Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 201 Cohabitation

There are actually undercover agents in the Tiandao League, which Lin Xiu never thought of.

Although he didn't know there was a rally yet, Master Zheng Duo said that he would take him to find A Ke in a month, and what he said was likely to be this rally.

This is troublesome. It seems that there are many high-level executives of the Tiandao League who will participate in this gathering. If they are taken over by one pot, it will definitely be unbearable for the Tiandao League, which is already understaffed and does not have many strong people. blow.

Moreover, Ake will also be in danger.

Seeing Lin Xiu's troubled expression, the dean of the School of Abnormal Arts thought that he was worried about the danger of this trip, so he said: "If you don't want to go, you can also refuse, the imperial court will send some people from other places, by the way, Miss Zhao these days If nothing happens..."

Lin Xiu was startled, if Zhao Lingjun made a move, none of them would be able to escape.

He immediately said: "She's very busy, I'd better go, this is just a chance for me to hone my skills."

The dean looked at Qin Wan again, and asked, "Where is Miss Qin?"

Qin Wan said: "I'll go if he goes."

The dean of the School of Abnormal Arts took another look at them, paused before saying, "Then, after you go back, make preparations, maybe you will be leaving in two days..."

After walking out of the School of Different Arts, Lin Xiu said to Qin Wan, "Are you going too?"

Qin Wan glanced at him and asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Xiu laughed and asked, "Does this mean you can't leave me?"

Qin Wan said lightly: "Do you think you can leave me?"

Lin Xiu thought for a while, Qin Wan has completely integrated into his life, if he left her, he would not be able to adapt, not to mention, he also needs Qin Wan's help in many things that he wants to do but can't do in reality.

After lunch, Lin Xiu went out alone.

A moment later, above the sky, he spread out his extreme speed and flew in the direction of Jiangnan Mansion.

The news of the rally has been exposed, so naturally it can no longer be carried out according to the original plan.

Moreover, the inner ghost in the Tiandao League must be found out as soon as possible, otherwise future actions will still be exposed.

Flying at full speed, Lin Xiu landed in Fucheng after half an hour.

When he was in Jiangnan last time, Lin Xiu had already stepped on the spot in advance, and soon found the Jimin drugstore Zheng Duozhu mentioned.

In addition to being a pharmacy, this place is also a contact point of the Tiandao League.

It is currently the only channel through which Lin Xiu can communicate with them.

However, when she came to this pharmacy, Lin Xiu was stunned.

When he came here a few days ago, the door was still open for normal business. When he came this time, the door of the pharmacy was sealed.

Lin Xiu walked to the next door to this pharmacy, a tailor's shop, and asked a clerk, "My little brother, may I ask why the Jimin pharmacy is closed? I paid for ten medicines a few days ago, and I'm only getting it now." I got two..."

The guy shook his head and said: "Then you are too unlucky. I heard that the pharmacy next door colluded with Tiandaomeng and was sealed up by the government. I'm afraid you won't get your money back."

Lin Xiu was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

The guy said: "It's true, there was a fight that day, I can't tell, the shopkeeper is still a master, surrounded by so many people, he finally managed to fight his way out..."

Above the sky, Lin Xiu frowned.

The Jimin Medicine Store was the only place where he could contact the Tiandao League, so if it was exposed like this, his connection with the organization would be severed.

This is not the worst.

Wouldn't he be the most suspicious if he didn't seal it early, and didn't seal it later, but at this time?

If it is not a coincidence, then there is an inner ghost deliberately framing him.

This inner ghost was most likely one of the few people present at the time.

Zheng Duozhu just told him that Jimin Medicine Store is owned by Tiandao League, and Jimin Medicine Store was closed down.

The purpose of the inner ghost is not only to seal off a contact station of the Tiandao League, but also to make the Tiandao League suspicious of him.

In Lin Xiu's mind, he kept replaying the situation at that time, and finally locked on one person.

That man named Xu Xian is very suspicious.

When he brought Zhang's father and son and Jiangnan Yin's father and son, his expression was different from others.

But Lin Xiu couldn't get in touch with Zheng Li at the moment, and he couldn't tell them about the undercover, so he had to go back to the capital first.

I'm afraid it's impossible for him not to go to this mission. Not only is he looking for an opportunity to pass on the news, he lost his only way of contacting them. He can only reach them through this operation.

Before leaving, Lin Xiu went to Xue's house and Changchun Palace, and told Ning'er and the imperial concubine that he had to perform a mission and would be back within ten days.

He didn't elaborate on what the task was.

The place he and Qin Wan are going this time is Ningshan Mansion.

