Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 299 Departure Da Luo

After playing in Jiangnan for a few days, Lin Xiu returned to Beijing with her family.

After all, they can't really not participate in the big competition. The greatest power of nuclear weapons is when they are on the launch pad.

The attitude that should be shown has already been shown, and you must know how to accept it when you see it.

A luxurious colorful boat landed somewhere in the south city of the capital, and the many dignitaries in the capital finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lin Xiu's family perseveres to the end, they will lose the most, and they will be the rich and powerful.

After this incident, let them understand a truth.

Don't push Lin Xiu too hard.

Otherwise, he really can do anything.

All of a sudden, all the dignitaries in the capital also sternly warned their children not only not to provoke Lin Xiu, but also not to provoke his women and friends. The family can settle it for them, but the family who provoked the Tianjiao, even the Zhang family had to bow their heads.

Full of arrogance, looking at the mainland, this is the only one.

The scary thing is that they will still be able to participate in the next competition.

What's even more frightening is that ten years later, Zhao Lingjun will be at the top of the world.

The most frightening thing is that after twenty or thirty years, their family will have at least five heavenly ranks. At that time, who would dare to say no to punching the Zhang family and trampling on the Song family?

The era belonging to the Lin family has already begun.

Just when many dignitaries lamented because of this.

Royal study.

Lin Xiu and Emperor Xia were drinking, while Concubine Shu poured wine for them.

It is a supreme honor for the concubine to pour wine for the courtiers. Only those who have made great contributions to the court at the celebration banquet can receive this honor.


Emperor Xia poured the wine from the golden cup upside down, patted the table, and said, "I'm happy, I'm so fucking happy, but it's a pity you weren't in the court at the time, I don't know how comfortable I was when I scolded you..."

He had been on the throne for many years and wanted to do something, but he was constrained by the powerful everywhere. It was not until Lin Xiu appeared that the situation changed.

Although he can't do anything to the rich and powerful, but they also have people they can't do anything to.

Lin Xiu took a sip of her wine and said, "These people are in high positions, well-clothed and well-fed, and enjoy countless glory and wealth, but they only know how to fight for power and position, and don't know how to be considerate of people's livelihood. They should be scolded..."

Emperor Xia looked at him and said with relief, "It's not easy for you to be so considerate of the common people in such a high position."

Lin Xiudao: "In the past, the Lin family was no different from ordinary people. I have also lived in poverty and hardship. I know the hardships of the people. I really hope that one day, people will no longer have to be afraid of the powerful..."

Emperor Xia drank a glass of wine silently. If it wasn't for his status, he and Lin Xiu must have become brothers.

The father's last wish was to make the world free of dignitaries, and the common people could live and work in peace and contentment without being afraid of the dignitaries. There were no oppressors or oppressed in Great Xia. Unfortunately, he didn't see this day coming before he died.

At this time, Lin Xiu looked at Emperor Xia and asked, "Your Majesty, I asked the Crown Princess to go to Jiangnan to apologize in person this time. It will hurt the face of the royal family. Your Majesty won't be angry..."

Emperor Xia waved his hand and said, "It's not your fault, it's her own fault."

Lin Xiu sighed: "It's a pity, I'm afraid the prince will be completely offended this time."

Emperor Xia didn't tell Lin Xiu that even if he didn't do anything, he would have offended the prince. If he hadn't asked Zhu Jin to warn the prince, he would have been assassinated by the prince long before he grew up.

He said to Lin Xiu: "You don't have to worry about the prince, even the Zhang family can't do anything to you, let alone the prince."

Lin Xiudao: "The minister can rest assured."

Of course he wasn't worried about the crown prince's revenge. The crown prince's useless thing could do nothing. He could only watch from the side when the crown princess was drawn. Lin Xiu was just testing Emperor Xia's attitude.

If Emperor Xia didn't care about this at all, it meant that he was only under the pressure of the Zhang family to appoint the crown prince, and he still had other candidates in his mind, so Lin Xiu could let it go.

The crown prince must be abolished, but it is best when the goals of the Emperor Xia are the same.

Apart from the crown prince, the most qualified to inherit the throne are King Qi and King Qin.

When the time comes, it will depend on Concubine Shu's methods.

Lin Xiu glanced at Concubine Shu inadvertently, and found that Concubine Shu was also looking at him.

Concubine Shu looked away from Lin Xiu's face, poured another glass of wine for Emperor Xia, and said softly, "Your Majesty hasn't been to the Qianqiu Palace for a long time."

Although this sentence did not mean to complain, it made Emperor Xia feel a little embarrassed.

These days, he was indeed fascinated by the Queen and Concubine Xian, and he somewhat neglected Concubine Shu. Hearing this, he said: "I will go to Qianqiu Palace tonight, and the day after tomorrow..."

Although there are many concubines in the harem, Concubine Shu is the one who understands his heart best.

No one can be left out in the cold.

Lin Xiu knew that after talking here, he would not be able to listen to the rest. After saying goodbye to Emperor Xia, he returned home.

When passing a certain palace courtyard, he found a familiar figure in the courtyard.

Ake is back.

Lin Xiu walked in quickly, A Ke looked at him and said, "I met Master Zheng Duo two days ago, he told me about your situation in Jiangnan, and said that Jiangnan is now different from before, those corrupt officials Don't be greedy anymore, the dandies have also changed their temper, seeing injustice, taking pleasure in helping others, and doing good deeds for the rich and unkind aristocratic family..."

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "The common people can live and work in peace and contentment without being oppressed or feared by the powerful... I promise you this."

This is A Ke's dream, and Lin Xiu's dream is to realize her dream.

