The Oracle City is different from the city that Lin Yi and his friends escaped from.

It is not only a city for raising aliens, but also a place for breeding livestock.

Therefore, the guards in the Oracle City must be much stricter than those in other cities.

Lei Ge has no special abilities, but he was able to escape from such a heavily guarded city. Lin Yi found it a bit strange.

However, Lei Ge's answer was the same as always.

"I have no idea"

"You fart!" Lu Linhai was a little angry at Lei Ge's answer.

He clenched the steel rod in his hand and beat Lei Ge on the ground, shouting:"Even an alien would not believe this kind of bullshit!"

"You don’t know how you escaped. Could it be that someone carried you out?"

"It's not impossible." Without waiting for Brother Lei to speak, Zhang Cheng shook the notebook in his hand.

"This guy wrote in his notebook that one night a few years ago, a riot broke out in the Oracle City."

"This guy ran away during the chaos."

"Riot?" Zhou Kai frowned and asked,"What kind of riot?"

"An outbreak of aliens? Or a rebellion of orcs?"

"I'm asking you a question, did you hear me?" Lu Linhai poked Brother Lei with the steel rod in his hand.

"I don't know, I really don't know."Lei Ge's voice became smaller and smaller.

"That night, I just remember there was a lot of noise outside, like someone was fighting."

"Then, someone rushed to where we were imprisoned, turned on the machines on us, and told us to run."

"Everyone was running outside. I just wanted to get out of there. I really didn't know what happened. Just kill me......."

"Machine?" Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment.

"It should be a device used to imprison them and force them to work non-stop."Lin Yi said in a low voice,"After all, the Oracle City is the place responsible for the birth of livestock, and he is......"

At this point, Lin Yi stopped talking.

However, regarding the riot in the Oracle City, Lin Yi had a guess in his mind - if those so-called"real humans" were similar to slave owners, then where there is oppression, there must be resistance.

The riot in the Oracle City might be an action of people who wanted to change everything and resist the slave owners.

But from the current situation, this resistance should have failed.

"Don't be fooled by the revenge plan this guy wrote, he is actually a coward."Zhang Cheng continued

"He raises aliens here, saying that he is preparing for revenge in the future and cultivating his own power, but in fact, he just wants to be a local tyrant here."

Zhang Cheng glanced at Lei Ge on the ground, with a hint of disdain in his eyes

"The reason why he came up with a revenge plan was just a means of self-comfort, which made him feel that his behavior of killing innocent people seemed justified."

"He wrote in his notebook that everything he did was for the future of mankind, so he had to sacrifice a small part of humanity."

"What do you mean these people will definitely understand? Bah!"

"The agreement he reached with the aliens was that the aliens would obey his arrangements and ensure his safety, and he would help the aliens snatch more hosts for the aliens to use."

When Lin Yi heard this, he thought of Tian Wenlei.

At that time, Tian Wenlei, after being rescued from the aliens by Brother Lei, must have thought that he had escaped.

But he never thought that the place he was about to go would be a new hell.

"Then how did he get mixed up with these weirdos in the village?" Zhou Kai continued to ask

"After escaping from the Oracle City, he came to a deserted city."Zhang Cheng took out a few folded pages from the diary," He met the hair-like snail there."

"A deserted city?"

"You should understand the contents of these documents after reading them." Zhou Kai handed the documents over.

"He also picked this thing up in that city."

Lin Yi took the folded papers and felt that they were very similar to the information An Chengdao found. They seemed to be made of the same paper.

After opening it, Lin Yi saw the diagram of the hair-like snail and related information -

Alien name: Hair-like snail.

Platyhelminthes, order Digenea, medium-intelligent species, social alien, with strong parasitic nature.

When the adult is stretched, its body length is 10 to 30 cm and its body width is 6 to 8 cm. It is extensible and will gradually grow larger as it absorbs nutrients. The maximum body length can exceed 1 meter.

The body surface is mostly yellow-brown, with some parts dark gray. The female worm is white.

The body surface is distributed with black fibers. Hair is the sensory organ of this alien.

It can parasitize a wide range and grow by absorbing nutrients from the host. The mother insect has a greater demand for nutrients and has higher requirements.

When the host cannot provide sufficient nutrients, it will extend its eyestalks to attract new hosts to approach and look for an opportunity to transfer (Note: The characteristics can be used to determine whether the hair-like snail is ready to separate from the host).

Note: There is only one mother insect in the group, who is responsible for the reproduction of this alien group.

If the mother insect dies, a hair-like snail with gender change will automatically appear in the group and become the new mother insect (the reason for the selection of the mother insect is not yet clear, and it is judged to be a random change)......

The content of these materials is richer than the original information about the mantis.

However, what surprised Lin Yi was not the information about the hair-like snail worm, but the following content -

Human Pasture 28 - through experiments, this alien can parasitize the human body.

When parasitizing, it will use sensory organs to stimulate the human nerves, prompting the human body to secrete a large amount of dopamine, causing it to give up resistance, thereby completely controlling the host's brain and turning it into a puppet.

After the parasitism is successful, the alien will inherit part of the host's memory. (This part is highlighted)

When encountering danger, the hair-like snail worm will stimulate the host's nerves through its sensory organs, causing it to over-secrete adrenaline and overdraw the host's body functions (Note: it will cause the host to die early). (This part is highlighted)

Because the human oral structure is different from that of the alien, it is impossible to quickly leave the host through the mouth to complete the transfer when changing hosts.

Therefore, after parasitizing the human body, the hair-like snail worm will gradually destroy the human back muscles and skin, creating a new exit that is easy to transfer.

However, because a large amount of nutrients in the human body are absorbed by the alien, the human body becomes thin, so that its main body will protrude mainly from the new exit on the back, which is extremely conspicuous. (This part is highlighted)......

Conclusion: This alien is not suitable for breeding and cannot be domesticated. It is too conspicuous after parasitizing the human body and cannot be used in the [Human Ranch Plan]. Human Ranch

28, failed.

Due to the strong parasitic nature of the hair-like snail, it is recommended to destroy it.

Note: The hair-like snail has a very strong vitality and special means are required to completely kill it.

It is recommended to arrange the [Quail Head] troops to go to Ranch No. 28

"Human Ranch......28?!" Seeing this, Lin Yi frowned.

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