Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 357 Infiltrating

The Great You Dynasty, the capital of the kingdom.

Although Dayou's genius performance was not satisfactory in the national competition a few months ago, there were only three in the top ten of the Tianjiao list. Nobles, down to commoners, are very dissatisfied, but in the past few months, good news has come frequently.

First, the eldest prince Doug broke through the upper realm, and a month later, the second prince Colin also successfully broke through.

Just a few days ago, news came from the palace that the fourth prince Otto had successfully advanced.

They all broke through to the upper level of the earth before they were twenty-five years old.

This is an era of shining stars. Since the founding of Dayou, there has never been such a grand occasion. This also makes the people of Dayou less complain about the loss of the Dayou.

After more than two years, what Dayou once lost will be regained.

On the streets of Dayou King's Capital, people would discuss this matter from time to time.

"The fourth prince also made a breakthrough, could it be that God really blessed me, Dayou?"

"Fortunately, the next big competition, we Dayou, will definitely win the top ten."

"It's impossible to win the top ten. Don't forget Lin and Zhao from Daxia, and Princess Natasha from Daluo."

"Hehe, what do you know? Let me tell you the truth. The Senate got a treasure. The strength of the princes was improved because of that treasure. Maybe after three years, ten of my grand masters will be able to participate in the Grand Prix." Compared with the upper level of the ground..."

On the street, a blond, blue-eyed, handsome young man heard this and asked curiously, "What baby?"

The big man who spoke just now shook his head and said: "How can the Senate let us know what it is, but I heard that the Senate will select a few geniuses from the School of Abnormal Arts every month, so it should be the same as that It is related to the baby, if anyone is selected, it may be the same as the three princes, and their strength will increase..."

The handsome young man was walking on the streets of Dayou King's Capital. Not long after he came here, Lin Xiu got the news he wanted.

The things in the meteorite are the top secret of the Dayou Dynasty, hidden in the depths of the palace, and only some top geniuses have the opportunity to touch it.

The palace of the Great You Dynasty is undoubtedly a den of dragons and tigers. No one can sneak in secretly, let alone come into contact with the core secret. This wave can only be outsmarted, not reckless.

Lin Xiu was not in a hurry, and walked aimlessly on the streets of Dayou to get acquainted with the unfamiliar environment first.

The wealth and strength of Dayou can be seen. On the streets of Daxia, you can occasionally see obese people, almost all of whom come from rich and powerful families. Most of the people are thin, but on the streets of Dayou, you can see overweight people everywhere. men and women.

Part of this is due to the rich resources of Dayou, and a larger part is that they plundered the entire continent to support a country.

There are very few blond beauties on the streets, and many are fat and fat aunts.

In addition to these people, there are also extremely thin people who seem to be blown down by a gust of wind, but these people are not the people of Dayou, but slaves. Most of these slaves are plundered from other countries and continents. The dirty work at the bottom.

These people do not have any rights, and live a life that is not as good as livestock. You can buy one for a few coins, and your life can be disposed of by the owner at will.

If one day, Daxia is defeated and divided up by them, these slaves will be the end of the people of Daxia.

Lin Xiu was walking casually on the street. After a while, she came to a grand building. This was an ancient castle with a strange shape. Some young men and women came in and out from here.

Here is Dayou's Academy of Abnormal Arts, similar to Daxia's Academy of Abnormal Arts, a place to cultivate geniuses of different arts for the country. The opponents Lin Xiu met in the competition from Dayou were all from the Academy of Abnormal Arts. There are countless talents of Dayou's younger generation gathered here, and it is also the hope of Dayou's future.

All the people in Dayou are proud to send their children to the School of Different Arts.

Lin Xiu stood in front of the School of Altered Arts, as if admiring the highest school in Dayou.

At a certain moment, several figures walked out from the School of Abnormal Arts.

Walking in front was a young man with a proud face. Several women surrounded him and came out with admiration on their faces, talking while walking.

"Congratulations, Senior Blair!"

