Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 124 Dayu's flood control (please collect and support)

Hong felt the gazes of the girls around her, but she didn't care.

What she cared about was Ye Feng's pace.

Although his progress was weak, he was moving forward steadily and surely.

How is this possible?

Having endured the test of the second level, she knew how difficult this level was. They had to keep moving forward in the wind and rain, and they must not be afraid or scared. However, if they retreated a little, this retreat would be infinitely magnified, and they would eventually fall to the ground.

That was how she was at the beginning. A single thought led to failure.

Although it is easy to say, perseverance and courage, how many people can really do it?

When Hong was tested, she also felt that she would be able to go against the current without fear of everything.

But only when she really experienced the attempt did she know that a firm will and a confident attitude were so fragile in the wind and rain.

This human race should and must be like this.

Why is this human race so tenacious?

How did he get through it?


How did he get through it?

There was no such thing as carrying through. It was nothing more terrible than that Ye Feng was supported by something behind him.

When the wind and rain hit Ye Feng, he was not afraid at all and laughed at the sky.

But as he walked, he began to feel hungry. There were no wild fruits or vegetables to pick around, not even grass roots or tree barks.

At some point, the forest that was supposed to be surrounded by fog had now turned into a mountain trail.

The surroundings were desolate, the sky was dark, and the rain and strong wind kept hitting his face.

At that time, Ye Feng didn't feel anything.

He felt that he could still hold on and keep climbing.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, the wind became sharper and sharper, and it felt like his skin was being cut when it blew on his body.


No, it should be the truth.

When the wound appeared, blood gushed out of the wound, and he felt the pain.

The heavy rain that fell had become heavier at some point. It was originally just an ordinary size, but it became as big as a stone at some point.

It hurt like being hit by a stone.

He was already exhausted, and hunger spread to his limbs, telling him every moment that he was hungry.

Blood took away his strength and temperature, and the cold and pain took away his ability to think.

His feet began to become weak, his arms began to fall, and his body, which should have been straight, fell to the ground.

He was hungry, sleepy, and tired. He wanted to fall to the ground and take a nap, and then continue climbing after waking up.


There were no big trees or caves around, and he had never seen a place where he could rest.

If he wanted to rest, he could rest in this heavy rain.

But there was a voice in the dark telling him that if he rested here, he would be completely defeated.

If he wanted to continue climbing and moving upward, then he would say goodbye to rest.

Climb, climb, climb until you are exhausted, until you are bloody and fleshy, and squeeze out the last bit of strength.

Ye Feng was already somewhat unable to think at that time. Perhaps he was stubborn, or perhaps he was unwilling to admit defeat. How could he fall down at this moment? How could a mere storm be a reason for him to stop?

So, he got up and headed forward.

How long had he climbed?

I don't know. I'm not sure.

He just instinctively felt that he should have climbed a lot of places.

Even if he didn't reach the top of the mountain, he must have at least reached the middle of the mountain.

But when he looked back, he saw the foot of the mountain.

He was at the foot of the mountain at this moment, and the distance from where he had climbed was even less than a hundred meters.

He had only climbed less than a hundred meters?

He fell to the ground before he had even climbed a hundred meters?

How could it be, how could it be possible!

How could this be!

He had climbed for so long and persisted for so long, how could he have only climbed so little?

When he looked up at the sky, the Tongtian Mountain Pillar looked out of reach, but it also made people feel that it could be touched.

As long as he stretched out his hand a little more and worked harder for a while, he could cross the clouds and reach the top of the mountain.

But when he looked back at the foot of the mountain, he suddenly felt that the mountain top was so far away, as if he could not get close no matter how hard he tried.

Despair surrounded his heart, and Ye Feng stared blankly at the clouds on the mountain top.

At that moment, it seemed that something was broken.

He felt like he was falling into an ice cave, his whole body was cold, the rain randomly slapped his cheeks, and he fell to the ground powerlessly.

He didn't know what he was insisting on.

That unreachable mountain top, that mountain that seemed to reach the sky, could he touch it?

Could he touch it?