He didn't just say this.

He held A Ke's hand and said: "Jiangnan is the first one, but not the last one. When I come back from Daluo, I will take you to every mansion in Daxia, so that those people will be terrified when they hear our name." ..."

Assassination is not the right way after all, he wants to lead Ake to do what she wants to do in an upright manner.

After a moment of silence, A Ke looked at Lin Xiu and whispered, "Close your eyes."

Lin Xiu closed her eyes slowly, A Ke stood on tiptoe, kissed him lightly on the lips, and said, "This is your reward."

A Ke's lips were cold and soft. When she approached Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu felt a strong sense of oppression, but the time was too short, and it was over before he could feel it.

This is her style too.

If it were Qin Wan, the two people who would definitely kiss would be out of breath before giving up.

Lin Xiu glanced away inadvertently, and found Princess Minghe standing on the palace road outside, staring at them dumbfounded.

A moment later, when Lin Xiu came out of A Ke's courtyard, Princess Minghe asked in a daze, "You, aren't you friends?"

Lin Xiudao: "It's normal for friends to have some intimate behaviors. When you go to Daluo, you will know that they have a kind of etiquette. Friends who have a good relationship will also kiss when they say goodbye and goodbye..."

Princess Minghe asked: "Are they also kissing on the mouth?"

"...That's not true."

Princess Minghe got to the point in one sentence, and Lin Xiu could only admit, "Well, we were indeed friends at the beginning, but as we continued to be friends, our friendship sublimated a little bit, just like when Ning'er and I were still friends. You Wan'er, we used to be friends, but then..., and then they became my wives."

Princess Minghe said: "This is all the reason for your lust."

Lin Xiudao: "This is normal. It is not very common for a man and a woman to fall in love with each other for a long time, and the friendship deteriorates. Some people dislike each other at the beginning, but after getting along for a long time, they gradually find each other good, and then like each other, everywhere..."

Princess Minghe blushed: "You, what are you talking about!"

Princess Minghe left angrily. Lin Xiu came to Caiyi's yard and called her to go see the imperial concubine.

This time it will take at least a month to go to Daluo to participate in the competition, and I will not see the imperial concubine for another month. Lin Xiu originally wanted to take the colorful clothes with her, but when they go to other countries and places, they have to participate in the competition frequently, so I am afraid they cannot take care of it. She had no choice but to let her stay in the capital, just to have a company with the imperial concubine.

Because this time, Murong Yu and Shuangshuang are going to Da Luo, and there is only one little palace lady left beside the imperial concubine.

Murong Yu went to participate in the competition, and Shuangshuang was the team doctor of Daxia's representative team. Injuries in the competition are very common, and there have even been accidents that resulted in disability or death. For the safety of the geniuses, every competition, Daxia They will send several imperial doctors to go together.

He stayed with the imperial concubine for most of the day, and stayed in Caiyi's room at night.

In fact, it was Ning'er's turn today, but for the next month, she and Qin Wan will be by Lin Xiu's side, so she will accompany Caiyi first. Of course, Ning'er, who is sensible, didn't say anything, but just moved a doll on the bed. After being beaten up, he still muttered about the princess or something...

Early the next morning, it was the day to set off for Daluo.

The geniuses who passed Xiaobi from Great Xia and surrounding countries gathered in front of the palace gate.

At the gate of the palace, on the wide street, there is a huge building boat parked.

The captain of the building is more than forty feet long, twenty feet wide, and three stories high. Most people take this boat to Daluo.

Before the huge building boat, there was a small colorful boat.

The colorful boat is exquisite and gorgeous, although it is a bit small, it is full of luxury everywhere, and it is of great significance. Only the top twelve arrogances of this competition can ride on it, which is another form of glory.

The geniuses of Great Xia and surrounding countries have a lifelong long-cherished wish to take this colorful boat to participate in the big competition, even if they can't get a place in the big competition, it's worth it.

It was just dawn, and the street in front of the palace gate was already crowded with people.

The people of the capital got up early and spontaneously saw these geniuses off.

People boarded the boat one after another, and the eyes of the people were all focused on that colorful boat.

The top ten of Xiaobi is the focus of much attention.

At a certain moment, two figures walked out from the crowd and boarded the colorful boat.

"It's Zhang Ren and Zhang Yi from the Zhang family. One Xiaobi is ranked fourth and the other is ranked seventh. The Zhang family is still the same Zhang family!"

Someone in the crowd started calling their names.

At a certain moment, two more figures came out from the crowd.

"It's the eldest son of the Song family. He is so handsome and powerful."

"There is also King Qin. King Qin is the most secretive prince. I think he is more qualified to be emperor than the crown prince and King Qi..."

The appearance of Song Yuzhang and Li Baizhang made the crowd even more excited, and their names resounded throughout the street.

But soon, the shouts of the people stopped abruptly.

A few figures flew from a distance, descended from the sky, and landed on the colorful boat.

Seven young and beautiful women stood on the colorful boat, and it seemed that the whole world was much more colorful.

That was Lin Xiu's family, Princess Minghe and the talented girl from Jiangnan Murong's family were also on the list.

At this moment, the names of Zhang Ren, Zhang Yi, Song Yuzhang, and King Qin were no longer called. There was only one voice in the entire capital.

"Zhao Lingjun!"

"Zhao Lingjun!"

"Zhao Lingjun!"


Among them, voices such as "Lin Xiu", "Ning'er" and "Qin Wan" also appeared, but because they were too weak, they were quickly submerged in the uniform sound waves.

As long as Zhao Lingjun appears, she is the most dazzling sun.

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