"Why did he stop?" Although Zhou Kai couldn't see clearly for the time being, he still sensed something was wrong when he felt that Lin Yi, who was supporting him, suddenly stopped.

"Zhou Kai, please listen to me calmly. Lin Yi lowered his voice and said softly

"First of all, Xiaoyun is safe for the time being. It is still the same as when we left."

"So, you must not be anxious later, otherwise you will be suspected by these aliens."

In Lin Yi's impression, Zhou Kai has always been a cautious person.

However, the premise is that Zhou Yun cannot be involved.

Once this matter is related to Zhou Yun, Zhou Kai will easily lose his mind, especially when Zhou Yun is in danger.

Hearing that Zhou Yun is fine, Zhou Kai's expression eased a lot.

"What happened?" Zhou Kai asked

"That saint is now standing next to Xiaoyun"

"What?!" Lin Yi's answer made Zhou Kai alert instantly.

Since the people in this village are all hosts parasitized by aliens, then the saint they believe in must be an even worse existence.

At this moment, this terrible existence is standing next to the person he cares about most. How can Zhou Kai not worry?

Saying that Zhou Yun is the successor of the saint, a new saint who is burdened with a heavy responsibility and destined to lead humans to defeat the aliens and regain their homeland is simply nonsense. The alien parasitic in the saint's body just feels that the current host is about to be consumed and wants to replace a new host.

It has taken a fancy to Zhou Yun, and its real purpose is to make Zhou Yun its new host.

Fortunately, Lin Yi told him in advance that Zhou Yun was safe, so Zhou Kai could calm down.

"In addition to the Saintess, there were five other people surrounding Zhou Yun. Lin Yi whispered to Zhou Kai about the situation.

"One of them was the person that Lei Ge had arranged here before, and the other four might be the people responsible for protecting the Saint."

"When we get there, we must pretend that we know nothing."

The other side has more people and more power, and Zhou Kai's eyes are temporarily unable to see clearly. If they fight now, they are no match at all.

"Don't worry, I'm much better at this than you are."Zhou Kai replied,"After all, I have been pretending for more than ten years without being discovered."

"Some people, however, should never stand up and shout like they do during an exam."

"......"Lin Yi glared at Zhou Kai, even though Zhou Kai couldn't see it at all,"Dark history, don't mention it."

"Brother!" Zhou Yun, who was not far away, saw Lin Yi and Zhou Kai coming towards her.

She noticed that Lin Yi had been supporting Zhou Kai and Zhou Kai had his eyes closed, and immediately realized that they must have encountered some trouble.

Zhou Yun hurried over and asked,"Brother, are you okay?"

Zhou Yun spoke in a low voice, and only Lin Yi and Zhou Kai could hear it.

Although she didn't know that the people in the village were parasitized by aliens, she also noticed that these people were a little abnormal.

"It's okay." Lin Yi suddenly raised his voice,"It's just night blindness."

"It was pitch black in the village and he couldn't see clearly. He just fell down accidentally."

"Night blindness?" Zhou Yun was stunned at first, then he immediately reacted and imitated Lin Yi and said,"Brother, I told you not to run around."

"You have night blindness, it's dark outside the village, you can't see clearly, it's dangerous."

These excuses were thought of by Lin Yi and Zhou Kai on the way to the village. After all, Zhou Kai's eyesight was fine before they set out, but now he can't see clearly, it's hard not to be suspicious.

Because he had not been in contact with the people in the village for a long time, if he lied that he had night blindness, because it was dark outside the village and his eyesight was reduced and he couldn't see clearly, he might be able to fool them.

However, Lin Yi didn't expect Zhou Yun to cooperate so well.

"I was too worried about Lu Linhai and the others, and forgot about this for a moment."Zhou Kai echoed.

While they were talking, the Saint came over with the help of another person.

""Why hasn't Saint Lady rested yet so late?" Lin Yi asked

"I heard someone accidentally entered the woods, and I was a little worried, so I came to check it out. The Saint's voice seemed even weaker, and she looked much more haggard.

"After all, the people in the village are the hope of mankind's future."

The hope of mankind's future? Lin Yi thought it was ridiculous.

When did these disgusting aliens become the hope of mankind?

They said they were worried, but they just couldn't wait to change hosts, right?

"Where is Tian Wenlei?"The Saint raised her head slightly and glanced at the way Lin Yi and Zhou Kai came.

She covered her mouth and coughed a few times, then said:"It is very dangerous outside the village at night. Tian Wenlei is worried about you, so he went out to look for you."

"Why didn’t I see him come back with you?"

"Uncle Tian?" Lin Yi pretended not to know and shook his head, saying,"I haven't seen Uncle Tian."

"I was just about to ask why Uncle Tian is not here. Did he go out to look for us?"

"Maybe I went astray." Zhou Kai continued Lin Yi's words.

"Did Uncle Tian go out alone?" Lin Yi continued to ask

"Will he be in any danger?"

"No, I'm a little worried, why don't I go out and look for it."

Lin Yi deliberately pretended to be very anxious

"Brother Lin Yi, you better not go." Zhou Yun didn't know that Lin Yi was pretending, but she knew her brother.

The moment Zhou Kai spoke, she knew that her brother was lying.

Zhou Yun guessed that Zhou Kai's appearance at this time was likely related to Tian Wenlei who had left earlier.

Although Lin Yi said that he was going out to look for him, he turned around very slowly.

So Zhou Yun began to cooperate with Lin Yi and Zhou Kai.

"It's too dark outside and my brother has night blindness���You can't see clearly outside. It's too dangerous for you to go out alone."

"If you fail to find Uncle Tian and you run into danger again, that would be bad."

When he said this, Zhou Yun looked up at the Saint, and then said,"I think the Saint doesn't want to see anyone in danger."

The Saint glanced at Zhou Yun, then smiled and nodded,"You are not familiar with the outside of the village, so don't go out."

"Don't worry, they will be safe."

Lin Yi didn't know whether the others would be safe, but Tian Wenlei and the alien parasitic on him would definitely not be safe.

The saint opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something.

But before she could say anything, she suddenly covered her mouth and coughed violently.

As she coughed, Lin Yi noticed that her hair began to fall off slowly and floated on her shoulders.

Not only that, there seemed to be more wrinkles on her face, and even the hand covering her mouth became thinner.

Lin Yi frowned, and he realized that the saint's body was about to die.

So he stretched out his hand and took Zhou Yun from The saint came over.

At this moment, Lin Yi saw a glowing thread coming out from behind the saint and connected to Zhou Yun's mouth.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand to tear the thread apart, and then a familiar feeling came out.

The sticky feeling entered his mouth and went down his throat into his body.

This damn dog thing is really targeting Zhou Yun!

Lin Yi cursed in his heart.

But then, Lin Yi suddenly had another feeling.

He froze in place, and an unprecedented excitement made his body tremble uncontrollably.

"Lin Yi?"Zhou Kai's voice came faintly in his ears.

But Lin Yi couldn't care about that at this moment.

What kind of feeling was that?

It was as if dopamine was secreted at a very fast speed, constantly stimulating the nerves, a kind of extreme pleasure.

This feeling made people addicted. His brain became blank at this moment, and it seemed that even his consciousness began to blur.

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