard the laughter of children, it means that the people in this village are indeed not bad people.

Soon, they arrived at the village.

However, rather than saying that this is a village, it is better to say that it is a dilapidated village.

The houses inside are dilapidated, and most of them are wooden sheds built later.

The people in the village stayed in the simple wooden sheds. When they saw Lin Yi and the others, a trace of vigilance appeared in their eyes.

Occasionally, a few children about seven or eight years old can be seen playing and fighting, but those children look......

"The look of those kids......"Lin Yi showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Those children looked very strange and different.

Some of them were obviously about eight years old, but they didn't have any teeth when they opened their mouths.

Some of them had many lumps on their faces, and they scratched them from time to time, but it didn't seem to hurt.

They were not tall and very thin. Some of them were hunched over, and some walked with a limp, looking silly.

When they opened their mouths to laugh, the snot mixed with saliva would be sucked into their mouths.

At the end, they smacked their lips, as if they had tasted something delicious.

""Zhou Kai, are they really human?" Lu Linhai asked in a low voice.

Zhou Kai nodded.

"But why do they look like this?" Lu Linhai was puzzled.

"Could it be due to some kind of mutation?" Zhang Cheng thought for a while and said

"For example, the trees and birds in the outside world, as well as the mice we have not seen yet, are all due to this mutation."

"Didn't you say there are special isolation facilities at the edge of the city? Could this kind of facility also isolate these mutations?"

"But why do those adults look so normal?" Lu Linhai asked

"Because these children were born later."Tian Wenlei, who was walking in front, came over.

He seemed to know that Lin Yi and the others would talk about these children, and explained in a low voice:"Children born in the outside world, for some reason, all look very strange."

"perhaps......"Zhang Cheng guessed,"This is the way those aliens restrict the growth of humans."

"If the escaped humans start to reproduce, they will threaten the existence of alien species in a few decades or hundreds of years."

"In order to solve this problem from the root, the aliens tampered with the humans they raised, or tampered with the outside environment, causing the children born in the outside world to......"

At this point, Zhang Cheng stopped.

They walked to the entrance of the village, and the people guarding outside saw them and shouted in unison,"Brother Lei!""

"Go and notify the people in Team 3 and Team 4 to exchange with Team 1."Brother Lei arranged.

Then, Brother Lei looked at Lin Yi and others and said,"Others, follow me and take them to see the Saint." The Saint they were talking about lived in a dilapidated ancestral hall.

Brother Lei asked Lin Yi and others to wait outside the door and walked into the ancestral hall alone.

""The Saint, she must be very beautiful." Zhang Cheng muttered in a low voice, as if he couldn't wait to see the Saint.

But when the door of the ancestral hall opened, the person who walked out behind Lei Ge was a gray-haired old lady.

Although the old lady's steps were unsteady, the clothes she wore seemed to be the style that young girls liked.

"Lady Saint, they are the people who came out of that city this time." Lei Ge lowered his head and said respectfully:"Please take a look, are they human or alien?"

""Huh?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the old lady coming out of the ancestral hall with surprise.

"She is a saint? Is that a mistake? Aren't saints supposed to be fair-skinned, beautiful, and have long legs?"

""Keep your voice down." Lin Yi glared at him,"Don't you see that the people in this village respect the Saint very much? If they hear you saying that, they will beat you to death."

The old woman called"Saint" walked out slowly.

She first came to Lin Yi, looked at Lin Yi, and nodded slightly.

Then she walked to Zhang Cheng and nodded as well.

But when she came to Lu Linhai, the expression on her face suddenly changed.

The Saint took two steps back and looked Lu Linhai up and down.

"What's wrong?" Lu Linhai looked puzzled.

Lin Yi and others beside him also looked at Lu Linhai, but did not find anything strange about him.

At this moment, the saint spoke.

The saint opened her mouth, and her teeth were almost falling out.

She raised her hand tremblingly, pointed at Lu Linhai and said,"You......What on earth is this?!"

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