On the way back, Lin Yi was trembling with fear.

Occasionally he looked up at his mother who was driving, and countless thoughts popped up in his mind.

" Take off the coat and strangle her to death?"Lin Yi thought to himself

" No, if these monsters have shells on their necks, the coat won’t strangle them."

"Besides, I was still in the car. If she stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out, I would die too."

" or......Poison their food?";

" But what if they smell it out?"What bothered Lin Yi was not only this, he did not know how many monsters there were in this world.

Even if he could kill the monster in front of him, what about the other monsters?

Was he going to live in this world full of monsters?

" Yiyi, why don't you speak?"My mother's voice came from the driver's seat.

Lin Yi was startled and said,"I didn't do well in the exam, I feel uncomfortable, and I don't want to talk."

" Ah, Mom told you" The softer the mother's voice, the more disgusted Lin Yi felt

" Grades are not important to you. Even if you don’t do well in the exam, your parents won’t blame you."

Lin Yi sneered in his heart:"Yes, of course you won't blame me. After all, you will eat me in two days, and the results really don't matter to you."

" Yiyi, I heard from your classmates that after the exam, you seemed to lose your temper with the invigilator. Is that true?"

Mother's words made Lin Yi alert.

In the examination room where Lin Yi was, Zhou Kai was the only classmate in the same class.

Lin Yi didn't know the other classmates at all. Logically, they couldn't know Lin Yi's mother.

So, who told her about the exam?

Recalling that his mother knew that Lin Yi was staying on the rooftop, Lin Yi suddenly realized that he might have been monitored all the time.

" Yes" Lin nodded.

Since she already knew, if she lied now, she would probably be suspected.

"Mom also heard that you mentioned some"monster", is that true?"

When Lin Yi heard this, he shuddered.

He glanced out the window and saw that there were very few pedestrians on the road. Lin Yi realized that this was not the way home at all.

"This monster......Are you testing me?"

Lin Yi's breathing became rapid, and he kept thinking about how to deal with it.

"Yiyi, why don't you speak?";

" Monster......" Lin opened his mouth and said,"I saw a monster"

The mother sitting in the driver's seat suddenly stepped on the brakes and the car stopped suddenly.

"One by one, the monster you mentioned--"

Just as the mother was about to turn around, Lin Yi continued:"I saw the test paper turned into a monster, and the questions on it, every word on it"

" I have clearly done those questions, but when it comes to the exam, why can't I answer them?";

"......" The mother in the driver's seat was silent for a while

"Yiyi, is this what you mean by 'monster'?"

Lin nodded:"The teacher once said that we should treat each question as a monster in the game. Answering a question correctly means that you have defeated a monster."

"However, this exam......I really can't answer this."

" Don't be afraid. Mom said that even if you don't do well in the exam this time, we won't blame you." The car started moving, and the mother did not look back

" So, don't put too much pressure on yourself. The exam is over, just relax."

" Be sure to stay in the best condition"

If it were in the past, Lin Yi would definitely be grateful for his mother's understanding.

But now, Lin Yi knows exactly why she said that.

After all, only by keeping in the best condition can one make his meat more delicious.

" I may be too tired" Lin Yi followed his mother's words and said,"I should be fine after I get back home and take a rest."

" That's right" Mom smiled and said,"I'll make you something delicious tonight."

Delicious? Lin Yi frowned.

He didn't want to eat, nor did he dare to eat.

Who knew what the food he had been eating was made of.

When he thought of this, Lin Yi's stomach was churning.

" There have been many cases of people being injured by evildoers in our city recently. The police have identified the suspect as An Chengdao, the owner of a butcher shop on Qianjiang Road. The suspect is still on the run. Please be vigilant. If you find any clues, please notify us immediately......."

A piece of news suddenly broke into the car radio, but before the news was over, my mother switched to music.

" How scary!"My mother's tone sounded a little worried,"It's been so long, why hasn't this person been caught yet?"

"Yiyi, it’s not safe outside recently, so you should just stay at home these days."

Lin Yijue thought it was ridiculous.

If it was not safe outside, would it be safe at home?

Anyway, this hellhole was full of monsters, so what difference did it make where I stayed?

It was just a matter of who would eat me in the end.

" However, my classmates have made an appointment for a graduation dinner tomorrow."

Lin Yi gradually got used to talking to these monsters."It would be bad if I was the only one who didn't go."

Perhaps he was afraid that his mother would stop him from going out, so Lin Yi continued:"Actually, I don't want to go out either. After all, I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I don't feel like doing anything."

" But after all, I have made an appointment with my classmates. How about this, I will have dinner with my classmates tomorrow and then come back, then rest at home for a few days, not go anywhere, and adjust my mentality"

"Okay" Mom finally relented.

When Lin Yi arrived at the community and entered the elevator, he met Grandma Liu from upstairs.

" Aunt Liu, brought her grandson back again" Mom glanced at the child in Grandma Liu's arms

"Yeah" Grandma Liu nodded and said with a smile,"You know, my husband loves children. I miss him so much after not seeing him for just a few weeks."

"No, I brought this little guy back to accompany us for two days."

Lin Yi turned his back to them. He didn't know how to face the child in Grandma Liu's arms.

He remembered clearly that last year, Grandma Liu was holding a little girl who was about 5 years old.

But now, Grandma Liu was holding a little boy.

This child was not Grandma Liu's grandson at all, but their food.

" Sorry......" Lin Yi kept repeating in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Yi couldn't even guarantee his own safety, and there was no way he could save this poor child.

"By the way, I remember that your Lin Yi will be 18 years old the day after tomorrow" Grandma Liu's words made Lin Yi's scalp tingle

"Yeah" Mom smiled and nodded

" You have waited for so long, Lin Yi has finally grown up" Grandma Liu also laughed and said,"You must be looking forward to that day."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, the scene of June 10th kept flashing through his mind.

" I won't be killed by you again"Lin Yi secretly swore,"This time, I must survive!"

After returning home, Lin Yi told his mother that he was tired and wanted to sleep.

He hid in the room, thinking about what to do next.

During this period, his mother came in several times.

Although Lin Yi closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, he could feel his mother standing by the bed, staring at him.

In the evening, the doorbell rang at home. There were footsteps outside the room. Lin Yi thought it was his father who came back, and his worries increased a little.

The door was opened, and someone came to Lin Yi's side

"Lin Yi, it’s me"A familiar voice came to my ears

"Zhou Kai!"Lin Yi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the person in front of him was Zhou Kai.

" Lin Yi, something happened" Zhou Kai's face looked very ugly.

His eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

" What happened?"Lin Yi became nervous,"Did we get exposed?"

Zhou Kai shook his head:"Lin Yi, I'm sorry."

There was a sharp pain in the abdomen. Looking down, Zhou Kai was holding a knife in his hand.

The blade pierced into Lin Yi's body.

" You......Why......"

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this because......Only in this way......"

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