"Wow." Zhou Kai's words did not scare Zhang Cheng.

He was even a little curious and asked,"Did they tell me specifically where I tasted better?"

"......"Zhou Kai glared at Zhang Cheng and said casually,"They said you are so thin, your whole body must be full of bones, you must not be delicious."

"Ha, so, if this village really eats people, I should be able to live a few days longer than you."

"The people in this village can't really survive by eating humans, right?" Lu Linhai frowned.

"Maybe." Zhang Cheng shrugged.

"Just think about it, we have come all the way here, the road is so desolate, plus there are aliens, there must be a shortage of supplies"

"If people here want to live, they must eat"

"What if you can't find food? Then you have to eat humans."

"Do you think they intercepted the bus from the city along the way? Was it really to eliminate the aliens, or did they want to take a few humans as food?"

"Do you know about prions?"When he said this, Zhang Cheng glanced at the group of children not far away.

"If you eat humans, you might get infected with that thing. Patients with prion viruses may have a series of symptoms such as intellectual disabilities, which are quite similar to those children."

When he said this, Tian Wenlei trotted over from not far away.

"Lin Yi, I heard from Brother Lei!"Tian Wenlei looked very happy,"Brother Lei said that you are all human beings and can stay in the village."

"Moreover, Lei Ge also said......"

When Tian Wenlei saw Zhou Yun standing next to Zhou Kai, his attitude suddenly became respectful.

"This beautiful girl must be the successor of the Saint Lady."

"When I saw this little girl before, I felt that she was extraordinary at first sight."

"Uncle Tian, what's the matter? Lin Yi interrupted Tian Wenlei.

"It's nothing, I just told my wife about your visit"

"My wife said you must be hungry after running for so long, so she made some food.

Tian Wenlei waved his hand and said,"Let's go to my place to eat something."

Lin Yi thought about it and asked tentatively,"Uncle Tian, this is not good. It should be difficult to find supplies in the outside world. Now you have to share them with us. I'm really sorry."

"The supplies outside are indeed not as abundant as those in the city, but they are not so scarce either. At least there is no problem with food, and people will not starve to death."

Tian Wenlei's expression was very natural when he spoke, and it seemed that he was not lying.

Lu Linhai glared at Zhang Cheng and whispered,"Where did you say that the supplies were scarce? You just know how to scare people."

Zhang Cheng curled his lips and didn't take it seriously.

"Let's go, you'll know when you get there, just don't be disgusted after you see it."

Tian Wenlei's words made Lin Yi curious, so they followed Tian Wenlei to where he lived.

It was a wooden shed made of wood, with wooden boards made of wood around it to block the wind.

The shed had no door, and there was no furniture inside, only a wooden board, which should be their bed.

"The house is very simple, please don't mind it." Tian Wenlei pointed to the wooden shed and said,"Please sit wherever you like, don't mind."

"It's not like in the city, there aren't that many furnitures out there."

"We don't mind."Lin Yi shook his head. It was not easy to survive in this world full of aliens, so Lin Yi and his team were not picky in other aspects. They had been mentally prepared since they decided to escape from the city.

Besides, this place was much better than the half a month they had spent in the mountains.

"Lin Yi is here!"A woman with rough skin and a haggard look came out of the wooden shed.

"Do you still recognize me?" The woman was holding a large bucket filled with hot soup, but the soup looked a little black.

"Aunt Wen!"Lin Yi knew this woman. She was Tian Wenlei's wife.

""Uncle Tian, what kind of soup is this?" Zhang Cheng asked with a frown, glancing at the black soup in the bucket.

Tian Wenlei touched his head embarrassedly and said,"I won't hide it from you, this is rat soup."

"old......Mouse?!"Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Are they the big black rats you mentioned before?" Lin Yi asked.

Tian Wenlei nodded and said,"We have looked all over this area. Apart from rats, there are only those strange birds."

"The strange birds are hard to catch, but these big rats are easy to catch because of their large numbers."

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything." Aunt Wen put down the wooden barrel and took a few wooden bowls from the side.

"I felt sick the first time I ate it, but then I got used to it and it didn't feel sick anymore."

"I have a few roasted ones there. I'll bring them to you."

"I'll go too." Tian Wenlei followed him out.

To be honest, Lin Yi didn't mind eating rats.

After all, there was a shortage of supplies outside the city, and it was a rare thing to have meat to eat.

Humans had to survive in such a harsh environment and fight against alien species. Eating rats was nothing, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

Lin Yi scooped a spoonful of the black soup. Although it looked disgusting, it smelled good.

He picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks. The black meat was torn into thin strips. If you didn't tell, you couldn't tell it was rat meat.

"Do you think this meat is human flesh?" Zhang Cheng asked in a low voice.

An Chengdao shook his head and whispered:"Human flesh is not like this."

""I'll eat first." Lin Yi said,"If I'm fine after eating, you guys can eat later."

Lin Yi and his friends were indeed hungry along the way.

Although they brought some food in their bags, it couldn't last long.

Once they finished eating, they had to find other food.

If these mice were edible, it would help them solve some problems. After feeding them into his mouth and chewing them, a strong fishy smell instantly filled his entire mouth.

Lin Yi felt a little nauseous, but as long as he got used to the taste, it wouldn't be difficult to swallow.

After swallowing it and waiting for a while, Lin Yi didn't feel any discomfort in his body

"The barbecue is here. Tianwen Lei came over with a few skewers of barbecued meat.

"The grilled meat has less fishy smell, and my wife prepared it specially for fear that you would dislike it."

"Look, if you look at it this way, you can't tell it's a rat at all."

Tian Wenlei raised the skewer in his hand. The meat on it was cut into pieces, and it really couldn't be seen as a rat.

"We usually grill it directly when we eat it"

"There is no seasoning, so just eat it."Tian Wenlei ate a skewer and gave the rest to Lin Yi and the others.

When Tian Wenlei was not paying attention, Lin Yi nodded to Zhou Kai and the others, meaning that they could eat it.

Although they knew that they could not be picky about the current situation, it was the first time to eat this kind of meat. Except for An Chengdao, the others felt that the meal was extremely long.

However, after drinking a bowl of hot soup, they relaxed. It was getting dark outside the wooden shed. After eating and drinking, they were ready to start collecting intelligence.

According to the plan, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai were in one group, Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng were in one group, and An Chengdao was alone, and they went to different places in the village to have a look.

But when they started to investigate, they found that the village was full of weirdness.

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