"Senior Blair was selected this time, and within a few days, he will be able to advance to the lower level, right?"

"Of course, all the people who were selected successfully broke through in the end."

"Looking forward to Senior Blair's performance in the next competition!"


Hearing these words, Blair felt a little flustered in his heart.

Originally, I don't know how long it will take to advance to the earth rank, but since half a year ago, the academy will select a few geniuses every month, and I don't know where they will be taken. Soon after, the cultivation of those geniuses will increase sharply.

Blair had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but it was not until today that the academy finally selected him.

He was very excited. Today he went outside until he was drunk and came home. When he returned to the room, closed the door, and was about to sleep, he found that there was another person in the room.

A very handsome man.

Looking at the handsome man, Blair was stunned for a moment, even sober from the wine, a look of vigilance quickly appeared on his face, flames sprouted from his hands, and he asked, "Who are you and why are you in my house?"

The handsome man just smiled at him, and Blair felt his head in a trance, and soon lost consciousness.

The handsome man stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder. Blair's body disappeared strangely, and the man's face changed, gradually turning into Blair's appearance...


In the early morning, Dayou School of Abnormal Arts.

Several figures stood on the square in front of the castle, one of them saw the figure approaching in the distance, immediately waved and said, "Blair, why are you here so late..."

The young man walking from a distance smiled and said, "Sorry, I got up late."

Lin Xiu deliberately took the time to come. Although he had used illusion yesterday to ask Blair some questions to avoid revealing his secrets, he still didn't arrive early just in case. If he met Blair's acquaintances, he would not Knowing that identity is easily exposed.

Lin Xiu, who was talking to him, knew that his name was Toby, and he was Blair's best friend. Both of them were at the top of the Mysterious Upper Realm, and they were selected together this time to use the mysterious object to break through.

During this period of time, Dayou used that thing to raise the strength of many geniuses to another level.

If this goes on like this, Da You may take over 80% of the next 100 people on the Tianjiao List.

Next to Lin Xiu and Toby, there were three other people.

Coincidentally, Lin Xiuquan knew all three of them.

One is the 11th in the last Tianjiao list. He was originally a genius from a small country, and later joined Dayou's Lei Meng. The other is one body and two souls, the first dual ability person on the mainland. Lin Xiu remembers that his name is Xiao En .

The last one is Emily with blonde hair.

Seeing Emily, Lin Xiu couldn't help looking at her butt.

Her buttocks had been swollen for a long time, but they still looked rounder than ordinary women.

Women are very sensitive to certain parts of the body. Lin Xiu just glanced at it, and Emily noticed that that position would remind her of some very shameful things. She glared at the rude man with sharp eyes. The guy glanced at it, and said coldly: "If you look around again, I will gouge your eyes out!"

Lin Xiu looked away. This woman is really changeable. When they met for the first time, she was full of anger. She told him her room number, but now she pretends to be so innocent...

Toby looked at him with surprised eyes. After being selected by the academy, Blair was really overwhelmed. He even dared to look at Emily's ass. Isn't he afraid that his abilities will be sucked away?

The five stood here for a while, and then a teacher from the academy came over and brought them into the Dayou Palace.

After entering the Dayou Palace, he handed each of the five people a piece of black cloth. Raymond, Sean, and Emily obviously knew what it was for, so they covered their eyes with the black cloth, and Lin Xiuye ​​and Toby did the same.

Afterwards, Lin Xiu felt that his feet were light and his body lifted off the ground. He should be led by someone with the ability to control objects. He could feel that sometimes they flew to the left, sometimes to the right, and sometimes upwards. Fly, sometimes fly down...

I don't know how long it took to fly before his feet touched the ground.

A voice came from next to my ear: "It can be taken off."

Lin Xiu took off the blindfold and found that the surrounding light was a bit dark, and there were flames lighting the surrounding walls. This place should be an underground palace.

His gaze was quickly attracted by something in the center of the palace.

It was a white opaque rhomboid crystal, about ten feet high, and looked like a large primordial crystal...

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