Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 399 Hope

When a higher civilization discovers a lower civilization, what is most likely to be brought is not help but destruction.

This kind of thing has happened countless times on the planet under their feet.

It turns out that the universe is nothing more than this.

Before coming to the earth, Akatsuki once had a battle with the alien race on the moon in the starry sky. The outcome of that battle was that both sides suffered losses. Akatsuki used her whole body's cultivation to form a seal outside her body, hiding her aura and hiding it. In a meteorite, falling to Earth.

And that alien race landed on the moon.

Before the cultivation of the two returned to the source realm, they couldn't cross the starry sky. Akatsuki couldn't leave the earth, and the alien race couldn't leave the moon either. The source realm was the minimum requirement for traveling in the starry sky.

Stepping into the source realm, which is the supreme realm mentioned by mainland magicians, will undergo a complete transformation. The reason why his physical body is so powerful, with extreme speed and recovery ability, is also because of this reason.

If the seal hadn't been broken, the aliens on the moon wouldn't be able to find his location at all.

If he had been able to absorb all the seals of his cultivation base, his strength would have returned to close to the source realm, but because of Dayou, the source crystal he condensed with his cultivation base had lost part of it, which also made him deplete it. part of the cultivation base.

At the same time, he had to show his whereabouts.

Lin Xiu guessed right, the flashing mark on his forehead was for positioning.

As long as it is close to a certain range of him, the artifacts in the hands of the foreign race will be displayed, which is also a necessary thing for hunting in the star field.

In this hunting game, the hunters will search galaxy by galaxy, and for the excitement of the game, the strength of the prey being hunted down may not all be at the first level of origin, and there are even more powerful existences among them. It often happens that people are killed instead of being hunted down.

Those powerful races in the universe played more perverted than Lin Xiu thought.

Xiao suddenly looked at Lin Xiu and said, "I can feel that there are traces of origin force in your body."

After stepping into the source realm from the spirit realm, the primordial force in the body will also transform into source power. This is a higher-level power in the universe, and it is a great supplement for low-level magicians. The cultivation bases of the people all increased rapidly.

Lin Xiu apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't know at that time..."

Akatsuki shook her head and said, "It's me who should say I'm sorry, and I'm the one who brought disaster to your planet."

Lin Xiu saw it on the moon, Xiao's position has been exposed, and the alien race will come down sooner or later. There are billions of human races in this continent, and countless other races, it is impossible to hide.

They don't even have the strength to leave here.

It can be said that all they can do is wait for the arrival of alien races.

Lin Xiu looked at Xiao and said, "I can't blame you. Those who should come will always come. There is a saying in our country that when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with earth. When friends come, they have spirits. When wolves come, they have shotguns. If you want to oppress us, you must be prepared to be overthrown by us..."

Xiao looked at Lin Xiu, a pair of dark eyes seemed to ignite a spark.

Although this race also has disgusting bad roots, there is no lack of such brilliance in their ethnic group, just as the universe is dark, but it has never lacked light.

Before today, he just wanted to wait for death quietly here, and the race on this planet will also usher in their darkest moment...

Now, he has changed his mind.

He wants to do something for them.

He looked at Lin Xiu and said, "I will help you..."

Lin Xiu saw Xiao's psychological changes, and what he saw and experienced in Dayou gave him the idea of ​​letting human beings fend for themselves, but deep down in his heart, there was still brilliance. light up.

Lin Xiu looked at the old ancestor of Dayou, his eyes were not friendly, and the eyelids of the ancestor of Dayou couldn't help but twitch.

Now is not the time for internal fighting, Lin Xiu calmed down, looked at him, and said lightly: "Don't be afraid, our real enemy is not him, let's talk about it when we go back..."

Regardless of whether human beings are ready or not, when this place is discovered by the races in the starry sky, human beings have already entered the cosmic era.

Lin Xiu and Xiao left the island, and found that there were many slaves on the island, all of whom Xiao rescued from the nobles of Dayou. Although they were of different races and strengths, they had similarities. encounter.

This may also be the reason why Akatsuki rescued them.

In the vast universe, many things are new to Lin Xiu, but there are also some things that are not new.

A moment later, Dayou, the Senate.

Everyone gathered in a large hall.

"The universe, the Thousand Flame Starfield, the supreme..."

All the elders of Dayou, as well as the heaven-ranked powerhouses from various countries, and even the ancestors of Dayou were all stunned at the figure with wings on their backs. What Lin Xiu told them just now made it hard for them to accept for a while.

