Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 239 Zhao Lingjun's Reflection

The most basic requirement for such a thing as having a child is to be happy with each other and be prepared to spend a lifetime together.

Lin Xiu and Zhao Lingjun didn't have any of them, so they couldn't conjure a child out of thin air.

He had made an agreement with Caiyi that he must have two daughters to raise in the future, but the problem now is that Zhao Lingjun is the official wife, if she does not have children, Caiyi cannot have one, otherwise it would be a violation of the rules.

Even if Lin Xiu didn't care about this, Caiyi did.

However, Lin Xiu was not in a hurry. From his point of view, it would not be too late to have a child at the age of nineteen. In that era, men and women in their thirties who hadn't dated were everywhere. yes……

The family banquet went on very late, and the two parents simply stayed at the wedding residence.

Both father-in-law and mother-in-law were there, Lin Xiu had no choice but to go to Caiyi or Zhao Lingjun's room, he glanced at Lingyin, Lingyin immediately understood, took Zhao Lingjun's hand, and said, "I'm going to sleep with my sister tonight, Tomorrow's competition is very important, I want to ask my sister some questions about cultivation."

Mrs. Marquis Wu An frowned, and was about to say something when Lin Xiu added, "I also want to practice at night, and there will be a lot of noise when I practice, so I might disturb everyone, so I'll go to the new house first..."

As a result, the Marquis of Wu'an couldn't say anything, but felt that Lingyin has become less and less sensible recently...

Not long after, in Zhao Lingjun's room.

The two sisters were lying on the bed. Zhao Lingyin hugged her sister's arm as she did when she was a child, and asked, "Sister, will you go to the school ground to watch us compete tomorrow?"

Zhao Lingjun said: "Yes."

Zhao Lingyin said with some regret: "You should have gone yesterday, and I will definitely not be able to advance in tomorrow's competition."

She has a very clear understanding of her own strength, and being able to enter the top twelve is already the limit. Only six people will advance tomorrow, so it is impossible to have her.

Thinking about it carefully, luckily she didn't go.

Otherwise, she might still be angry seeing Lin Xiu and Xue Ning'er flirting.


She won't be angry because she just doesn't care.

She wouldn't care if he was with anyone.

Apart from practicing, my sister doesn't seem to care about anything.

But she knew that Lin Xiu cared.

Qin Wan once said that he worked so hard and practiced so hard because he didn't want to be looked down upon by his sister or his wife who abandoned him on the wedding night for the rest of his life.

For this reason, he sleeps less than an hour every night.

Even if there is a vixen like Qin Wan waiting for him at home, he still resolutely goes outside to practice.

It's a pity that she doesn't know all of this.

Zhao Lingyin looked at her sister and suddenly asked, "Sister, have you always looked down on brother-in-law?"

Without hesitation, Zhao Lingjun shook her head and said, "No."

Zhao Lingyin said in a low voice: "But he thinks so. You don't know how hard he is cultivating in order to catch up with you. Every night, he practices all night, and he only sleeps for less than an hour..."

Zhao Lingjun knew that Lin Xiu would leave here almost every night, but she didn't know that he was practicing.

She looked at Lingyin and found that her eyes were shining brightly.

Zhao Lingyin watched Lin Xiu practice hard all the way here, watched him break through the ground, watched him overcome difficulties in the competition, defeated one opponent after another, and walked step by step to the current position...

While she was happy for him, she also felt sorry for him.

At this moment, the emotions accumulated for a long time could no longer be restrained. She looked at her sister, whom she had always admired and never questioned since she was a child, and asked, "Sister, don't you think you did something wrong?" ?”


After returning to the new house, Lin Xiu came to the backyard alone, practicing while thinking about problems.

In fact, according to the original idea, after both of them have the strength to resist fate, they will choose to reconcile and divorce to end this marriage that should not have existed.

But these days, although Lin Xiu and Zhao Lingjun still had no communication as before, the parents of the two families got along more and more harmoniously, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very kind to him.

Marriage is not a matter of two people. Once they reconcile, it will hurt the two families.

But could they really be a fake couple for a lifetime?

Lin Xiu didn't really resist this.

For other men who married a woman like Zhao Lingjun, it would be considered unlucky for eight lifetimes, and they could only stay in an empty house for the rest of their lives, but for Lin Xiu, this was undoubtedly a gift from heaven, and it was a reward for his good deeds and accumulated virtues in his two lifetimes.

