Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 241 He Pretends Again!

On the school field, a priest came out and announced that Song Yuzhang had won.

If Zhao Lingjun and Lin Xiu hadn't made a move, even if Zhao Lingyin was injured, they might not have the strength to fight again.

The couple saved her from injury and disqualified her from continuing to compete.

When Zhao Lingyin and Lin Xiu walked back to the stands, she said to Lin Xiu, "Why are you running up, I'm only slightly injured at most."

Lin Xiu glanced at her, and said: "You are injured, and you still have to trouble Miss Shuangshuang. You might as well admit defeat. You are not his opponent anyway."

Zhao Lingyin snorted, walked to her sister, and ignored Lin Xiu.

But she remembered in her heart that from the very beginning, he sat in front of the school field, the place closest to her, and when she was in danger, he immediately stood in front of her.

He is always so stubborn.

And only be hard on her.

Lin Xiu walked to the other side of the stand, and the imperial concubine was also here. Today there was a competition between Lin Xiu and Xiao Yu'er, she was naturally looking forward to it, but she didn't expect that the two of them were rivals.

She didn't even know who to expect to win.

Song Yuzhang and Lingyin have already competed once, and the next match will be between Lin Xiu and Murongyu.

Although Lin Xiu didn't want to meet his own people, it was unavoidable in the competition.

The imperial concubine looked at Lin Xiu, then at Murong Yu, and said, "I won't say anything more, just be careful and don't get hurt."

The competition is not a game of play, Lin Xiu and Murong Yu's fight is very difficult to grasp the sense of proportion.

Their group happened to have two wind abilities and two ice abilities.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Xiu would immediately freeze the school field and force Murong Yu into the air, then he would use the ice pick and ice arrow to attack, and Murong Yu would fight back with the wind blade...

If someone can't dodge in time, they will be injured.

In the competition between Song Yuzhang and Lingyin just now, he actually held his hands back, otherwise, it would not be broken ice but a wind blade that attacked Lingyin, but that would not be the result of a minor injury.

At this time, Murong Yu looked at Lin Xiu and said, "I admit defeat. I know I'm not your opponent. There's no need to compete any more. You save some energy and strength, and concentrate on dealing with Song Yuzhang."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Xiu to say anything, she walked to the front and said a few words to a priest. The priest looked back and said, "Murongyu surrenders, Lin Xiusheng."

There was also a voice of regret from above the stands.

"Is this admitting defeat?"

"It's boring..."

"I still want to see how he will deal with the ability of the wind element..."

Murong Yu conceded defeat to Lin Xiu, and the next match would be her match against Song Yuzhang. The priest asked, "Do you also have to concede defeat in this match?"

Murong Yu shook his head and said, "No."

She knew that with her own strength, she should stop at today's competition and give up the competition with Lin Xiu, not only because she was not sure of defeating him, but also to repay his favor, and if she could consume some of Song Yuzhang's strength, she would also be helping indirectly. he.

The priest took another look at her, her choice obviously had a purpose.

However, whether to admit defeat or to whom is her right, and he couldn't say anything, so he quickly walked to the school field and announced the start of the third competition.

The people in the stands also clearly saw Murong Yu's different treatment.

"This girl's choice is obviously paving the way for others."

"Abandoning yourself and fulfilling others, there are stories, and there must be stories between them."

"How many times is this?"


The king of Changping County was sitting in the corner, and he would definitely show up whenever there was a contest with Lin Xiu. Today he pinned all his hopes on Song Yuzhang.

However, seeing this scene, he still felt extremely sour in his heart.

Why are these beautiful and talented beauties treating him so well?

Qin Wan is like this, Xue Ning'er is like this, Qianye Lin and Princess Minghe are also very close to him, and the girls who entered the top twelve of the Xiaobi, without exception, are all related to him, Zhao Lingjun, who is number one on the Tianjiao list, is still his wife.

He even suspected that Lin Xiu's ability was not ice, but heart stealing.

To steal women's hearts.

On the school field, the competition between Song Yuzhang and Murong Yu has already begun. As people of the same department, both of them have the ability of wind. He squinted his eyes.