Lin Xiu gave them time to accept.

For a frog who has never left the bottom of a well, it is not easy to accept how big the outside world is. Who has not been shocked when learning about the universe for the first time?

After a long time, everyone gradually calmed down.

Everyone is a powerful person with a head and face, and no one wants to lose face in front of so many people. After realizing how big the world is, apart from being deeply shocked, a different kind of mood also arises.

The Supreme Realm is really not a legend.

The road to practice is also much longer than they imagined.

This made them feel a sense of pride.

Compared with exploring the vast universe, the frictions and calculations among countries in the continent are like children's play, boring...

But soon, Lin Xiu's ladle of cold water woke them up completely.

Although the universe is vast and full of opportunities, it is also full of dangers.

In the vast starry sky, there are countless races. Some races are extremely powerful. Only one strong man can destroy the entire human race. At this moment, they will face the threat of a supreme alien race.

In the future, the entire continent, with more than one billion human races, may become slaves of other races.

Da Lu's Tianjie was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Can we exchange resources for the tolerance of the strong alien race, or maybe he has no malice towards us..."

Dayou's ancestor gave him an indifferent look, and all the strong men in Dayou also looked at him with complicated expressions.

They are very clear that this kind of thinking is tantamount to daydreaming.

Dayou is very familiar with this kind of thing.

In this continent, apart from Da Xia and Da Luo, where resources Da You takes a fancy to, there is no need to change them, nor will they change them, strength can determine everything.

As for whether the strong foreign race will have good intentions towards them, no one knows the answer to this question better than Dayou.

Dayou used to be a foreign race in other people's mouths, they seized other people's resources, occupied their land, and treated those people as slaves... They used to take it for granted, strength determines everything, until the same thing happened to them body until they become "others"...

They know their enemies as well as they know themselves.

It is precisely because of this that Dayou is firmer than any other country in its attitude towards outsiders.

The ancestor of Dayou said without hesitation: "The enemy must give up all illusions, otherwise, the human race can only die..."

Akatsuki also cast a disdainful glance at the big Lu Tianjie, and said, "This inferior galaxy does not have the resources they are looking for, and the most valuable resource is you..."

As an interpreter, Lin Xiu translated Xiao's words into various languages.

At the same time, he also learned that the universe is vast and boundless, and the most indispensable thing is low-level resources. There are hundreds of thousands of galaxies like this in the entire Qianyan Starfield, and there are more than trillions of planets like this. The resources that are valued by countries in the mainland , to the strong race in the universe, it is not worth mentioning...

On this planet, the most valuable thing is human beings themselves.

Although there are many races in the universe, the number of lives and the number of planets are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Most of these planets are low-level planets, and the resources on them are also low-level resources, but some of them contain high-level resources that even those powerful races value.

Exploring the planet and finding advanced resources is naturally a very important thing.

It is unrealistic to expect those powerful races to do these things themselves, so the major races are very willing to invade and conquer the lower races, and then let them explore the major galaxies, or mine resources, or force them to become higher-level races. Race provides services...

No matter how unlucky he was, like Xiao, he was randomly exiled to a star field and hunted wantonly like prey.

These powerful forces in the universe are far more barbaric and cruel than the races on the mainland, and even Dayou cannot be compared with them.

When they learned that this outsider had supreme strength, but was just a prey to be exiled, all the heaven-level powerhouses in the entire hall fell silent.

A deep fear and powerlessness spread among them.

How can such a powerful enemy be defeated?

Lin Xiu looked at Xiao and asked, "How long will it take for the foreign race to recover to the original state?"

Xiao asked Lin Xiu about the human calendar, and said, "Based on your time, there are about three years left..."

Three years is not good news for the human race. In three years, it is impossible for Dayou's ancestor to be promoted to Supreme, and Lin Xiu and Lingjun are at most in the upper realm of Heaven.

And the source realm is completely a dimensionality reduction blow to the spirit realm.

Unlike the lower realm of the heavens and the upper realm of the heavens, who can still win by relying on the number of people, the upper realm of the heavens and the source realm are different life levels. The ancestor survived with a single blow with all his strength, and it was even more effortless to kill Tianjie.

Lin Xiu looked at Xiao, Xiao shook her head and said, "In the last battle, I was seriously injured, and it is impossible to return to the source realm. I hope to be among you..."

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