Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 143: , went to Paris

Chapter 143

Although I'm not arrogant enough to think that Su Xi should listen to me on everything, at least she should let me do it on insignificant matters. But I just brought one more person to France, and I didn't say let him Su Xi was not happy to pay for the air ticket.

I immediately complained and said: "You are so stingy. What's wrong with asking me to take Chen Li there? I just mentioned that I want you to help her apply for a visa. Why are you so unhappy? It's not like you are taking a boy. I should have known that." I won’t tell you this.”

Su Xi said with a grimace: "I thought it was just the two of us going to France together. Would I be happy if you had to bring an extra light bulb?"

Wenyan I asked unexpectedly: "Why are you going to France too? Don't you have to worry about the company's affairs?"

"It's only less than a week. It won't be a big problem if I leave it to the employees. Besides, I can also visit the French branch."

“That doesn’t stop Chen Li from going too.”

At this time, Su Xi asked me helplessly: "Do you know another name for Paris?"

 I shook my head, then turned to look at Chen Li, wondering if she knew about this.

Chen Li sighed and said to me: "Paris, also known as the dating mecca, should be the number one place in the world where couples want to go on a date."

I immediately understood Su Xi’s plan. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to date me.

 I blushed instantly.

 Speaking of it, I haven’t had a good date with Su Xi for a while... By the way, have we ever had a good date? Su Xi and I finally agreed to go on a date when my brother was coming for inspection, but later my brother caused trouble by pretending to be me and tied me up in his hotel, so I didn't even attend.

As for when we went to the beach later, we had a lot of fun, but then we were disrupted by the Dragon King's people, which made us very frightened, and we didn't even have a good time during the trip.

 Later we went to the United States together, but at that time Chen Li was in danger and I was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery of New York. Besides, I was busy attending fashion shows.

 So when I heard that Paris was a mecca for dating, I felt a little yearning for it.

 No wonder Su Xi couldn’t help but want to go to Paris alone with me.

"So," Su Xi begged Chen Li at this time, "Chen Li, just do it. This is Hao Siyu and I's first date in Paris, so please let Hao Siyu and I go to Paris."

"What a beautiful idea," Chen Li replied unceremoniously, "I must meet Aunt Song this time and learn from her. Don't say you are going on a date with Hao Siyu, even if you two are getting married and going on your honeymoon. I have to get involved too."

This guy is really rude...

Even I am beginning to complain about her, but I have promised before that I will take her with me this time. How can I not count the words I have said?

  Then we heard Chen Li say again: "But I will probably be pestering Aunt Song most of the time, so I don't have time to talk to you two. By then, wouldn't it be nice for you two to just pretend that I don't exist?"

Su Xi frowned and looked at me, as if she wanted me to say a few words.

Don't look at it, I have to keep my promise now. Even if I am on your side in my heart, I can't resist Chen Li.

After learning that she would not get any support from my side, Su Xi couldn't help but sigh, and could only say dejectedly like a defeated general: "Okay, let's take Chen Li with us."

 Chen Li immediately high-fived me happily after hearing this. Although I was in a complicated mood at this time, I didn't know if I was really happy for her.

Just two days later, we finally took off to Paris. This time, Chen Li dressed up carefully as if she was going to attend a fashion show. It was obvious that she had put a lot of effort into it. She probably planned to leave a good impression in front of Aunt Song. Impression.

When we arrived at the place, Aunt Song sent a special person to pick us up. When I noticed that the person was a local, I was a little worried about what I would do if I didn’t speak French.

Who would have known that she would say to us as soon as we met: "Are you the team that Sister Song mentioned? I'm waiting here to pick you up and take you to the hotel. Take a rest first and then I'll tell you about the schedule."

Su Xi waved her hand and refused and said, "It's not necessary. We have booked a room in a high-end hotel ourselves. Just take us to this address." Su Xi handed her a note.

I didn’t expect that this person could speak Chinese so well. To me, the strange accent that foreigners have when speaking Chinese no longer sounded to me. If I were blindfolded, I would never recognize this person as a foreigner.

After receiving the address, the man immediately took us to the parking lot, and then got into a large van. Once inside, I realized that this was a place that could double as a dressing room. It was like a first-class actor would use it. something on.

I immediately asked uneasily: "Could it be that we are going to attend the fashion show as soon as we land, right? Aunt Song clearly told me that it will only start after the show."

The man answered me: "Of course the fashion show won't start until tomorrow, but today I have to meet with investors and the venue provider, and Sister Song also needs to attend."