Haha, what are you insisting on, you are just a waste, even if you have the ability to practice again, you are still a waste after all.

Guy from a small place, do you really think you are a child of destiny?

What is within your power, what is the common people, you can't even save yourself.

His palms couldn't help but grab the ground, and the mud was clenched by his fists.

Ye Feng had to admit that at this moment, he wanted to retreat.

He wanted to retreat very much.


How can I give up here!!!

I recalled the dead people in my mind, the corpses everywhere, the suffering of the world, and the strange screams of the big fish and the suffering of the common people.

They struggled and survived in the flood, and wanted to survive even in the face of thousands of difficulties and dangers.

Those who suffered were still waiting for someone. Still waiting for someone to stand up.

Maybe it wasn't him, maybe he didn't have the qualifications.

But, but!

They are still struggling, how can I retreat!

Was the determination to leave Wubao City wrong?

Is this idea of ​​wanting to do something fragile?

What a joke!

Get moving!

My body!

If my hands and feet are useless, I will use my teeth. If my teeth are useless, I will use my head. Even if I have to crawl like a worm, I have to climb up! Even if I have to die, I have to die on the road!

If you have the ability, take my life! ! !

At that moment, Ye Feng was more determined than ever before, and that will seemed to penetrate the clouds!

Ye Feng's body began to gradually recover his strength. His body was no longer hungry, his hands and feet were no longer cold, and the rain hitting his body could no longer make him feel pain.

He gradually raised his head and chest, and gradually strode forward.

The wind and rain could not stop his pace!

In the storm, Ye Feng took a step forward, as if the world was broad, the four directions were bright, and the wind and rain disappeared.

When he looked back, he had unknowingly come to the middle of the mountain!


On the top of Tushan Mountain, a faint energy wave was emitted from the holy temple standing on the top of the mountain.

In the Thousand Fox Cave, the old ancestor who seemed to be in a light sleep opened his eyes with his eyes closed gently.


"The second level is passed!"

The girls of the Tushan Fox Clan couldn't believe the voice full of astonishment.

Although it was amazing that Ye Feng broke Miss Hong's record, it was broken. They only thought that the human race was still so powerful, but the second level!

He passed it!

Really passed it!

Ye Feng passed the level that Sister Hong had never passed!

What did he do?

Miss Hong also didn't understand. How could the human race, who looked so fragile to her, who was only at the third level, have the ability to pass that level!

Could his will be so much greater than hers?

"Oh, this human race really has some skills. It's really amazing, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen anyone who can pass the second level for a long time. Come to think of it, who was the last person who passed the second level?"

"It's been a long time. I forgot to ask the ancestor. The ancestor should know."

"I wonder if that child can pass the third level."

The women came out of the Thousand Fox Cave at some point, and they knew that Ye Feng had passed the second level.

The fluctuations in the holy temple on the mountain seemed to say that Lord Yu was satisfied with this person. If so, how could they remain indifferent?

However, whether they can reach the top of the mountain depends on whether the person can pass the third level.

"Auntie, what is this third level?"

One girl was curious. If the second level was so difficult, how difficult would the third level be?

But the women smiled.

"This third level is indeed difficult, but it is not difficult either. If it were the human race in the past, I'm afraid everyone could pass the third level."

"I just don't know if this child can do it."

The human race in the past could easily pass the third level?

The human race was so powerful in the past, well, they experienced the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the gods of Luotian, and fought against the disasters of all things, which was indeed very powerful.

But, it's not that everyone can pass this last level.

The aunts didn't say anything, just touched the girls' heads and watched quietly.


What is the third level?

Ye Feng also gradually understood that there were three levels in his test.

Crossing mountains and ridges, crossing thousands of miles to come to Tushan.

The loneliness and helplessness are the first test.

Walking from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain.

Undeterred by wind and rain, and firm will, is the second test.

Then walking from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain is the third test.

As long as he passes this level, he can get Xiran and solve the danger of floods!


When Ye Feng came to the third level, the scenery in front of him changed again.

He appeared beside a big river.

The water of the big river came from the sky.

It kept flowing and raging.

