"Let me tell you! Let me tell you!" After Zhou Kai asked this question, Lu Linhai stood up.

He glanced at Zhang Cheng and saw that he didn't refuse. He couldn't wait to say,"Let me tell you, this skinny guy is really cunning."

"Please use 'smart’,‘"Thank you for using words like wit." Zhang Cheng interrupted, but did not stop Lu Linhai from continuing.

"Didn't we agree to collect intelligence before we separated? Logically speaking, the intelligence we should collect should be about aliens or the chosen ones."

Lu Linhai continued:"By the way, observe whether there is any problem in this village."

"However, Skinny Bamboo was unique. He had been asking about where this guy lived in the village."When he said this, Lu Linhai pointed to Lei Ge on the ground.

"You didn't see the look on Skinny Bamboo's face at that time. He said that this guy was tall and strong, and he was a rare talent. He admired him very much and wanted to visit him and learn from him."

"You know nothing." Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes at Lu Linhai and said,"This is called 'playing the pig to eat the tiger, showing weakness to others'’"

"I've been talking for a long time but I can't get to the point, so I'll just say it myself."Zhang Cheng came over and pushed Lu Linhai aside.

"In fact, I felt that something was wrong with this village from the beginning.

Compared with Lu Linhai, Zhang Cheng quickly got to the point.

"On the way here, the villagers said that the mice and strange birds in the forest are very sensitive to the smell of blood."

"In this case, what should the women in the village do when they have their menstrual period?"

"If they intercept the bus halfway, they will definitely fight with the aliens. What if they get injured?"

When he heard this, Lin Yi was stunned.

The latter was something he and Zhou Kai noticed when they were collecting intelligence. As for the former, Lin Yi had never thought of it.

"There are also those children in the village. The villagers said that these children were born in the village by the people who were rescued."Zhang Cheng continued.

Lin Yi remembered very clearly that these words were told to them by Tian Wenlei.

"The environment here is not as good as in the city. Not to mention the lack of medical facilities, the nutrition for pregnant women is not enough."

"What if bleeding during childbirth attracts rats and strange birds?"

"Of course, the thing that makes me feel the most wrong is the saint in the village."

When he said this, Zhang Cheng's face became serious.

He paused and said seriously:"Whose saint looks like this?!"

"......"Lin was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but glare at him.

Recalling the saint they had seen, perhaps, before being parasitized by the alien, she was also a beautiful, cheerful and lively girl.

It was only because of being parasitized by the alien, and the mother insect's greater demand for nutrients, that she became what she is now.

Xiaohu's mother was the same. She was favored by the queen insect, dragged into the ancestral hall by the villagers, became the new saint, and eventually died here.

As for women's menstruation, after being parasitized by aliens, they can't even keep up with the most basic nutrition. In addition, the body's nutrients are constantly lost, and the aliens stimulate the nerves and cause endocrine disorders, so they will not have menstruation.

"Can you be more serious?" Lu Linhai said disdainfully,"If it doesn't work, I'll tell you."

"I'm quite serious." Zhang Cheng shrugged and began to analyze.

"There are two reasons why a saint is arranged in this village."

"First, the Saint is God's chosen one, and has the ability to lead humans to defeat the aliens."

"If the Saint's ability is only to distinguish who is human and who is alien, then Zhou Kai can just change his clothes."

"......"Zhou Kai frowned. If he hadn't been unable to see clearly, he would have glared at him to show his dissatisfaction.

"Second, the saint is a symbol"

"Just imagine, a group of people who know the existence of aliens and are in a state of helplessness, panic and confusion, do they need comfort?"

"At this time, what can bring them comfort? Of course, it is the saint's warm smile and embrace!"

"The saint is the faith of this village!"

"She should bring hope and vitality to people, make people feel that there is still a future for mankind, and make people feel full of strength when they think of her in battle."

"Obviously, the Saint we saw was not her." Zhang Cheng looked a little angry.

But soon, he grinned and said,"This is why I suspect that the Saint is wrong. What are you thinking?"

"Let's get back to the point." He continued

"After I discovered something was wrong with the village, I felt that I would not be able to gather any information from the villagers. Instead of wasting time on them, I might as well go directly to their leader."

"Since we can't get into the ancestral hall where the saint lives, we can only move our target to this pig breeder."

Zhang Cheng glanced at Brother Lei on the ground. His words made Brother Lei grit his teeth.

"You won't get the answer from asking, but searching where he lives might reveal something useful."

"So, you planned a scene of accidentally entering the woods."What happened afterwards was the same as Lin Yi had guessed.

He knew that Zhang Cheng would not act rashly. He deliberately left footprints outside the woods north of the village. There must be a purpose.

However, he did not expect that the purpose was to lure Lei Ge away and sneak into the other party's residence.

"This guy lives in a different place from other villagers. After all, the alien only needs nutrients from the host body and does not have too many requirements for the living environment."

"So, even if you live in the most humble wooden shed, it doesn't matter."

"But this guy is different."Zhang Cheng pointed at Brother Lei on the ground.

"He is a human being, and he has been a breeding pig for so many years. He finally escaped, so naturally he wants to enjoy himself."

"There are a lot of things where he lives, which should have been stolen from the buses leaving the city."

Zhang Cheng looked at Lei Ge with a little disdain in his eyes, shook his head and said:"People are like this, once they taste the sweetness, it is too difficult to stop."

"What revenge? With him like this, revenge is a farce."

"Being a local tyrant in such a place is really a lack of ambition"

"Then how did you find out that we were in danger and then attract the rats and strange birds in the forest?"Zhou Kai asked.

When they were surrounded by the villagers, Zhou Kai heard Lu Linhai's voice, but not Zhang Cheng's.

Moreover, Lu Linhai was also arranged by Zhang Cheng.

"It's very simple."Zhang Cheng said casually

"The villagers suddenly took action, and it was obvious that something was wrong."

"There are only two reasons why he would go to such great lengths to take action: either he encountered an external enemy or an alien controlled the villagers to fight."

"Or they are ready to beat you up."

"No matter which reason it is, it means that you are also in danger."

Zhang Cheng found the breeding log in Lei Ge's house and learned about the hair-like snails based on the information in it.

Therefore, no matter what the reason for the villagers' actions, the hair-like snails in their bodies may change hosts.

Moreover, Zhang Cheng thought of what the saint said during the day. The saint has set her sights on Zhou Yun and will definitely choose a time to act.

Not only that, Zhang Cheng also thought of another situation.

"The reason I asked the gorilla to find you was not because I expected him to be of any help, but just to prevent Lin Yi from using extreme means to reopen the"

"By the way, besides these notebooks, I also found another interesting thing in the place where this pig lived."

As he said this, Zhang Cheng took out another thing from his backpack.

"I think you will be very interested in this thing."

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