According to the news from the inner ghost, the Tiandao League will hold a secret meeting every year. The meeting place this time is in a small town in Ningshan Prefecture. The annual meeting is very important. Basically, people above the level of the rudder master, except for special Regardless of the reason, everyone will participate.

It is precisely because there are many important people present that the location of the gathering has always been kept strictly confidential.

Being able to get the news so long in advance, it can be seen that the level of the insider is not low, and the insider who framed Lin Xiu in the Jiangnan Mansion should not be the same person.

Lin Xiu was sure that there were already two insiders.

But this cannot be blamed on them. The Tiandao League is a spontaneously formed organization. Most of them may be ordinary people. The proportion of different magicians and warriors is very small. They are fighting against power and oppression with their blood. However, it is not surprising that countless dignitaries will send people to infiltrate the Tiandao League if they want to get rid of them as thorns in their eyes.

At this moment, Jiangnan Mansion.

On the surface of the river, in a black-covered boat, a man wrapped in bandages sighed: "That stronghold has been exposed, I don't know who leaked the news."

Zheng Li's face was livid, and everyone in the cabin was silent. At a certain moment, someone suddenly raised his head and said, "Master, could it be..."

Zheng Li said firmly: "Impossible, it can't be him."

The man shook his head and said: "It seems that you know who I'm talking about, the helmsman. For so many years, the stronghold has been safe and sound, but after you told him, the government came to him within a few days. Isn't that okay?" Explain what?"

Zheng Li said: "If he is a member of the government, why did he save us, and why did he arrest Zhang's father and son and Jiangnan Yin and his son? Is it just to find out about this small stronghold of Jiangnan Mansion?"

The man said: "Those people are mysterious, who knows what they are planning."

Zheng Li looked at him, and suddenly said: "Old Xu, has the League ever treated you badly over the years?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and said: "What did the rudder master say, the brothers in the alliance treat me like brothers and sisters, I remember it in my heart."

Zheng Li sighed and said, "Then why did you betray us?"

The man's eyelids twitched, and then he said in shock: "Master, you, what are you talking about?"

Zheng Li looked at him, and said slowly: "In the beginning, you were the one who urged Brother Liu Zhong and Liu Yi to assassinate that dude. After the three of you were arrested, they deliberately delayed the time to execute you. It's just that you didn't expect Brother Xiaoyao to appear and save us. You were worried that after he joined the Tiandao League, you would have another headache, so you exposed the location of the stronghold, so that he could no longer be contacted. We... am I right?"

The expression on the man's face was still shocked, and he said: "Master, how can you say that, I, Xu Xian, am absolutely loyal to the Tiandaomeng..."

Zheng Li shook his head and said, "If the stronghold hadn't been exposed, I wouldn't have doubted you, but you've done too much. Over the years, the brothers at the helm of Jiangnan have suffered the most casualties, and it's all because of you, right?"

He put a dagger in front of the man and said, "Brother, you can end it yourself."

Looking at the dagger, the shock on the man's face gradually disappeared, and his expression became a little complicated.

Zheng Li asked, "Why?"

The man shook his head and said, "There is no reason. I was originally an undercover agent they sent in. How could those high-ranking figures tolerate your existence..."

He looked at Zheng Li and several members of the Heavenly Dao League, and slowly said: "Those things obviously have nothing to do with you, but you are willing to risk your life to do them. At first, I thought you were stupid, but later I admired you... ..."

"Although I know that what you are going to do is impossible, I still wish you success." He took a deep breath and said, "If there is a next life, I hope to be your brothers, real brothers..."

After a while, Zheng Li looked at the man who had collapsed on the boat and died of exhaustion, with a sad expression on his face.

The other figures around him also fell into a long silence. After a long time, one person asked: "Master, the medicine store is closed, what should Brother Xiaoyao do?"

Zheng Li thought for a while, then said: "I can only ask Miss Chen, I have to leave for half a month, you stay here, don't act rashly..."


It takes two days to ride a horse from Wangdu to Ningshan Mansion.

This was the first time that Lin Xiu and Qin Wan performed a mission without the protection of a teacher. The two left the capital, rode all the way, and arrived at a small town before dark.

Rest here for one night, and set off early tomorrow morning, before dark, they will be able to reach Ningshan Mansion.

The two entered the city and came to an inn. Lin Xiu walked to the counter and said to the shopkeeper, "Come to two superior guest rooms."

Qin Wan stepped forward and said, "Don't waste money, one room is enough."

The shopkeeper looked at them and asked, "Is it one or two?"

Lin Xiu looked at Qin Wan, moved her throat, and said, "Let's take one."

The shopkeeper seemed to understand something, and said, "Don't worry, you two, the bed in our inn is very big, even if there is one more person, it can sleep..."

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