The strong wind and heavy rain, the surging water engulfed the mountains, rivers and lakes, and the vast ocean was everywhere.

He was wearing animal clothes, his hair was messy, and his body was full of rain. There were many people around him like him, but they still held many weapons in their hands.

What is this doing?

Where did he come?

He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at the water seriously, as if they were ready.

Speaking of which, although the water here was surging, it was completely blocked. Wait a minute, is the land here so high?

He looked behind him and found that there was a long gully behind him, and the gully extended to an unknown distance. What kind of land was this? This was clearly an earth wall, an earth wall that towered into the sky and blocked all the surging floods!

He had never seen such a shocking scene.

How should he describe it?

The earthen wall is like a barrier, connecting heaven and earth, tens of thousands of feet high, tens of thousands of miles wide, indestructible, as thick as the earth, no matter how heavy the flood is, it can't shake it at all!

What is this?

How is this done?

If there is this earthen wall, they can also see the raging flood blocked outside!

Why should the common people struggle?

Ye Feng squatted down trembling, stroking the earthy yellow wall.

Although he didn't know where this was, and didn't know what happened, he seemed to understand something in an instant. This is Xirang, this must be Xirang!

Only Xirang can withstand such a big flood!

But when he was excited, someone ran over from the side.

"Chief, our river channel has been dug. There is news from over there that the water can be released."

The person who was called the leader shouted: "Okay!"

"Let people get ready quickly, and let's leave as soon as possible. It won't be safe here until the flood comes."

"Has everyone been evacuated? Is there anyone missing?"

"Everything is ready!"

After repeatedly confirming that everything was ready, the leader nodded immediately.

"Then, everyone leaves and breaks the wall!"


The people here started to prepare, and Ye Feng stood there in a daze.

Break, break the wall! ?

Break through this thick earth wall?

This, this

How does this work?

Such a large earthen wall can withstand the torrential floods. Why should we break the wall? Why should we break it?

If such a large amount of water pours down, it will definitely submerge the earth and cause flooding. You can't do this!

But before Ye Feng could say anything, everyone took action and left one after another. Even though Ye Feng wanted to say something, he was taken away.

"Quick, quick! It's not safe here anymore! Get back to a safe place!"

When he retreated to a safe area, the leader jumped up and with a move of his hand, a handful of earth broke through the earth wall and flew to him.

That thing is Xi soil!

Without the support of the soil, the earth wall was unable to stop the flood, and the 10,000-foot-high earth wall was about to collapse.

The leader seemed to feel that this was not fast enough, so he struck out with a palm without hesitation.

Mana surged, and a battle like stars struck the earth wall hard.

The earthen wall was attacked from both inside and outside, and it was overwhelmed. It collapsed in an instant, and the huge water immediately surged down.

Endless floods rumbled down tens of thousands of feet.

It was as if a hole had appeared in the sky, and the water was flowing in continuously, as if it wanted to swallow up the entire world.

The sound was so loud that my heart ached, and my body seemed to be broken into pieces.

But at this time, the humans on both sides came to the mountains to avoid the crisis and divided into two teams to take action at the same time.

They started their exercises and activated their magic power, and they appeared like stars. The two sides worked together, tens of thousands of miles apart, to block the monstrous flood with great magic power. No, not to block it, but to dredge it?

The originally chaotic Da Shui actually became well-behaved in front of this magic power.

The endless stream of water was sent into the river and rushed down at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Feng looked at it with a shocked expression.

What method is this?

Not only can the soil block the torrents of water, it can even dredge the water and fill the rivers. With such magical powers and methods, Ye Feng can understand just by looking at them. Every one of them here is terrifyingly powerful!

What is this

However, there is an endless supply of water, and although it is constantly being transported, it is never-ending, and there is no end in sight no matter what.

Slowly, Ye Feng saw that the river was getting fuller and fuller. The water that was supposed to flow down seemed to have filled up to the end, and the water began to overflow.

At this time, another person flew in from afar. He shouted anxiously: "It's not good, leader, it's not good! The river we opened is blocked!!"

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