However, there was no dust in the stands on the sidelines.

Can't even feel the wind.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier protecting this place.

Everyone in the stands turned their eyes to a woman. Her two shots today made them see the power of number one in the Tianjiao list.

Lin Xiu also stood behind Zhao Lingjun, looking at her back, slightly absent-minded.

Apart from Zhao Lingjun, he is probably the one who understands the power of mind best.

Lin Xiu had to admit that his control of mind power was far inferior to that of Zhao Lingjun, as can be seen from her two shots, at least, he couldn't block the invisible wind.

After the cultivation base reaches the upper level of the earth level, there will be another transformation in the mind power. Unless it exceeds the tolerance range, no matter whether it is a tangible attack or an invisible attack, they will no longer be able to hurt them.

At this time, on the school field, the winner has already been decided.

Murong Yu's figure fell from the air, and after landing, he took a few steps back and even exited the competition area, while Song Yuzhang landed on the school field calmly.

Murong Yu walked back to the stands and said, "I tried my best."

Lin Xiudao: "You don't have to do this."

Murong Yu said: "I also want to see how big the gap is with them."

After she competed with Song Yuzhang, it was Lin Xiu and Lingyin's turn. He knew Lingyin's competitive spirit very well, and even if he wanted to win her in a while, he had to let her lose face.

He was still thinking about this, Lingyin came over and said, "I also admit defeat."

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Aren't you going to fight?"

Zhao Lingyin said: "I'm not your opponent, so don't waste time."

Lingyin also conceded defeat, Lin Xiu won two games without a fight, Song Yuzhang also won two games, Murong Yu and Ling Yin lost both games, so Lin Xiu and Song Yuzhang directly advanced, she and Murong Yu, There is no need to compete.

However, Lin Xiu and Song Yuzhang still have to fight. Winning or losing this competition does not affect their advancement, but affects their grouping in the next competition.

Although there is no final result in the first two matches, Chiba Rin and Zhang Ren will undoubtedly advance to the next round as the first in the group.

After the competition between Lin Xiu and Song Yuzhang, the loser will be in the same group as Chiba Rin in the next competition, and the winner will be in the same group as the weaker Zhang Ren.

On the school field, Lin Xiu and Song Yuzhang stood facing each other.

Song Yuzhang was still holding the folding fan, while Lin Xiu was holding a spear casually.

In the stands, everyone's attention was on the two of them.

The imperial concubine asked Murong Yu, "Xiao Yuer, who is stronger among them?"

Murong Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Both Song Yuzhang and Lin Xiu are very strong. Song Yuzhang has been promoted to the earth rank for many years, and he has been very familiar with the control of his ability. Lin Xiu is a double rank of strange arts and martial arts. He will definitely not be as embarrassed as Zhao Lingyin when he faces Song Yuzhang.

However, Song Yuzhang has a great advantage, that is, he can fly.

This almost made him invincible.

Even though Lin Xiu can condense ice wings, he is not flexible enough, and his target will be bigger. In the air, he cannot be Song Yuzhang's opponent, but it is not easy for Song Yuzhang to defeat him.

This competition may last for a long time.

Looking at the school grounds, Zhao Lingyin felt a little uneasy. She knew very well that she was no longer Lin Xiu's opponent, but Song Yuzhang was also very strong, and she did not have enough confidence in Lin Xiu.

She looked at Zhao Lingjun beside her and asked, "Sister, who among them can win?"

Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly and said, "You will know after reading."

Zhao Lingyin looked at her and whispered: "If he is in danger later, you have to help him..."

Others on the school field were also discussing in low voices.

"I think Miss Zhao's husband is going to lose this time."

"Song Yuzhang almost made it into the top ten in the big competition last time. In this small competition, all his opponents were directly crushed."

"Absolute strength suppression, fast speed is useless..."

"However, even if he loses to Song Yuzhang, he is still worthy of pride. He is only nineteen years old, and his future is limitless..."

