Don't say my script is fake.

Chapter 29: Sister offers sacrifice to the heaven, with boundless magical power (please collect and

At that moment, Baoer was stunned.

Baoer didn't remember the past. In fact, he didn't want to recall the past. That day, since he met Emperor Si Tian, ​​he always felt that he had forgotten something.

He didn't know what he had forgotten. It seemed that his sister had also forgotten something. There was a voice in his heart telling him to retrieve his memory, retrieve his memory, retrieve his memory.

But he didn't want to.

He felt afraid to face the past.

It was a very bad past.

But thunder sounded in the sky, and something appeared.

He had to go. He seemed to be controlled by something, step by step, step by step, to come here.

After arriving here, he vaguely understood what happened in the past.

He was very scared. Afraid of this place, afraid of the past, afraid of those black-robed people.

How could a child bear such a blood feud?

He was a coward.

But he had been running away for so long, he didn't want anything, just his sister. Now, he even lost his last sister.

"Sister, sister"


The string called reason broke, and Baoer let out a heart-wrenching roar.


"Faced with a powerful enemy, the elder sister fought hard and her life was hanging by a thread, and the male protagonist burst into anger and power."

"He instinctively asked the bloodline: 'Give me power!'"

"The bloodline asked him: 'What do you want to do with the power?'"

Bai Mu closed the book and smiled.

"He said: 'Kill them all!'"


The sound of thunder came from the void.

A roar came from the void that should have been swallowed by the turbulence. This void seemed to be afraid of this power.

The Nangong ancestral land began to shake, and the power from the bloodline burned in Baoer's body. His eyes rolled back, his hair flew, and strange patterns appeared on him out of thin air.

The barrier was easily shattered, and the black-robed man in the seventh realm seemed to be hit hard and flew backwards in an instant. The black-robed man in the sixth realm could only resist with difficulty and could not advance an inch.

What is this?

The laughter of Jiejiejie stopped, and they seemed to emit a smell of fear like hunters hunting prey.

The black-robed man in the Seventh Realm was shaking all over, and he was no longer as calm as before.

The aura emanating from Baoer made him feel like he was facing a god or a demon.

That little ghost that had been sealed for 200,000 years actually had such power! ?

He was afraid?

Maybe a rabbit would bite when it was anxious, or maybe he felt that there was no way to escape, or maybe it was just his pride.

The black-robed man in the Seventh Realm did not flee the scene immediately, but raised his hand to attack.

——The enemy not only did not escape, but also dared to fight back!

The chain was caught by Baoer in an instant, and he had no time to exert force. The power at the other end burst out and took him directly over, and then a small fist hit him in the face.

His head was sunken, his facial features seemed to be squeezed together, and blood instantly stained Baoer's fist red.

The consciousness of the black-robed man in the Seventh Realm stagnated, his brain was blank for a moment, and then he quickly recovered.

He wanted to resist and struggle.

But the fist grabbed his neck with a small hand at some point, like an iron clamp, pinching him so that he couldn't breathe and couldn't break free.

He could only let Bao'er hit him mercilessly.

One, two, three, four times.

Bao'er hit him countless times. When he let go of the black-robed man of the seventh realm, he had already fallen down powerlessly.

His head was turned into meat paste, and the brain and blood were fused together, and it was impossible to tell them apart.

He was dead.

The dignified Wanxiang of the seventh realm was dead in just an instant.

The black-robed men of the fifth and sixth realms around him were trembling with fear. They wanted to escape, but they didn't dare to.

When Bao'er 'looked' at them, the desire to survive overcame the fear of death, and some people began to flee, one at the beginning, then two, three, and finally all.

Bao'er's floating steps in the air moved, as if crossing space, and in the blink of an eye he came behind a black-robed man.

He raised his fist and swung it down, piercing the black-robed man's body and heart, taking his life.

Then, the next one.

The small body seemed to have turned into a fatal judge. No matter how the black-robed man of the fifth and sixth realms fled, he could not escape his palm.

This is a massacre

A complete massacre!

As the last black-robed man fell, there was no one alive around except Baoer.

Baoer fulfilled his promise.

——Kill them all!


Zhao Qinghan was pierced through the heart by a sword, and his vitality quickly drained away. In an instant, his arm fell and his eyes closed.

At that moment, Fairy Yuntai seemed to have a premonition of something, and subconsciously turned back, and saw that the disciple was pierced through the heart by a sword.


She was in a mess, and she wanted to return to her disciple at all costs.

But at the moment of relaxation, endless chains came from the void, suppressed it with the power of the rules of heaven, and a chain as sharp as a sword pierced her heart

Distracted from fighting with the strongest peak of the Tao 200,000 years ago?

A moment of flaw is the decision of life and death

But when he defeated Fairy Yuntai, a huge hand covering the sky came from the turbulent void, he raised his hand and waved his spiritual power to block the attack, and the gorgeous explosion engulfed everything in front of him.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Nangong Da Ri had already appeared beside Fairy Yuntai.

The chains were broken by him, and he supported Fairy Yuntai.

"Xue girl, are you okay?"

"Qinghan. Qinghan is dead. He killed Qinghan!! I will kill him!!!!"

Fairy Yuntai ignored the pain in her body and tried to avenge her disciple, but Nangong Da Ri held her tightly.

"Calm down! That guy is not an ordinary person. Now you are seriously injured. If we continue to fight, we will be in trouble!"

"Besides, even if the heart is pierced, as long as the treatment is timely, there is still hope. Yaochitai does not have such a treasure, but my Nangong Mansion does!"

You don't even have a treasure that can bring back the dead, and you still have the nerve to say that you are a top force?

"Go back to Nangong Mansion! Take Baoer with you! Once we enter Nangong City, there is a protective formation, and they can't get in!"

Nangong Da Ri was originally fighting with the two Nine Realm Inquiry masters, but he was also paying attention to the battlefield over there. He knew very well that the key to this battle was him and Yuntai Fairy.

Whether it was to stop Emperor Si Tian or defeat the two Si family Inquiry masters, as long as any one of them completed the task, they could lay the foundation for victory. Two against one, it would not be a problem to take down Emperor Si Tian.

But Yuntai Fairy was injured because of Zhao Qinghan. At that moment, he knew that Nangong Mansion had lost this battle.

You must save your strength and take Baoer and Zhao Qinghan's "corpses" away from here!

However, Nangong Da Ri, who was planning this, saw the power that Bao Er burst out the next moment.

Bao Er, who was supposed to be on the verge of death, burst out with unprecedented power after Zhao Qinghan's "death".

That aura made him feel a little nervous.

What is this?

The Nine Realms Asking the Way?

No, not just the Nine Realms Asking the Way, that is... Entering the Dao!

Above Asking the Way, there is an even stronger Entering the Dao!

That is the breath of Entering the Dao!

Half a step into the Dao. Is this the last trick that the Nangong clan leader left in Bao Er's body 200,000 years ago?

Is this how powerful the Nangong clan once was?

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