Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 130: , I finally said it, but the effect didn’t seem to be good.

Chapter 130

 Although what Chen Li did caused a little panic, I have to admit that her opinion was right. I should have made the matter clear to Hua Zhe earlier.

Since there was no morning class that morning, Hua Zhe was studying in the study room on the second floor, so I mustered up the courage to go up and look for him.

Since I still didn’t know how to speak, Hua Zhe seemed to be very attentive in his reading. When I arrived, I had no choice but to wait beside him, waiting for him to stop.

Suddenly I saw Hua Zhe stop writing, sighed, turned to look at me and said, "Is there something wrong with you staring at me like this?"

 “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

 “Are you already bothering me?”

“So you can still be disturbed when you are studying...”

 I always thought that once Hua Zhe started reading, he would be like an old monk who entered samadhi and could not stop despite the wind and rain.

Hua Zhe said a little angrily: "Are you busy? Or do you just want me to accompany you?"

 I quickly waved my hand in denial.

"I just want to make it clear to you that we haven't seen each other during this time, how should we say it... A lot of things have changed. Su Xi and I are making good progress, and I have begun to seriously consider dating him... Anyway, I'm sorry ”

At this point, I didn’t know what to say to Hua Zhe, so I could only bend down and bow to him to apologize.

 “Oh, I already knew about this.”

"Well, I'm really sorry about this. I actually didn't want to make a decision while you were in the hospital... By the way, you already knew? How did you know?"

Hua Zhe smiled, as if he didn't blame me, put his hand on my shoulders to help me stand up straight, then pulled up a chair for me to sit down, and then continued talking to me.

 The more gentle he is to me, the more uncomfortable I feel.

"When I was discharged from the hospital, you came to see me and told me that you were in danger and were threatened by Dragon King's people. At that time, I guessed that the only one who could solve this problem was Su Xi. You are also a person who knows how to repay kindness. , I will definitely agree to date him after solving this matter.”

"No, you misunderstood... I haven't officially agreed, and it's not because of this... I'm not just repaying a favor, it's... Let's put it this way, only when I'm with him can I understand what is... in love."

 “Not when you’re with me?”

 I lowered my head again.

"Feel sorry."

"As I said, you don't need to apologize to me. At this point, I can only say that I am indeed not as good as him. We have already spoken about this matter. Su Xi and I compete fairly, so I will not blame either of you two. "

Although Hua Zhe said this, I found that when he said this, one hand had quietly crumpled the exercise paper he was working on.

It seems that although Hua Zhe is very open-minded, he is actually still very depressed.

I almost can’t bear it anymore, but I also understand that it’s not possible, and I can’t always be so half-hearted.

I could only grit my teeth and said, "In this case, I have explained it clearly to you. From now on... we should still be our good friends."

 “This can’t be done.”

 “Sure enough... you’re not even worthy of being a friend?”

Hua Zhe and I have known each other since childhood and have always been close friends. Unexpectedly, we were going to have a quarrel over a love affair.

 I feel so sad that I want to cry right now.

At this moment, Hua Zhe suddenly said: "I mean, I haven't given up yet."

 “…What? What haven’t you given up yet?”

"Of course it's about pursuing you. Anyway, didn't you say that you and Su Xi haven't officially dated yet? And even if they date, they haven't gotten married yet. I still have a chance in the future."

  ", you seem a bit unnatural like this, don't you?"

Hua Zhe said indifferently, looked in the direction of the stairs and said, "Su Xi and I are not friends, but don't worry, I still won't make trouble for you, at least I won't do anything to trouble you." Having said this, Hua Zhe smiled at me and said, "But I probably still can't compare to Su Xi's position in your heart, right?"

"You don't need to say that. Your qualifications are also very good. I'm not telling you this just to hear you say this. I just don't want you to waste any more time on me. If possible, I actually hope You go find other women you like and seek your own happiness."

After Hua Zhe wondered for a while, he suddenly raised his chin and said to me: "In other words, I still have a chance?"

 How did he come to such a conclusion?

I tried to explain it to Hua Zhe, but Hua Zhe was adamant and I couldn't persuade him with words. In the end, when I returned to the house, I didn't even know how I got back. I just felt dizzy and confused. Why did things around me become this virtuous?

Chen Li, however, was not going to spare me. As soon as she saw me returning to the house, she rushed up to me and insisted on making me speak clearly.

“Okay, okay, Sister Chen Li, do you completely disregard my life and death just to hear some gossip?”

"How can you say it is so serious? I just want to hear if you told Hua Zhe and how he reacted. If you don't tell me, I will keep pestering you."

“Don’t you just want my life? How could I say such a shameful thing...”

Chen Li was surprised when she heard this sentence and said: "Don't you think you still haven't said it?"

“I’ve said it, I’ve made it very clear to Hua Zhe.”

“That’s alright. Congratulations, you finally have one less headache.”

“It would be great if that were the case...I just feel like my head is going to explode right now.”

“Could it be that...even if this is the case, Hua Zhe still doesn’t intend to give up?”