Compared with Song Yuzhang, Lin Xiu's most impressive record in the small competition was naturally the battle with the king of Changping County. After that, he never encountered any strong opponents. This round of advancement, Or it was because the woman who was related to him directly surrendered, so she was suspected of intentionally releasing water and eating soft rice, and naturally her momentum was not as good as Song Yuzhang...

In the corner of the school grounds, the king of Changping County showed excitement, looking at the two figures on the school grounds, praying silently in his heart, Song Yuzhang must live up to it, and hit Lin Xiu's arrogance severely in front of Zhao Lingjun...

Don't let his ticket money go to waste.

After the gong sounded, the competition began.

Uncharacteristically, Song Yuzhang took the lead, flicking his ten fingers, and several wind blades pierced through the air.

After watching the battle between Lin Xiu and Changping County King, he regarded Lin Xiu as an opponent of the same level as him, and he was very serious about this competition.

In the stands, Zhao Lingyin was also slightly startled. She realized that Song Yuzhang hadn't used his full strength in the competition with her. If he had attacked her with such a fast wind blade from the beginning, she might not even be able to condense the ice wall defense. too late.

Facing the ten sharp wind blades, several afterimages appeared outside Lin Xiu's body. Those wind blades passed through the afterimages, leaving deep marks on the ground of the school ground.

The afterimage disappeared quickly, and Lin Xiu was still standing there, as if she had never moved.

Song Yuzhang's pupils shrank slightly. It's not that he didn't move. All the afterimages were his movements. He avoided all the wind blades, and his body skills were already superb.

Although he knew for a long time that Lin Xiu was good at body skills, but it was far beyond his expectation to be good at this level.

After a little temptation, Song Yuzhang finally got serious.

The dust on the school field began to swirl and was sucked into the air. Song Yuzhang closed his eyes and lifted his feet off the ground. There was the sound of wind whistling around his body. The whimpering sound was like countless babies crying. Chirping, piercing and palpitating.

At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly opened.

At the same time, nearly a thousand wind blades gathered around him and swept towards Lin Xiu.

Song Yuzhang was suspended in the air, looking at Lin Xiu, his speed was very fast, but he could dodge ten, hundreds, hundreds, or nearly a thousand?

In the stands, the imperial concubine and Zhao Lingyin were worried.

The excited body of Changping County King was trembling, and he shouted in his heart: "That's it, that's it, Song Yuzhang, good job!"

Countless wind blades spread all over the space, and Lin Xiu really couldn't hide.

So he simply did not hide.

He threw the spear in his hand violently.

The spear passed through the turbulent flow of the wind blade without slowing down at all, and the spear came first, flew past Song Yuzhang's ear, and then disappeared into the sky.

A strand of Song Yuzhang's hair fell slowly.

At this time, those wind blades arrived in front of Lin Xiu.

He didn't dodge or dodge, letting those wind blades hit his body, Lin Xiu's clothes quickly became shredded, but his body didn't even have a single scar.

Lin Xiu simply tore off the broken robe and jacket, looked at Song Yuzhang, and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

Song Yuzhang held a strand of broken hair in his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "No, I lost."

If the gun had been off by an inch, it would have been his head.

He believed that this was not Lin Xiu's mistake.

Lin Xiu can withstand countless wind blades, but he can only withstand his throw.

After one throw, he died.

With superb agility, impregnable defense, and incredible strength, he easily defeated him without even using any magic.

Song Yuzhang didn't even seem to be injured, but he actually died once.

In the stands, the imperial concubine looked at Lin Xiu's naked body, and looked away embarrassedly.

Zhao Lingyin took a look and then lowered her head, then looked up again, and then lowered her head again.

The eyes of the rest of the women were very bold, scanning Lin Xiu's body back and forth without any scruples.

If he dared to show it, they naturally dared to watch it.

The money for buying tickets today is not in vain.

worth it!

That perfect body line and slightly protruding abdominal muscles are so attractive, and they must be very comfortable to touch.

Zhao Lingjun is really lucky...

In the corner, the Changping County King gritted his teeth with a dark face and said, "Damn it, he pretended to be there again!"

Thank you Phoenix Qifeiz for the rewards.

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