Chapter 137

 After sitting in the room, Dou Yuhua cried for a long time, and we waited for her to calm down.

 After she stopped crying, she slowly began to talk about her situation during this period.

Dou Yuhua: "Since I offended you last time, our family's business has been sanctioned by the Su family, so our family was forced to move out of the city. Since then, everything has changed..."

When I heard this, I said to Su Xi angrily: "When you punish others, you can't be too harsh. Don't you know you need to accumulate some virtue?"

"No, no, no, the Su family can't be entirely blamed for this matter," Dou Yuhua quickly denied, "If it was all because of the Su family, I wouldn't ask Su Xi for help now. In fact, even though we were The family lost a lot of money, and the business was not as good as before, but it was still able to survive. However, my father was never satisfied with the current situation, so he always wanted to expand my family's business. At this time, that guy Li Yiran and his family. People from around the world extended a helping hand to us... No, I should say devil's claws..."

At the mention of Li Yiran, Dou Yuhua gritted his teeth and seemed about to cry again not long after.

Although I have a compassionate heart, my head always feels heavy when I hear other people crying, so I quickly asked: "What did Li Yiran do?"

"She made a proposal to our family, which was to build a large-scale underground casino. Originally, my father didn't want to get involved in this illegal business, but he couldn't resist Dou Yuhua's constant persuasion, and he was even willing to pay a huge sum of 50 million. At the same time, she attracted She got many high-status people to come forward to protect her, and she said with certainty that there would be no problems. At the same time, she also persuaded several bank executives to be willing to pass all the loans to my family, which really made our family's business increase a lot. My father I believed what this person said.

"But once there was a very influential person in an underground casino who lost a large amount of money and used his power to expose our casino. After that, Li Yiran and all the helpers he invited did not save my family at all. Instead, they blamed all the responsibilities on my family. Not to mention the withdrawal of all her debts, it was also revealed that the people who had previously loaned money to my family were loan sharks. They also ran on me. No matter how big my family's business was, they would They were swarmed like locusts in a few nights..."

When Dou Yuhua said this, he covered his face with his hands, as if he didn't want to think about it anymore.

Su Xi sighed and said to Dou Yuhua: "When you make a deal with the devil, you can taste some sweetness at the beginning, but in the end you have to pay the price of going to hell."

I nodded and agreed with Su Xi's statement, and then asked Dou Yuhua: "What happened after that? Did you run all the way from home to ask us for help?"

"I...didn't do that. Later, in order to repay the debt, my father actually...sold me to Li Yiran as her subordinate. I heard that her next step was to open a large **** center in this city."

I was immediately furious, stood up, stamped my feet and cursed: "Is this man worthy of being a father? He actually sold his daughter to pay off a debt?"

Dou Yuhua lowered her head and said with a cry: "At first, I also hated my father in my heart, but after following Li Yiran for a while, I got to know a little about her methods. Their methods of forcing other people's families to die are really powerful. My father couldn't resist at all after being trapped in their trap. If they had not allowed them to take me away at that time, he would have been put in jail. I remember that my father's expression was also very grief-stricken at that time..."

Su Xi snorted coldly and said: "To put it bluntly, I'd rather use my daughter to pay off the debt. If it were me, I wouldn't betray my children even if I went to the eighteenth level of hell."

 Bah, you don’t have any children yet.

I rolled my eyes at him, then turned to ask Dou Yuhua: "You said you have been with Li Yiran for a while, do you mean you have already done it..."

"No, I haven't. It wasn't long after my father handed me over to them. I just came here with them." Dou Yuhua glanced at Su Xi nervously and continued to explain, "You must believe me. , I really don’t!”

When Dou Yuhua said these words, he almost screamed out in the end.

I sighed and recalled that she used to be the girl who liked Su Xi the most in the school. Although she said it was no longer possible, she still didn't want to show such a miserable look in front of the people she once liked. .

 I can understand her very well, but I also feel powerless.

“Then when you come to Su Xi now, what do you plan to ask him to do for you? Are you going to lend money to rehabilitate your family?”

"I don't dare to do this...and I never dare to mention borrowing money again. I just hope they can give me a place to stay. Li Yiran also holds my deed of betrayal. If she finds out, I will be taken back by them." of…"

 “What a joke, when did our country recognize the deed of betrayal?”

Su Xi interrupted and told me: "Although the state does not recognize it, the underground still recognizes it. As long as Li Yiran announces the deed of betrayal, this Li Yiran will not be able to live in the world even if he is not captured. By then, No company, business, or even small business owner would hire her.”

I thought for a moment and said to Su Xi: "In that case, shouldn't we just hire her?"

"That's what I mean," Su Xi suddenly nodded and said to me, "but now this matter has to be slowed down."