“Then there’s no need to be so anxious to put on makeup in the car, right?”

The man smiled bitterly and said, "No... I only have this car..."

Hmm, that’s what happened. I accidentally poked someone else’s scar.

But this person is also devoted enough to his career, and the only car he owns is actually related to work. If he wasn't such a person, Aunt Song wouldn't trust her to pick us up, right?

But it was obvious that Su Xi and Chen Li were not very happy to pick them up in this kind of car. Although the space in the van was originally very large, after putting so many dressing tables, there was basically only room for two people. Now But we have three people to squeeze in here. The person who picks us up doesn't have to squeeze in with us, because she has to drive. As for the passenger, there is also a deputy of that person with her, so there is no way for us to move over.

Although I also thought about asking the deputy to come over so that one of us could sit more relaxedly, but then I thought about how we are all friends and it would be more lively if we were together. Besides, friends should share joys and sorrows.

The car drove for about half an hour. Along the way, I saw the beautiful scenery of Paris, but we didn’t have much time to appreciate it in the van. Besides, the windows of the van were very small, only a little bit, so we couldn’t enjoy it at all.

It seems that in the free time after the fashion show, it is necessary to follow Su Xi around Paris.

Just like that, we arrived in front of Aunt Song. Aunt Song was waiting for us at the door of the building. This shocked the person who sent us here. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "How can we let Sister Song come to pick us up in person?"

Aunt Song said nonchalantly: "What's the point? The people here are my godson and goddaughter-in-law, and their best friends. I'm here to meet my relatives, do I have to put on a show? I'm just here He is just a designer. When I go to Su’s house, his parents treat me like a friend and come to pick me up at the door. "

 When I heard this, I felt warm in my heart. Sure enough, how you treat others will determine how you respond.

After arriving in front of us, Aunt Song told us: "The people here today are all related to the fashion show. Su Xi, Chen Li and you will go to another place to rest and have something to eat in a while. I will take my goddaughter with me." Just let the two of you talk about it.”

Su Xi nodded and agreed, then looked at me a little uneasily and said, "Then you can only deal with this matter by yourself, is that okay?"

 “Honestly, I’m very nervous, but I’ll hold on.”

 I clenched my fists and made a small decision in my heart.

Su Xi sighed when she saw me like this and asked, "I think it's better for me to follow Hao Siyu. I'm really worried about her being alone."

Aunt Song quickly persuaded: "If you keep following her like this, how long will it take for her to grow up? Don't forget that I promised to bring her into a person worthy of your Su family, so don't come and cause trouble for me."

I couldn't help but blush when I heard this, but my heart became firmer.

At this time, Chen Li suddenly went up and put her arms around Aunt Song and said, "Aunt Song, I am the friend Chen Li mentioned. It is an honor to meet such a world-famous fashion designer as you."

Aunt Song smiled slightly and said, "Good boy, you are really good at talking. Don't worry. I treat Hao Siyu as my own daughter, and I will definitely help you accomplish whatever you promise her."

Hearing this, Chen Li happily let her go, and then left with Su Xi.

 “Then let’s go.”

Aunt Song said and led me into the restaurant. French cuisine and Chinese cuisine are both known as one of the three most beautiful things in the world. However, unlike Chinese cuisine, which is grown up among the people, French cuisine is full of a high-end atmosphere. Listening to it, Aunt Song told me that this is a place where it usually takes more than a month to book before entering.

But I’ve been to a French restaurant before where the queue took more than two months to get in, so I wasn’t too surprised.

Aunt Song felt a little bored when she saw that I had no surprised reaction, but she had no time to tease me anymore, and soon we walked to the people involved in this fashion show.

Originally, I was worried about how to greet them since I didn’t speak French, but they greeted me in Chinese first.

“It turns out that Miss Song has such a beautiful goddaughter, which is really enviable. I am Mr. Robert, the patron of this fashion show. Nice to meet you.”

“With such a beautiful woman as our ace model, this fashion show is really exciting. My name is Mr. Martin, and I am the venue provider of this fashion show. Nice to meet you.”

 After I shook hands with them respectively, I announced my name and asked curiously: "My name is Hao Siyu. Why do you all speak Chinese so well? Is Chinese so popular in France?"

 Hearing what I said, both of them laughed.

Mr. Martin told me: "Beauty, you are so funny. How can it be possible to popularize Chinese in France? It's just that we respect Miss Song, so we learned Chinese by ourselves."

I didn’t expect that Aunt Song was such a beloved person in the fashion industry, and would actually make them learn Chinese on their own initiative. I really can’t help but admire her.

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