I was too embarrassed to speak, so I just nodded to Chen Li, and then I rushed to the bed and lay down.

Chen Li seemed to be dumbfounded for a while. After a few seconds, she ran to me, patted the back of my head twice and asked, "Don't pretend to be dead over there. Please speak clearly to me. Hua Zhe." What do you want to do? Since you already said you chose Su Xi, why did he hang himself from a tree? "What did he say?"

“He said I haven’t officially dated yet, so he still has a chance.”

Chen Li asked anxiously: "What are you saying to him? Why don't you tell him that you are completely devoted to Su Xi and that you will never change your ambition?"

I was so angry that I slapped the pillow and shouted, "My relationship with Su Xi is not as good as you said, so how can I tell Hua Zhe about it?"

“Then go to Su Xi quickly and tell him that you have decided to date him.”

"Did this happen in a hurry? Besides, it's useless even if I decide to date Su Xi now. Hua Zhe said that as long as I haven't married Su Xi, he won't give up."

 “Then when do you plan to get married?”


 Chen Li made me a little anxious, so I finally glared at her angrily.

Chen Li calmed down a little, sat beside my bed and sighed and said, "Okay, asking you to get married now is a bit too much. I don't blame you for this. You should make it clear to Hua Zhe." Yes, he is too stubborn."

"Yeah, why are Hua Zhe so stupid? What can I do to make him so determined? Su Xi is the same, Long Wen is too, the three of them are simply not normal."

Chen Li rolled her eyes at me and said angrily: "Don't go too far. Su Xi and Long Wen are stupid. Hua Zhe has known you for so long since childhood. He is called infatuated. You are such a dedicated man with love." It’s hard to find even with a lantern, isn’t it?”

"Well, of course I don't really think Hua Zhe is stupid. Why are you so angry? And you keep asking me to make it clear to Hua Zhe..."

“…Su Xi just said I wanted to go out to lunch with you.”

 “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

I quickly got up from the bed and ran straight outside the house. By this time, Su Xi was already waiting at the door.

He asked me anxiously: "Where did you go after I asked Chen Li to send you a message? Why did it take you so long to come here?"

“I’m sorry, Chen Li has been pestering me about gossip. She just told me that you were looking for me.”

After I apologized, I suddenly thought that Chen Li was a bit stiff when she finally told me that Su Xi came to find me. But now my thoughts were all messed up and I couldn't think of a reason.

“There’s really nothing we can do about you. My chef won’t be able to come over until later, so I asked you to go out to eat alone at noon today. I happen to know a restaurant with a nice atmosphere. Let’s go directly to the work after we finish eating.”

“…What about the price? It shouldn’t be very expensive, right?”

Su Xi sighed, stretched out her hand and pinched my nose and said, "I'm thinking of you. This store isn't too expensive. It only costs 30 yuan per person."

“Hey, 30 yuan for a meal is not cheap for a college student, right?”

“It doesn’t matter if you spend a little more occasionally. This store has a great atmosphere. You must visit it.”

Seeing that Su Xi played so well, even I couldn't help but feel a little interested, and wanted to see what kind of place it was.

The restaurant Su Xi was talking about is right next to his company. The interior of the store is decorated with bamboo, which makes it feel like traveling back to ancient times. What’s more, there is a restaurant in the center of the store that doesn’t consider the cost of land at all. The pool is so big that a boat can be put in it.

This is not my bluff, this store literally has a small boat with a cabin in the pool in the center of the store.

There is a special seat in the cabin of the boat. When Su Xi and I arrived, Su Xi told me that the seat he had reserved was in this boat.

I was so frightened that I pulled his sleeve and said, "Are you lying to me? How can there be no minimum consumption for such a seat?"

 In my opinion, even with a minimum consumption of more than 300 per person, you may not be able to get a special seat in this store.

Su Xi smiled and told me, "You don't need to worry about this. This store owner sells my face. We don't need to pay extra, and naturally there is no minimum consumption."

“It turns out that in the end it was because of the Su family’s face…”

It is true that wealth makes people flock to it.

Seeing that I was not very convinced, Su Xi said to me: "This store originally created this boat as a gimmick. Not many people would actually book a seat on this boat. I thought it had a good atmosphere and wanted to go with it." It was only after we had lunch that the boss made a reservation for me at noon today. Let’s not waste other people’s kindness and come with me.”

With that said, Su Xi took the lead into the cabin, and I had no choice but to follow him in.

When I came in, I realized that the boat was fixed to the floor. It would be no exaggeration to say that it was a gimmick, but thinking about it, it was impossible to actually move a boat over and float on the water, otherwise it would make the guests vomit. No.

 When the waiter handed me the menu, I was relieved to see that the prices above were indeed as affordable as Su Xi said.

Although the portion may not be large, a meal like this really doesn’t cost more than 30 yuan.

After ordering the meal, Su Xi leaned a little closer to me and asked me, "What do you think of this restaurant?"

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "The decoration and atmosphere are pretty good, but don't think that I don't know that you are testing my bottom line. Let's try to eat at cheaper places in the future."

Su Xi smiled when he heard this, but did not agree.

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