It is the birth of two parents is a problem.

When Lin Xiu was worrying, a figure walked in from outside.

He looked at Lingyin unexpectedly, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Lingyin said: "I can't sleep, come and practice with you."

Lin Xiu glanced at her, come on, she said she was practicing with him, and within an hour, he had to carry her back to her room to sleep.

But he didn't say anything, just said: "It's time for you to improve your martial arts. Through this small competition, you should be able to see that you only practice different skills. Once you are approached by a warrior, even a little I don't even have the ability to resist..."

The two each occupied half of the yard, and Zhao Lingyin asked Lin Xiu, "Aren't you tired of practicing like this every day?"

Lin Xiudao: "Tired..."

Zhao Lingyin asked: "You still work so hard when you're tired?"

Lin Xiu looked at her and said, "Don't work hard when you're tired. In this world, there are always people who are more talented than you and work harder than you. If you don't put in more effort, how can you catch up with me?" where are they?"

Zhao Lingyin said: "You cultivate your own, why do you have to compare with others?"

Lin Xiu asked back: "Then why do you want to participate in the small competition and the big competition? People always have to pursue something. If you don't make steamed buns, you can't live up to it. Everyone is the same age. Why are we weaker than others?"

Zhao Lingyin didn't say anything more, she knew that the "other" Lin Xiu was referring to was her sister.

Although he usually doesn't seem to care about anything, but he has the pride in his bones. Qin Wan knows him better than she does.

He is so proud, how could he not care about that matter back then.

She was no longer in the mood to practice, and sat at the stone table in the yard, resting her chin on one hand, staring blankly at Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu held a long spear in his hand, and didn't use any magic or true energy, but only used his body's strength. After practicing the same move thousands of times, his body was exhausted, so he circulated his energy to recover his strength, and then looked aside, Unexpectedly, Lingyin rested her chin on one hand, supported her arm on the stone table, and fell asleep.

She looked very cute, and she was a little cute. Lin Xiu sat opposite her, looking at her quietly, her face was full of tenderness.

above the sky.

A figure in white stood in the air, and the night wind blew her clothes violently.

In the yard, Lin Xiu was fascinated by Lingyin.

In the sky, that figure also looked at him for a long time.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Xiu reached out and stroked the messy hair on Lingyin's forehead, walked over, picked her up skillfully, walked to the front yard, put her on the bed in her room, and then went to the backyard to continue practicing .

Tired is a bit tired, but every hard work will have a harvest.

More than a year ago, he was still a rookie who had just awakened with different skills, and a yellow rank assassin could threaten his life.

Now, he is no worse than those geniuses of the same age.

Even, he is getting closer and closer to Zhao Lingjun.

From a long time ago, Lin Xiu had been looking forward to the day when she would defeat Zhao Lingjun dignifiedly.

He wants to fight this breath, not to prove how great he is, he just wants to let Zhao Lingjun know that she is not qualified to stand in a position of strength and condescend, to be her husband is not Lin Xiu, who can occupy the position of his wife, but Her pleasure.

Thinking that there would be a day when he could tear Zhao Lingjun's pride to pieces with his own hands, he was a little excited.

Even practice is motivated.

The firing speed is also faster.

There will be a competition tomorrow, and he still needs to save some energy. Before dawn in half an hour, he took off his sweat-soaked clothes, fetched a basin of water from the well in the yard, and took a simple shower .

Until then, above the sky, a figure slowly left.

Lin Xiu practiced all night, and she also watched it all night.

That night, she thought a lot, including what Lingyin said to her.

She also wanted to understand something.

For this marriage, both she and he were unfortunate, but she made him even more unfortunate.

Lingyin was right, she did do some things wrong.

At least that night, stay and talk to him instead of running away.

In her opinion, he practiced for a whole night with an unbelievable tenacity. Was it to prove something?

This made her feel a deep sense of indebtedness.

Over the years, she owed neither her family nor the country, but only owed him.

Although he had already said about taking a concubine last time, since then, the grievances between the two of them have been wiped out, but in her heart, she still felt that she owed him.

How should this debt be repaid?

When she returned to the wedding residence, her mood was still not calmed down.

In addition to feeling indebted to him, there was another thing that lingered in her mind.

He and Lingyin, could it be...

At this time, in the new house, Lin Xiu and Qin Wan were sleeping in each other's arms.

Of course, Zhao Lingjun, who left early, did not see this scene.

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