“Why are you slowing down? Do you have anything else to consider? I don’t think even Dou Yuhua, a humble professional, would object.”

In order to seize this opportunity to survive, Dou Yuhua said excitedly: "I can do even a job like sweeping the floor."

Su Xi sighed and said: "To say this proves that you are not desperate enough. From what you mean, you still despise the job of sweeping the floor. If you are really desperate, you will rush to do it even if you go to beg for food. "When I said this, I glared angrily, thinking that she was already in such a miserable condition, yet you still force her to beg for food. Su Xi must have noticed the look in my eyes, and said with a wry smile, "I'm just teaching you a lesson, no. I’m going to let you beg for food, so you should at least finish your studies and go to college before starting to work, right?”

Dou Yuhua frowned and said sadly: "But I have been expelled from the university..."

“What if I tell you to go back to this university to continue studying?”

Dou Yuhua's eyes brightened, but then dimmed quickly.

 “I…can’t afford the tuition here.”

"Who said you have to pay? I can still get this little money and treat it as an advance payment to you. Of course, I won't stop you from finding another job in the future, but remember to pay back the tuition fees to me after you work. , you probably don’t want to owe me any favors.”

I poked Su Xi in the waist, glared at him and said: "She is in such a miserable state now, why don't you care about her face? Many people in this school know her, how can you let her face in the future?" Going out?"

"That's Dou Yuhua, who used to be face-conscious. After so much, I think she won't care about it anymore. Besides, if I remember correctly, there is such a poor student in our school who has been criticized by the whole school. A girl is bullied, and even if she goes to the activity room to heat up a meal, she will be splashed with dirty water. Even so, won’t she still study in this school with strength?”

  Well, could it be that Su Xi was the one who said this?

 No, it seems that I am the only one in this school who has experienced this.

I smiled bitterly, turned to Dou Yuhua and said, "Su Xi is not blaming you for saying these things, but I think he is right. You should consider completing your studies at this school. My friends and I I will try my best to help you. If you feel embarrassed in front of others if you go out, I think it’s okay not to go out. I can teach you how to play video games..."

“Hey, you’re misleading me. I didn’t tell her to play video games.”

Su Xi lightly knocked on my head and complained.

 But video games are really fun, and you don’t have to go out. I used to use video games to kill time when I was chased by girls at school.

 Forget it, it seems like Su Xi just doesn’t want me to stop teaching her.

I pushed Su Xi and asked him to go out for a while. I still had something to tell Dou Yuhua. Before I left, Su Xi told me that he was waiting outside the door and would tell me something later.

After watching Su Xi walk out, I immediately turned around and asked Dou Yuhua: "Although I advocate helping you, you shouldn't take action against Su Xi again, right?"

Dou Yuhua quickly shook her hand and said, "With my current status, how can I be worthy of being with Su Xi?"

I pointed at myself and told Dou Yuhua: "My status is not much better. Before this, except that I was not sold by my family, I was not much like you now. My monthly living expenses had to come from between my teeth." squeeze out."

“But I can’t even pay the tuition myself…”

“Didn’t Su Xi promise to pay you? Now you are just like me in the activity room at that time. You don’t have a dime on me, right?”

“Well, were you in such a miserable state then?”

Dou Yuhua stared at me in disbelief and said.

I anxiously asked again: "Let's not talk about this anymore. You haven't answered my question yet."

Dou Yuhua suddenly sighed and told me: "It seems that your heart has been completely captured by Su Xi... Don't worry, I know about your engagement to him, and I will never destroy other people's marriages no matter what you say." Ah. Besides, I can see that he really loves you, and you are the only one who is truly worthy of him."

"My heart is fine no matter what..." I blushed and felt relieved, but there was still one thing I was puzzled about, so I asked her, "Why do you say I deserve it now?" Fuck him? I don’t want to hear this kind of compliment because you want something from me.”

"I mean it sincerely," Dou Yuhua said quickly, "At that time, you were always wearing men's clothes, and you did look very sloppy, but now you look at your dress, if I saw it at that time, I would be ashamed of myself. The most important thing is Your character, we girls are all greedy: greedy for fame, greedy for profit, greedy for status, but you are not greedy at all, only your love for Su Xi means you really like him."

I just realized that after attending the banquet yesterday, I fell asleep in women's clothes because I was too lazy to change clothes. If Dou Yuhua knew about this, I'm afraid I would be considered sloppy again, right?

I smiled bitterly and said with a blushing face: "I don't like Su Xi that much...but I do fall in love with him a little now. I'm asking you these words just to reassure myself. Don't be offended. What, Su Xi still has something to look for." I, I’m going out first. If you want to, you can stay in this dormitory during this period. We’ll talk about everything after you settle in.”

 After I said this to her, I ran out of her room.

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