"What bullshit you're talking about, of course we are human!"

Lu Linhai was a little excited. After he finished speaking, he looked back at the others and emphasized in a low voice:"We are all human beings, real people."

"Don't fool yourself. Think about it carefully. What did the aliens call you in the city you escaped from?"Brother Lei said with disdain.

Lin Yi frowned. He still remembered this clearly.

""Lin Yi said softly.

""Ha." Lei Ge sneered, suddenly raised his voice, and his tone became excited.

"That's right, beastmen! You are not human!"

"You are beasts, fodder for those alien species, you are even worse than alien species, the lowest of low!"


When he said this, Lei Ge's eyes suddenly showed some reluctance:"Me too......"

"But he is different."Brother Lei looked up at An Chengdao who was standing beside him.

"He is the Chosen One, and he has a chance to become a true human being."

He seems to hate the Chosen One quite a lot, which may be why he wants to kill An Chengdao.

"What do you mean?" Lu Linhai was confused and turned to look at Lin Yi beside him.

"Isn't"beastman" what those aliens call us? No matter what those aliens call us, we are still human beings."

"Moreover, what does it mean that the Chosen Ones have the opportunity to become true humans?"

"He should mean......"

Lin Yi was about to speak, but Zhang Cheng on the side got there first.

"The meaning is similar to the slave society in the old days."Zhang Cheng explained,"In the eyes of slave owners, slaves were never human beings, but their property, livestock, and tools."

"They can be anything but human."

"However, if you can become the chosen one, you may have the opportunity to cross the class and become a commoner from the lowest slave."

Zhang Cheng looked at Lu Linhai and continued,"Although physiologically, we are indeed human beings. However, we have been deprived of our basic rights as human beings and have become food for those aliens."

"We don't know where we come from when we are born, but when we die, we all go to the same place - the belly of an alien."

Brother Lei snorted coldly, confirming Zhang Cheng's explanation.

However, Zhang Cheng's words raised another question.——

"Then, who deprived us of our basic rights as human beings?"Zhou Kai frowned.

"Is there any need to ask? It must be those weirdos." Lu Linhai said angrily

"No."A surprising answer popped up in Lin Yi's mind.

The appearance of this answer made him realize that the world might be worse than he imagined.

"It may not be those aliens who caused all this."

"If not an alien, who else could it be?" Lu Linhai asked

"People." Lin Yi looked at Lei Ge and continued,"That's what he wanted to express, those so-called 'real humans’"

"That is, slave owner’"Zhang Cheng added.

Lin Yi clenched his fists and guessed,"The human ranch is not a place to raise livestock. The city we escaped from is actually a place to raise aliens!"

Lin Yi thought of the special devices surrounding the edge of the city.

Could it be that the existence of those devices is not to prevent humans from escaping?

After all, the aliens are well hidden. When the livestock in the city know their true faces, they are usually about to be eaten.

Coupled with the pheromones left on them by the aliens, it is difficult for them to escape.

So, could those special devices be used to prevent the aliens in the city from leaving the ranch?

However, if this city was built to raise aliens, then why would the aliens in the city send high-quality livestock out of the city?

Where did these people who were sent out go?

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out for a while. There were too many doubts.

However, maybe Brother Lei knows something.

"I didn't expect you guys even knew about the Human Ranch. It seems like I underestimated you."

Brother Lei was a little surprised that Lin Yi and the others knew about the Human Ranch.

He gritted his teeth and said,"I should have killed you all when I stopped the car!"

"This way, the village that I built with so much effort won't be destroyed by you!"

"You damn beasts, even if you know this, you still can't escape the fate of being eaten by aliens!"

"Stop calling you a beast." Lu Linhai was a little angry."If you don't even treat yourself as a human being, others will not treat you as a human being either."

"We are different from you. We are aliens or slave owners. I don’t care what they say. We are human beings!"

"Well said." Zhang Cheng smiled and clapped his hands to show his approval of Lu Linhai's words.

"See? Even gorillas think they are human, but you always think of yourself as an animal. How pathetic!"

"......"Lu Linhai glared at Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng noticed Lu Linhai's look, but he didn't care and looked at Brother Lei on the ground.

He continued,"Besides, we can survive from the mantises and avoid the parasitism of these hair-like snails in the village. We will still be able to live well in the future.""

"Hair-like snail?"Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment.

"They are the strange creatures in the village." Zhang Cheng explained,"They are a parasitic creature called 'hair-like snails'."

"Brother Zhang Cheng, why do you know the name of this alien creature?"Zhou Yun asked

"He told me."Zhang Cheng pointed at Brother Lei on the ground.

Brother Lei didn't say anything, but it was easy to tell from his face that he hadn't told Zhang Cheng these things.

"Of course, he didn't tell me directly."As he spoke, Zhang Cheng took out a few notebooks from his backpack and shook them at Brother Lei on the ground.

"These things are all written in this guy's breeding log."

"How did he escape, his hatred for the"slave owner", how did he meet the hair-like snail, how did he reach an agreement with this alien and start cooperating, and his next revenge plan"

"Why is it in your hand?!"Lei Ge struggled to snatch the notebook back from Zhang Cheng's hand, but An Chengdao tied it too tightly and he couldn't break free.

"However, what I am most curious about is a place recorded in the log."

Zhang Cheng said with a serious tone:"That is where this guy escaped, a city called 'City of Oracles'"

""The City of Oracles?" Lu Linhai asked,"Is it also a city where aliens are raised?"

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said,"According to what he wrote in his notes, this city is not entirely a place where aliens are raised, but also a place where......"

"The place where livestock are produced"

"Producing livestock?" Zhou Kai frowned,"What do you mean?"

"It is equivalent to a piglet."At this time, An Chengdao suddenly spoke

"Some pig farms sell piglets. The humans on the ranch may be transported from this place."

"Then why wasn't he sent out?" Lu Linhai asked.

Zhang Cheng looked down at Brother Lei on the ground and said,"Because he is a breeding pig."

"Have you ever seen a pig farm that sends away its breeding pigs?"

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